Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Power 90 - Day 18 - Sweat

This week I'm changing the routine a bit.  The regular cardio dvd is great, but not all that exciting. So, this week, I changed off and started using the "Power 90 Fat Burning System", which is an extra video in the set.  I love it!!!!  It's fun!  It's exciting!  It's just plan cool!  AND!  I get to use my medicine ball!

First of all, it's filmed in Hawaii, where the other video is in a plain room with a blue background & two assistants who look bored to death.  P90 FBS dvd has a lot of happy people in the background who are really going at it.  That's much more inspiring.  

Any who, I'm going to stick with that one for cardio for at least another week.  Then I'll use it once a week to break up the monotony.  : )

So, excellent sweat-to-death workout.  Can't wait till tomorrow.  I'm going to try the next level up on sculpting just to see how it goes.  

Today's bright side - I've lost 1/2" off my waist.  : )

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