Beautiful day out. Heading outside to read for awhile.
Nothing much has been happening. Jeff had a nasty asthma attack over the weekend. Freaked me out. He and Bindi have really had a hard time this season. Bindi sits around sneezing snot on my bed. He loves to share. LOL
Chubby has butt problems. I've been using a homemade mixture of plantain, lemon juice and witchhazel on it. It's doing wonders.
Spotty came in with an infected wound in the side of his neck. I hate puss. He's doing better now.
Barely been on my scooter since last post. Thursday and Friday I went out delivering AVON brochures. That was fun. Made a couple sales. Needed them bad because I'm trying to get enough money to buy a mini-laptop.
It's a cool little netbook! The stats on it are exactly the same as mom's emachine, but this is only 6.7 x 9.8 x 1.4 inches. : ) It barely weighs a thing. They claim it's 2.4 pounds. I swear it weighs less.
Anyway, it's $298 bucks and I hope to have it by August. : )
Watched an awesome movie Sunday, called, "Lost in Austen." If you love Jane Austen, you've got to see this one! The scoop: Amanda gets transported back to the time of Pride & Prejudice. Elizabeth Bennett takes her place in the modern world, falls in love with it and never wants to leave.
Meanwhile, Amanda tries to adjust to her new world and proceeds to botch the entire world of P & P up. It's hilarious! Especially when Amanda finally finds her way back to her own time and has to borrow Elizabeth Bennett's cell phone to make a call. ROFL
Anyway, I put a poll up at Wrinkle World. It's in today's entry.
Posted my opinion of Neda at Squibbler. Not for the politically sensitive. I'm sure you're all shocked by that. LOL
Catch ya later!
Nothing much has been happening. Jeff had a nasty asthma attack over the weekend. Freaked me out. He and Bindi have really had a hard time this season. Bindi sits around sneezing snot on my bed. He loves to share. LOL
Chubby has butt problems. I've been using a homemade mixture of plantain, lemon juice and witchhazel on it. It's doing wonders.
Spotty came in with an infected wound in the side of his neck. I hate puss. He's doing better now.
Barely been on my scooter since last post. Thursday and Friday I went out delivering AVON brochures. That was fun. Made a couple sales. Needed them bad because I'm trying to get enough money to buy a mini-laptop.
Anyway, it's $298 bucks and I hope to have it by August. : )
Watched an awesome movie Sunday, called, "Lost in Austen." If you love Jane Austen, you've got to see this one! The scoop: Amanda gets transported back to the time of Pride & Prejudice. Elizabeth Bennett takes her place in the modern world, falls in love with it and never wants to leave.
Meanwhile, Amanda tries to adjust to her new world and proceeds to botch the entire world of P & P up. It's hilarious! Especially when Amanda finally finds her way back to her own time and has to borrow Elizabeth Bennett's cell phone to make a call. ROFL
Anyway, I put a poll up at Wrinkle World. It's in today's entry.
Posted my opinion of Neda at Squibbler. Not for the politically sensitive. I'm sure you're all shocked by that. LOL
Catch ya later!
I saw the Lost in Austen series and it was wonderful.
The only problem is that the series ended!
Hope you can get the computer.
Heading over to read Squibbler now.
I really miss it when you don't post.
I would have loved to see the series. The movie was so fun!
BTW, the "...women are stupid..." post was hilarious! still giggling at that one. : )
Even a "drive by" is appreciated..miss the blogs
Thanks Lo.
yo slips off across the floor, fighting another bout of vertigo. at least i'm not spiderman on the side of a skyscraper when his hit.
You've turned into quit a little Vet in your on right for the kitties. Your getting so you can just about fix up anything for them. I've seen those little lap tops on QVC once when I was checking in there. They are really cute. Sure hope you can get one. Good to hear from you. Hugs.
lol, just call me Dr. Doolittle Jr. I feel sorry for the cats. They can't escape my medical experiments. LOL
I think I'll be able to pull it off (iy"h). It will mean August will be a super tough month, but since my PC is giving me major fits and sometimes it takes up to 4 attempts to get it started - I think a little back up would be smart.
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