Friday, August 21, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Little Bo's Morning of Horror
This morning I let Little Bo out to play. She was having fun fooling around in the morning glory, which creeps up one of the posts on the porch. While she was being her usual silly self - it happened. Jeff knocked everything off the bookcase, sending it crashing to the floor. On the way down, Jeff collided with my telescope. It smashed into the arm of the futon and the lenses went flying across the floor.
Little Bo was in a panic. She couldn't run inside like the night before when she got scared, because that's where the racket was coming from. The only option left was to make a mad dash for the shed. Wrong move. In a flash, Squeeky was hot on her trail. Then Chubby! Followed by Spotty! It was a mess. Thankfully, Little Bo managed to dodge them all.
Meanwhile, I shot after Jeff yelling at him for possibly ruining nearly four weeks of training Little Bo. He's on my black list for the day.
I spent the next hour trying every trick in the book to get Little Bo back inside. I even tried trapping her again. It didn't work. In the end, I had to surrender to taking the trash down before the garbage truck came. It was the best move of the morning. Jeff and Bindi followed me into the cottage and Little Bo came right behind.
So, that's been my morning. I'm still mad at Jeff. Little Bo is hiding under my bed and I'm finally off to finish breakfast and grab a cuppa tea. : )
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Jealous Jeff
Jeff's been on my laptop playing with google. After a few hours, Jeff threw my laptop across the room. He's mad because there's stuff called, "mad-cow disease!" "swine flu!" "bird flu!"
So, Jeff and Little Bo sat down with some paper and crayons and created their own list of new diseases:
- Bubonic Bo!
- Jeff-a-lumps! (looks like mumps, but these have lots of hair)
- Bindibumps! (massive zits! Really really big ones! Pop them and they meow.)
- Bindi Pox
- Jeff's Itch! (he gave it to Little Bo and LB keeps rubbing her itchy butt across the chair stool & carpet.)
- St. Jeffie's Dance (don't ask)
I'd include their drawings, but this is a Rated G site.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Here’s me lil’ essay on obama’s beer party.
Far too many people have looked at Obama's beer party on the lawn as no big deal. It's a guy thing. It's what they do. Who cares? Parents should, and here's why….read more.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Give me liberty...
Todays speech tidbits come from Patrick Henry, most famous for his line "Give me liberty, or give me death." The "Give me liberty…" speech was made in March 1775. Though the speech was directed at the oppression of Britain, it's quite fitting towards the illegal alien occupying the White House and his cronies, who like himself, hate the Constitution and are slowly taking our freedoms away one by one. So, Henry's speech, like Paine's, is quite appropriate.
With that said - here we go:
"If we wish to be free…we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight!
…The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave...There is no retreat but in submission and slavery. Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable - and let it come!
It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry peace, peace - but there is no peace. The war is actually begun!
…Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty G-d! I know not what course others may take - but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Thomas Paine: The Crisis (1776)
"These are the times that try men's souls. That summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country: but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; 'tis dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed, if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated…
I call not upon a few, but upon all; not on this state or that state, but on every state; up and help us; lay your shoulders to the wheel; better have too much force than too little, when so great an object is at state. Let it be told to the future world, that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive, that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet and to repulse it… 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I'm so confused…
So tonite I'm out with Little Bo trying to work on the "trust" factor, when up pops Blackie, her mom, who happens not to be her mom, but one of her dads. Yes, I finally got a good view of Blackie and Blackie has balls!
So go figure. Since when do male cats raise kittens? He took three kittens, to my door and showed them where to get food. When LB was lost or wherever LB was, He crazy trying to find her.
So who is the mom? I'm guessing it's Kitty. When Kitty gave birth to the original crowd, she was the worst mother on earth - she kept trying to kill them and I had to make her lie down and feed the little buggers.
This time, if they are really hers, she totally abandoned them and left them to the father. LoL
So that's the latest on LB and her totally dysfunctional family.
