Took the cats (Bindi, Jeffie & Squeeky) camping last night. We camped below the dam of our pond. They had the time of their wee lives!
In the first hour, Bindi fell out of a tree. That ended that. He lost interest in climbing and decided the dam was safer.
As darkness set in, I watched their silhouettes jumping in the air trying to catch bugs.
Then I noticed a firefly had made it's home on the screen of the bivy. I couldn't figure out why, until I looked down and saw the light flashing now and again on my walkie. Guess it was trying to court a cute red-bellied firefly. Would have been a bit of a shock to it if it tried to mate a walkie. LOL
Anyway, they bug hunted for a few hours and then I made the boys come to bed. Squeeky refused, so she spent the night roaming the field. Jeffie was happy about it. He went to the foot of the bivy and stared out the little window till he fell asleep.
Bindi, on the other hand, was a royal pain. He was like a little kid on an overdose of sugar. LOL Thought I'd never get him to sleep.
Right now, Bindi is still at it. He's running around outside and Jeffie and Squeeky are sacked out on the futon.
We're going back up later today. I need to get some AVON stuff done first. Tonite's our last night to get to campout this week. It's starts raining tomorrow nite again. *sulk*
I'll post pics later. I forgot and left my camera at camp.

In the first hour, Bindi fell out of a tree. That ended that. He lost interest in climbing and decided the dam was safer.
As darkness set in, I watched their silhouettes jumping in the air trying to catch bugs.
Then I noticed a firefly had made it's home on the screen of the bivy. I couldn't figure out why, until I looked down and saw the light flashing now and again on my walkie. Guess it was trying to court a cute red-bellied firefly. Would have been a bit of a shock to it if it tried to mate a walkie. LOL
Anyway, they bug hunted for a few hours and then I made the boys come to bed. Squeeky refused, so she spent the night roaming the field. Jeffie was happy about it. He went to the foot of the bivy and stared out the little window till he fell asleep.
Bindi, on the other hand, was a royal pain. He was like a little kid on an overdose of sugar. LOL Thought I'd never get him to sleep.
Right now, Bindi is still at it. He's running around outside and Jeffie and Squeeky are sacked out on the futon.
We're going back up later today. I need to get some AVON stuff done first. Tonite's our last night to get to campout this week. It's starts raining tomorrow nite again. *sulk*
I'll post pics later. I forgot and left my camera at camp.
Sounds like a perfect day.
I hope you get to camp out again before the rain hits.
Poor firefly doesn't get out enough I guess.
Have a great day.
Sounds like a lot of fun. Looking forward to seeing some pictures. Have fun today. Hugs.
Camping out again tonight. The boys will be happy, even though they were so tired from last night that they've slept all day. LOL
One of the students mom works with at school couldn't believe I actually take my cats hiking and camping. I guess it does seem a little weird to see them line up, chase each other up the trail, etc. LOL
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