Hey guys! Haven't been around much because:
1. Sinus headaches to no end.
2. Vertigo! (curse you evil vertigo!!!!)
3. More headaches!
4. Muscle spasms in me arms.
I did, however (unfortunately), made it out to see "Land of the Lost," yesterday and left a mini-note of it on utterly. Big mistake going to the movie. Worst one I've seen in years.
It was so bad, that after the first 30 minutes - hardly anyone was laughing or making any response whatsoever. When the pain and suffering were over and parents were leading their little kids out of the threatre - the kids had this,"What the heck was that?" look on their face. Mamash confused little kids and rightfully so!
No one was talking. They just sorta stared blankly straight ahead and went to their cars.
I've never been to a movie before where no one came out talking about it. Then again, I've never seen a threatre with so few people. Now I know why. It wasn't worth seeing.
Anyway! It was definitely not a show for kids to see...much less adults, unless you get into masturbation (that was the humans) and watching monkey boy grab what's-her-names left boob throughout the show.
So how did we unsuspecting suckers end up there? Well, most of the people who showed were my age. In other words, kids who grew up watching the original (and better) Land of the Lost.
Since it was a remake, we figured it would be ok to be there. Sci-fi channel did their part by running re-runs of the old "Land of the Lost." It brought back fond memories. We dropped our guard.
I'm sure some of you are thinking, "Will Ferrell. Didn't that give you a clue to stay away?"
No. It didn't. Because quite frankly, I was completely unfamiliar with his work and now - I never want to see any more of it.
"Didn't you bother to read the rating and little side things that you should be aware of?" you ask.
Duh! "Land of the Lost!" Decent show! Why would I even begin to think that some sick, depraved mind would turn it into a plotless, not funny, vulgar pile of crap.
So that's my summary of the movie. A plotless, not funny, vulgar pile of crap.
To Will Ferrell, I offer a quote from Phyllis Dillar, "If you have to use cuss words to make people laugh - you're not funny." Hey Will, add masturbation and crude sexual content to the list - and you're not funny. That pretty much sums you up.
Technorati Tags: land of the lost, will ferrell, movie review

1. Sinus headaches to no end.
2. Vertigo! (curse you evil vertigo!!!!)
3. More headaches!
4. Muscle spasms in me arms.
I did, however (unfortunately), made it out to see "Land of the Lost," yesterday and left a mini-note of it on utterly. Big mistake going to the movie. Worst one I've seen in years.
It was so bad, that after the first 30 minutes - hardly anyone was laughing or making any response whatsoever. When the pain and suffering were over and parents were leading their little kids out of the threatre - the kids had this,"What the heck was that?" look on their face. Mamash confused little kids and rightfully so!
No one was talking. They just sorta stared blankly straight ahead and went to their cars.
I've never been to a movie before where no one came out talking about it. Then again, I've never seen a threatre with so few people. Now I know why. It wasn't worth seeing.
Anyway! It was definitely not a show for kids to see...much less adults, unless you get into masturbation (that was the humans) and watching monkey boy grab what's-her-names left boob throughout the show.
So how did we unsuspecting suckers end up there? Well, most of the people who showed were my age. In other words, kids who grew up watching the original (and better) Land of the Lost.
Since it was a remake, we figured it would be ok to be there. Sci-fi channel did their part by running re-runs of the old "Land of the Lost." It brought back fond memories. We dropped our guard.
I'm sure some of you are thinking, "Will Ferrell. Didn't that give you a clue to stay away?"
No. It didn't. Because quite frankly, I was completely unfamiliar with his work and now - I never want to see any more of it.
"Didn't you bother to read the rating and little side things that you should be aware of?" you ask.
Duh! "Land of the Lost!" Decent show! Why would I even begin to think that some sick, depraved mind would turn it into a plotless, not funny, vulgar pile of crap.
So that's my summary of the movie. A plotless, not funny, vulgar pile of crap.
To Will Ferrell, I offer a quote from Phyllis Dillar, "If you have to use cuss words to make people laugh - you're not funny." Hey Will, add masturbation and crude sexual content to the list - and you're not funny. That pretty much sums you up.
Technorati Tags: land of the lost, will ferrell, movie review
I am so glad you wrote this. We can't stand Will Ferrell but the spot on FV where the dino jumps the bridge made us think it might be work seeing. Now NO WAY!
The previews definitely made it look like a great movie AND clean. Totally misleading.
The only two genuinely funny parts were the opening and closing. He's being interviewed by Matt Lauer and it's funny.
Not all his movies were awful. But over all I don't like what he does.
On Youtube there is a video he made using his 2 year old daughter to be his drunken land lady. He has her using some dirty language.
It is hard to imagine a man teaching such stuff to a child.
Hope you're feeling better.
I dispise vertigo worse than anything.
I once had an attack in the water and almost drowned. I stay out of water now though I always loved to go in.But, that was enough to let me see it's not worth the chance.
I never did like Will Ferrell so I know we never would go to see it but I'm glad to know how you feel so I can pass it on to my kids and grand kids. Great news about nephews dog. Have fun exploring the 100+ acres. Hugs
my own policy is to avoid movie remakes of tv shows
they have no reason to exist and aren't likely to be any good
yip. lesson learned.
They're doing a remake of Commando. Even with The Rock in it, it will stink.
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If'n ya wanna take part, it does give something to blog about.
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