BTW, she's trying really hard to get as physically close to me as she can. She got within a few feet of me tonight and hung with me all evening. That was cool. : )
Friday, July 10, 2009
Revenge is sweet
This morning the masked bandit family bit the dust. Jerry didn't answer his phone this morning, as usual, and he's heading for Cols for the weekend, so I shot them. Not Jerry and his wife - I shot the coons.
Surprisingly, it didn't bother me one bit. Last nite I'd stepped out onto the porch and all 4 started growling and charged me.
Then one slipped around the side of the cottage and I heard a cat cry out, which meant it got attacked.
Then this morning, one played Houdini and escaped. It attacked Jeff. So, after watching all that happened, I realised they really were the ones who killed the kittens.
That's what made it easy to shoot them. Revenge. I don't care what anyone says - revenge is sweet and I feel quite happy now.
That probably sounds cruel, but for the past few days Blackie has been scouring Little Bo's hangouts crying for him. It's heartbreaking.
On an interesting note. They killed 3 kittens. I killed 3 small coons, plus their mother. When I killed her, I said, "That's for breaking their mother's heart." And bang.
If I'd only listened to mom to begin with the kittens would still be alive. She kept saying shoot the coons. But nooooo, I had to be compassionate and tell mom I couldn't shoot or trap the mother because she had kids.
Oddly, she showed up with the whole family, got trapped and now they're gone.
It's nice to know I don't have to worry about the cats being attacked for awhile. I won't get into how much money I'll save in cat food, as they were eating everything that went out.
Now if the possum who showed up last nite behaves - we'll have some peace at the cottage. : )
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The Squeeky Bandits Gang
Outside in what I call the jail, Spotty spends a lot of time there here lately, are 3 young coons. In a live trap next to their jail cell, is their mom. It took awhile to get her trapped. She was slightly shy since I'd already trapped her twice in the past 5 days. But she's trapped nonetheless.
I caught them eating all the cat food on the porch. I'd put out extra food for Blackie the Gimp. Anyway, I couldn't make them leave. They haven't learned that humans are to be feared yet. So I left them to the food.
I checked on them a little bit later and low and behold, in the big water pan was one of the little ones enjoying a good bath. Well, it wasn't really a bath, it had it's little paws going along the bottom feeling for food. It was kinda funny, if you forgot the cats drink from that thing. Crikey! How many nights have those naughty little beasts been sticking their stinky butt and feet in there? Oy!
Anyway, once they left the porch, I tried to scare them off with my pistol. They never budged. It was like I'd never done a thing. Why is that? I think it's because they hear guns going off all the time. If they lived in a wood that was quiet, the loud sounds would have scared them off. Sadly, they live in a very noisy world. Not only with audio, but light noise as well. There's no place in this section of the valley that's dark. There's street lights every where.
The lack of genuine darkness has changed their eating and foraging habits. Nocturnals now spend almost as much time, it seems, hunting by day as by night.
Anyway, off my theories and on to tomorrow. I have to call Jerry before he leaves for Columbus. I need him to help me ditch the coons before he goes to Columbus for the weekend. Who knows, maybe his wife would be interested in seeing the young ones before they go. He has the truck, so it should be an easy transport.
What I like is that they'll be relocated as a family. On the other hand, if they're the ones who killed my precious Bo, I hope someone shoots them all.
Monday, July 6, 2009
A morning quickie!
Anyway, still trying to get close enough to get a pic. No luck yet.
Now for a k'vetch. I hate July 4. The neighbours will be shooting fireworks off for an enternity. One landed a few feet from my bedroom window. I wasn't happy.
I was luckier than my Uncle Mick in Middleport. One sailed right into his attic window. That brought the cops over real quick like. Mick, the guy who was launching literally several thousand dollars worth off in the old football field will be paying for that one.
I've been afraid one may land on one of the cats or deer. An object shaped like an arrow and sinks deep in the ground when it lands will penetrate an animal with no problem.
Anyway, that's the weekend news. Oh wait! One more thing. My Aunt Mimmie gave me $50 to put towards my mini-laptop! I'm one super happy camper! : )
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Cute one for the day!
"What was Michael Jackson?"
