Time once more to offer sacrifices to the rain gods. Just kidding. We're under flood watch tomorrow afternoon through nite. I've already started flood proofing the outside and spending all morning tomorrow lpreparing for the worst.
We just had 1/4" yesterday and the water raised behind the cottage enough that I could sit in the living room and hear it. We have 1 - 3" coming tomorrow. That's roughly 3 - 8" in the cottage.
Guess I can't complain. It's been awhile since I got nailed - but I'm going to complain anyway. Yes, I would have died in the desert for k'vetching about the manna. LOL!!!
Anyway! I put a new product review up at the Wrinkle and added a couple magazines.
I'm sleeping out in my bivy (tent) tonight. I need to check how waterproof it is. It might not rain overnite, but I'm hoping it will a little. The nice part? The cats will be inside and I'll be outside. aaahhhh.... (happy grin)
Welp! Off to do some more flood proffing and there goes Jeffie up the flag pole. BLAST YOU JEFF!!! YES!!!! YES!!! YES!!! THE ROBINS JUST SHOVED JEFF OUT OF THE VINES, HE HIT THE GROUND AND THEN ONE OF THEM SMASHED HIM RIGHT IN THE BACK!!! He's hiding under the holly tree. LOL!!!!
The robins are sitting close by waiting for him this time. I hope they get him good.
Anyway, I'm gone!

We just had 1/4" yesterday and the water raised behind the cottage enough that I could sit in the living room and hear it. We have 1 - 3" coming tomorrow. That's roughly 3 - 8" in the cottage.
Guess I can't complain. It's been awhile since I got nailed - but I'm going to complain anyway. Yes, I would have died in the desert for k'vetching about the manna. LOL!!!
Anyway! I put a new product review up at the Wrinkle and added a couple magazines.
I'm sleeping out in my bivy (tent) tonight. I need to check how waterproof it is. It might not rain overnite, but I'm hoping it will a little. The nice part? The cats will be inside and I'll be outside. aaahhhh.... (happy grin)
Welp! Off to do some more flood proffing and there goes Jeffie up the flag pole. BLAST YOU JEFF!!! YES!!!! YES!!! YES!!! THE ROBINS JUST SHOVED JEFF OUT OF THE VINES, HE HIT THE GROUND AND THEN ONE OF THEM SMASHED HIM RIGHT IN THE BACK!!! He's hiding under the holly tree. LOL!!!!
The robins are sitting close by waiting for him this time. I hope they get him good.
Anyway, I'm gone!
Wishing bad things on Jeff might mean flooding for you.....be very careful LOL
LOL B"H, it completely missed us and believe me - it was a nes (miracle). There was nothing but red coming our way and *poof* it was gone! So, definite nes.
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