YES!!! I love it!!! All this hullabaloo about Jackson being known world wide and who couldn't possibly know who Jackson was and here's this little kid, somewhere in Liverpool, England who doesn't know.
Good boy, Joel! You never missed a thing. : )
On to other stuff! I was really worried today because I hadn't seen the kittens since early yesterday morning. I even went hunting for them. Then, tonight I went out to put a little more food in their bowl and add fresh water. Just as I got round the corner to where I feed them, I saw a tiny little bottom, with it's tail straight up, hopping through the high grass into the barn. LOL It was sooo cute!!! I wish I'd had my video cam!
That was today's highlight. The rest was me trying to stay awake from being up most of the night because of the cats and because the room was too quiet. Tonite I should sleep really well. I found my fan and it's running now. : )
Outa here for the night. I'm trying to organise me lil' office. It's a mess. Too many papers and projects mixed together. yuck.
Catch ya later!
Monday, June 29, 2009
2nd post of the day.
Another all nighter
Not much more to say. I've updated my Avon blogs and am getting ready to do a major clean on my living room. Starting with the ceiling and ceiling fan. Did I mention I hate cleaning ceiling fans? : )
Make it a great day!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
google suks
So, I take it someone else is on facebook and never told me either? I feel snubbed. (grin)
Friday, June 26, 2009
For some stupid reason, Facebook has blocked me out and google won't let me comment on my own site. Twits!!!
So, here's my response to Judy and Lemon on "on my way to Athens."
"Judy, I go to Athens to shop. It has a bigger Walmart, a Kroger, movie theatres, and a bunch of other stuff that don't exist nearby.
Lemon: Yes I do have to look better! That's why I shave my head with a Flowbee. Sleep with at least 3 cats, so I'll smell fresh in the morning! So there!
My trip to Walmart was super exciting. I bought Wacky Mac (kosher version of mac n' cheese), and spent the rest of the day whining because they ran out of my Bamba peanut butter snacks and Osem Mediterranean Pickles. The scumbags. Shame on them.
That was it. I know, that kind of excitement isn't good for my dystonia, but hey! You only live once. Unless you're a cat. (Yes, yes, yes, thank you Jeff.)
PS: Judy. Good thing you never asked your kids. : )"
Friday Freebie
I haven't put up a wordsearch puzzle in a long time, so today you're finally getting a new one called "Wild Bird Hunt!" I've got some pretty weird names tossed in the pile. Hope you enjoy it!
Nothing happening here. Still wrestling with vertigo so I'm avoiding my scooter as much as possible.
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
on my way to athens
Pic of the Burrito Buggy, found on the corner of Court & Union streets, is posted to make the Lemon homesick for Athens. No, BB isn't kosher, but there would probably be no Ohio University without it. Therefore - I post pic. : )
(History of OU, according to the Yo.) OU was founded in 1804. They chose Athens because there was this lovely place to eat on the corner of Court & Union called the Burrito Chuck Wagon!
It proved to be a convenient and cheap place for the 2.5 students to eat at and in time, a franchise of Burrito Chuck Wagons began. The franchise was started, as I'm sure you're curious to know, by the .5 student who tended to be overlooked because of his .5-ness.
And more trivia for enquiring minds - .5 used to be 1.0, until the Burrito Chuck Wagon's emergency brake broke and .5 of him was squished beneath it's tortilla shaped wheels.
Some say, the .5 of him squished into the dust looked like salsa. So much so, that it took a good 3 hours before anyone was able to look at a burrito without thinking of him.
They buried the squished .5 wrapped in a tortilla, topped with salsa and sour cream beside the University Gateway on the College Green.
So! See! There really would be no OU in Athens without the Buggy.
And now you know why I haven't been posting lately. I have nothing to say. (happy grin. yo saunters off to Athens.)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Another drive-by post
Nothing much has been happening. Jeff had a nasty asthma attack over the weekend. Freaked me out. He and Bindi have really had a hard time this season. Bindi sits around sneezing snot on my bed. He loves to share. LOL
Chubby has butt problems. I've been using a homemade mixture of plantain, lemon juice and witchhazel on it. It's doing wonders.
Spotty came in with an infected wound in the side of his neck. I hate puss. He's doing better now.
Barely been on my scooter since last post. Thursday and Friday I went out delivering AVON brochures. That was fun. Made a couple sales. Needed them bad because I'm trying to get enough money to buy a mini-laptop.
Anyway, it's $298 bucks and I hope to have it by August. : )
Watched an awesome movie Sunday, called, "Lost in Austen." If you love Jane Austen, you've got to see this one! The scoop: Amanda gets transported back to the time of Pride & Prejudice. Elizabeth Bennett takes her place in the modern world, falls in love with it and never wants to leave.
Meanwhile, Amanda tries to adjust to her new world and proceeds to botch the entire world of P & P up. It's hilarious! Especially when Amanda finally finds her way back to her own time and has to borrow Elizabeth Bennett's cell phone to make a call. ROFL
Anyway, I put a poll up at Wrinkle World. It's in today's entry.
Posted my opinion of Neda at Squibbler. Not for the politically sensitive. I'm sure you're all shocked by that. LOL
Catch ya later!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
drive by note...
The scoop goes:
1. I haven't felt well and have been laying low, with a couple of exceptions. I went hiking Sunday. It was fun.
2. I just printed out the first book of my mini-moose series so I can begin the editing process. (remember Nanowrimo novel month in november?)
3. I've been cartooning on the side. Trying out new techniques and stuff.
4. Yesterday I broke the 3000 mile mark on a trip to Walmart in WVA. That was cool. Rex goes in for his 3,000 mile check up next month. : )
And that's pretty much it. It's been reallllllllyyy boring.
I'll catch up on everyone's blog tomorrow. I'm heading off to tinker with mini-moose and get to bed early.
Nite all! : )
Monday, June 8, 2009
checking in
1. Sinus headaches to no end.
2. Vertigo! (curse you evil vertigo!!!!)
3. More headaches!
4. Muscle spasms in me arms.
I did, however (unfortunately), made it out to see "Land of the Lost," yesterday and left a mini-note of it on utterly. Big mistake going to the movie. Worst one I've seen in years.
It was so bad, that after the first 30 minutes - hardly anyone was laughing or making any response whatsoever. When the pain and suffering were over and parents were leading their little kids out of the threatre - the kids had this,"What the heck was that?" look on their face. Mamash confused little kids and rightfully so!
No one was talking. They just sorta stared blankly straight ahead and went to their cars.
I've never been to a movie before where no one came out talking about it. Then again, I've never seen a threatre with so few people. Now I know why. It wasn't worth seeing.
Anyway! It was definitely not a show for kids to see...much less adults, unless you get into masturbation (that was the humans) and watching monkey boy grab what's-her-names left boob throughout the show.
So how did we unsuspecting suckers end up there? Well, most of the people who showed were my age. In other words, kids who grew up watching the original (and better) Land of the Lost.
Since it was a remake, we figured it would be ok to be there. Sci-fi channel did their part by running re-runs of the old "Land of the Lost." It brought back fond memories. We dropped our guard.
I'm sure some of you are thinking, "Will Ferrell. Didn't that give you a clue to stay away?"
No. It didn't. Because quite frankly, I was completely unfamiliar with his work and now - I never want to see any more of it.
"Didn't you bother to read the rating and little side things that you should be aware of?" you ask.
Duh! "Land of the Lost!" Decent show! Why would I even begin to think that some sick, depraved mind would turn it into a plotless, not funny, vulgar pile of crap.
So that's my summary of the movie. A plotless, not funny, vulgar pile of crap.
To Will Ferrell, I offer a quote from Phyllis Dillar, "If you have to use cuss words to make people laugh - you're not funny." Hey Will, add masturbation and crude sexual content to the list - and you're not funny. That pretty much sums you up.
Technorati Tags: land of the lost, will ferrell, movie review
Monday, June 1, 2009
Hopefully, having two dogs shot by the neighbours should teach him a lesson. Then again, he's not all the bright and probably won't catch on.
Little nephew goes into the army tomorrow. Tonight is his last night of freedom. Bet he's eating all his favourite foods. :)
Crazy nite!
In the first hour, Bindi fell out of a tree. That ended that. He lost interest in climbing and decided the dam was safer.
As darkness set in, I watched their silhouettes jumping in the air trying to catch bugs.
Then I noticed a firefly had made it's home on the screen of the bivy. I couldn't figure out why, until I looked down and saw the light flashing now and again on my walkie. Guess it was trying to court a cute red-bellied firefly. Would have been a bit of a shock to it if it tried to mate a walkie. LOL
Anyway, they bug hunted for a few hours and then I made the boys come to bed. Squeeky refused, so she spent the night roaming the field. Jeffie was happy about it. He went to the foot of the bivy and stared out the little window till he fell asleep.
Bindi, on the other hand, was a royal pain. He was like a little kid on an overdose of sugar. LOL Thought I'd never get him to sleep.
Right now, Bindi is still at it. He's running around outside and Jeffie and Squeeky are sacked out on the futon.
We're going back up later today. I need to get some AVON stuff done first. Tonite's our last night to get to campout this week. It's starts raining tomorrow nite again. *sulk*
I'll post pics later. I forgot and left my camera at camp.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Gone till Sunday nite or Monday
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
early morning terror...
me: "I don't know. It's that time of year when everyone commits suicide."
Mom: "It's gray."
me: "WHAT???"
Mom: "The cats gray, dead on the road."
me: "BINDI!!!! BINDI!!!! BINDI!!!!"
I'm running all out toward the road, angry that I hadn't kept an eye on Bindi this morning and mad at him for not staying away from the road. He and the road are magnets.
I get to the end of the drive and there's a short haired gray cat. He's been hit in the head, just enough to pretty much knock his eyes backwards.
I turn around and face the bridge. "It's not fair!!! It's just not fair!!!" Bindi was going to be an orphan and not understand why. I turned back to the poor little baby lying on the road.
me: "Please don't have white paws. Please don't have white paws."
I brace myself and look around his body. I'm cursing my lousy vision and lean closer. No white.
I turn back towards the bridge and walk to the cottage, fists clenched and shaking. I call for the boys and eventually they show up before I arrive. Mom looks out and sees the boys.
mom: "Ok. There they are. I'm leaving before I'm late for school."
The boys dodge mom's car as she backs around and I continue lecturing them on staying away from the road.
By the time I got back to bury the unknown cat, some stupid redneck had run over him again. It was a purposeful hit. The cat was clearly out of the way of the car. I hate rednecks.
I scraped what was left off the road and buried the little fellow beside the other little fellow I buried last week.
At this rate - it's going to be a long Spring and I just may have to create a new cemetary. This one is filling up with coons and unknown cats.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The Trail that Led Nowhere...
Strouds Run is beautiful! It's got a massive lake and perfect for birdwatching!
The park's not so great when it comes to hiking. I spent 45 minutes (give or take a few seconds) trying to find a trail that actually went somewhere and then trying to find trail heads announced by a sign.
I was really frustrated. By the time I discovered a trail that had potential (of going further than 100 yards or so - there's 15.5 miles of trail), the sky had darkened with thunder in the background. I had to leave...but not before doing something I normally would never do - I pulled out me lil' Swiss army knife and snipped off a couple fern fronds! :)
I ID'ed them when I got back. One was a Silvery Glade fern and the other an x-mas fern. They're drying in a book. :)
Anyway, here's a pic of the first trail I tried out:
Looks impressive, doesn't it? Too bad it didn't go anywhere. Well, it did. It led back to the road, about 200 yards away. LOL
In spite of the frustration, it was still a pretty cool trip. Why? I got to drive about 40 minutes home in a downpour - it was a blast! :)
Not sure if I'm going on any adventures tomorrow. We'll have to wait and see. :)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Pre-hike post...the night before!
Bear in mind, most of the time I'm on the road I have no signal. That's because I'm with AT&T and it has more bars in more places....NOT!
Ok! So anyway, keep an eye out starting Monday (if you're online) for my daily mini-blogs. How's that for lazy!
Have a fun Memorial Day! And remember! Don't drink and use your cane!
Yo - the missing link!
Last week I went to Burr Oak and walked part of the BT there. It was mamash hot. The yellow blaze marks the beginning of the Robert & Mary Lou Paton trail, which also leads to the BT trail a short bit down the trail. The pics I took of the blue & yellow blazes on the trees turned out blurry. dang.
Anyway, I got a bit sick and had to fight my way home. The heat is starting to play with my dystonia & Red Bull is about the only thing helping me with fatigue attacks. LOL
Tomorrow is the Coleman Memorial Day reunion. boring. I'm going just because it's at Lake Alma and I want to hike the 1 mile trail. :) IY"H, I'll get to go to Old Man's Cave, Tuesday. There's a good 50 or 60% chance of thunderstorms. I don't mind the rain when it's warm. Feels good.
Anyway! I'm off to the library. Want to look up a bunch of plants and read more on snakes & spiders. I know! I could do it on the net, but I still think it's more fun with actual books. :)
Have a fun Memorial Day! And remember! Don't drink too much! Friends don't let friends drink & use canes or wheelchairs. LOL
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Good adventure morning to ya!
I've been doing nothing. How's that for excitement! :)
On the entertaining side! While working out to Billy Blanks Bootcamp Cardio, I saw Jeff plowing full steam across the yard - right behind him was one angry robin. ROFL!!! Jeffie was running for his lil' life! He dived under mom's house and hid. ROFL!!!
Jeff's now sleeping on his fave AVON box beside the bookcase. Birds can't see him there. LOL
Thursday, May 7, 2009
hmm....A Lemony idea!
A place I love....well...if we pretend England and Disney World don't exist, then I have to go with Hunting Island State Park in South Carolina! : )
I love it there!!! I love the dead jelly fish on the beach! I saw my first horseshoe crab there! It was beached and upside down...but still alive.
I love the saltwater marshes!
Speaking of crabs, I saw one doing something really weird on the beach! I didn't know crabs used fishing poles!
I love watching the fishing boats.
I swam with the dolphins! Ok! I was actually trying to chase them as they went past me, but close enough.
I nearly got swallowed by a giant, evil clam there, who had really bad breath!!!
I'd like to marry the lighthouse! I love lighthouses! Here's a quick sketch I did of the one there back in '97:
That's the other thing I loved. I loved sitting on the beach and sketching everything in sight.
So! Lemono! There's mine! Bet you're wishing you never asked. LOL
PS: I used to go there nearly every month.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
We just had 1/4" yesterday and the water raised behind the cottage enough that I could sit in the living room and hear it. We have 1 - 3" coming tomorrow. That's roughly 3 - 8" in the cottage.
Guess I can't complain. It's been awhile since I got nailed - but I'm going to complain anyway. Yes, I would have died in the desert for k'vetching about the manna. LOL!!!
Anyway! I put a new product review up at the Wrinkle and added a couple magazines.
I'm sleeping out in my bivy (tent) tonight. I need to check how waterproof it is. It might not rain overnite, but I'm hoping it will a little. The nice part? The cats will be inside and I'll be outside. aaahhhh.... (happy grin)
Welp! Off to do some more flood proffing and there goes Jeffie up the flag pole. BLAST YOU JEFF!!! YES!!!! YES!!! YES!!! THE ROBINS JUST SHOVED JEFF OUT OF THE VINES, HE HIT THE GROUND AND THEN ONE OF THEM SMASHED HIM RIGHT IN THE BACK!!! He's hiding under the holly tree. LOL!!!!
The robins are sitting close by waiting for him this time. I hope they get him good.
Anyway, I'm gone!
Terrible, horrible, no good very bad day...
Then he barfed 3 times.
Then he got grounded for about an hour because I caught him on the other side of the bridge, playing near the road.
Then he got caught again.
Then he got attacked by a cat.
And all of this happened between 7:00 AM - 11:10 AM!
Now he's sitting on the porch. I think he's trying to stay out of trouble. lol
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
2nd post of the day! Hope Furnace!
It's Hope Furnace at Lake Hope! Ok, that was pretty cool, but it doesn't beat the next pic!
It's REX at Hope Furnace!!!! I love the trunk on this little guy! It holds my 1/2 helmet, goggles, shirt, 2 quart canteen, bungie straps, tool kit, and of course my papers if I get stopped for speeding. LOL
The pack sits between my legs and holds my water bottle, my laminated Ohio map, camera, binos, suntan lotion, etc. In other words, all the little things I need fast access to.
The thing hanging down by the handlebars is my bar map. Obviously it holds a small map and I toss in directions. The wind keeps the map horizontal when I ride so it's easy to read. :)
quickie post!
Here's another pic I took of the restaurant at Shawnee!
Monday, April 27, 2009
2nd post of the day: From Shawnee trip!
You can see this on the back of the restaurant as you're going up the hill into the creepy village of Shawnee. The mural was painted by the local kids. Pretty cool, eh?!
WOW! What a day!!!
278 to 56 towards Athens, then 684 to the cottage! 278 to 56 was brilliant! The road runs along creeks, streams and fresh water marshes. There was lots of shade - a welcome relief from the burning sun. There's loads of caves, over-hangs and sandstone rock croppings and cliffs. Made me happy Rex only goes 35 so I could thoroughly enjoy the cruise! :)
Lake Hope is right up there with my beloved southern parks. It rocked! Loads of trails! Loads of birds! A Great Blue Heron flew right in front of me when I crossed the road to see the Hope Furnace. It must have seen me because it suddenly let out a long string of poop. LOL
Anyway, I took pictures (nothing all that great) and will post some tomorrow.
Total miles on Rex as of today: 1395.5
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Meet Rex! minus his windscreen...
Mr Sexy! Rex, Yamaha C-3 49cc, fuel injected beastie!
Rex at Lake Alma!
Rex, outside Nelsonville at the roadside Canal Park! He's mocking me because I missed our turn off.
Creepy building in Shawnee. Rex is not in pic because he got scared and left.
There are no more pics of Rex from today's exciting adventure, because dummy me forgot to bring back up batteries. (ps: Lake Alma was not part of today's adventure. That was awhile back.)
Current mileage on Rex: 1305 miles. :)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
It makes you wonder...
Embedding has been disabled, so click on the pic to be transported to youtube. : )

Also check out the Sean Hannity Freedom Concerts.

Technorati Tags: lee greenwood, god bless the usa, freedom, concerts, terrorists, homeland security
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Books I love! "Old Black Witch"
If ever there was a fun kids book - this was it! Maybe it's because of the many hours I devoted to trying to turn my brother into a toad.
Maybe it's because it would have been super cool to have a freaky witch living in our attic - and her turning my brother into a toad! Maybe she would have given me rides on her broom - or clobbered me with it because I was a pest.
One thing I know that made this book so awesome, was the watercolour and pen ink drawings! They were spooky and fun!
Anyway, the story goes like this. A mother takes her little son, Nicky, to New England to find a place to start a little tea shop. They get suckered into a broken-down house.
When they arrive, Nicky lights a fire in the fireplace and an old black witch falls down the chimney, lands with a plump and begins yelling at Nicky for catching her broom on fire.
Anyway, to make a long story short, the witch finally surrenders to the fact that her home now belongs to Nicky and his mom and eventually helps her in the kitchen when the tea shop opens and on her off days heckled visitors from her attic bedroom window.
My favourite part of the book? Near the end two burglars sneak in and try to steal money from the tea shop....Old Black Witch turned them into green and brown toads. LOL!!!! I LOVE IT!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
A quick peek in!
I've also been playing video games on my pc: RISK, Ravenhearst and Pirates of the Atlantic.
I worked a little on my comic book script today. It's not coming along the way I'd like, but that's ok.
Other than game play, I've barely had my pc on and loving it! : )
Anyway! I'm outa here. I'll be back Sunday or Monday. I have a few fun posts I want to do on my favourite books through the years, beginning with the "Old Black Witch," and I've took lots of pics of my trip to Lake Alma and my scooter. : )
Catch ya later and have a great week everyone! : )