Sunday, September 28, 2008

a good morning to ya!

I'm happy (beyond words) to say I'm feeling pretty darn good, but exhausted from being in pain all week. 

I spent Friday doing yoga, trying to get my back to bend.  It finally happened and that helped tons, but my sciatica is mamash out of whack.  I have pain all the way down to my foot and my thigh has sharp pains in it.  But!  Rather my thigh than my back.

Anyways, I have two things that I've got to get: a real mattress and a decent desk chair.  Both are necessities.  I think my futon mattress is the culprit behind my sciatica.  Even with the plywood under it, it's still not helping.

So, that's my k'vetches for the morning.  LOL  I've caught up on my blog reading and responding and have a ton of stuff to do.  Rosh Hashannah begins Monday night, so I have to pre-write stuff so it will automatically post on my sites during Rosh.  Otherwise, my Google ranking will fall and that will hurt. 

Outa here for the day!  Make it a great one!

Friday, September 26, 2008


I know. I'm totally behind in everything this week.  Over the past four days I've been in a ton of pain.  Without going into details, let's just say my lower back is killing me.

It's bad enough that mom left me the keys to the car in case I have no choice but go to the doc.  Personally, I'd rather call the ambulance, that way I don't have to drive on Shabbos. 

Anyway, I'm off for a short soak in the tub and see if I can get a bit of relief.  have a great weekend.  If I'm feeling better, I'll try and catch up on all the blog reading I'm behind on after Shabbos. 

Hope everyone's been doing ok.  :]

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Earlier this year I mentioned encroachers on our farm, i.e., the drug runner who made a deer feeding station on our property when he has 80 acres of his own.

I was just outside a little bit ago and heard his 4-wheeler. He's felling trees. He knows when to do it - at dusk, that way no one will go back and catch him because it's late.

I tried to warm mom about this, but she doesn't care. Problem is, right now he can go back and build a house on our property if he wants and there's nothing mom can do about it. He can take the property for free. She made the fatal mistake of giving him permission to do the feeding station and the way it was worded implied "do whatever you want." Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

The vegetation is still too thick to get through to see all the damage he's doing. Once it dies down enough, me and my ax will remove whatever he's doing.

Anyway, grumpy me is heading off to find the kids! :] Later!

Monday, September 22, 2008

quickie for the night

Just a couple lines to say busy day.  Spent 2.5 hours working in the garden, trying to find where the food was hiding. Finally found my red peppers and the banana bells.  Still looking for the yellow peppers.  LOL

A bit beat.  I'll be back to posting sketches tomorrow. Good nite!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wrong date, it was really 9/16.

Corrections: milk crates :] Other typos shall remain unmentioned. Enjoy!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

Swollen and irritated

A vicious, evil wasp snuck up on my while I was making pita bread and stung me again and again around my lower lip and chin.

I chewed up plantain and stuck it on.  It's helped some, but it's still pretty swollen and painful.  I hate wasps.

That's the highlight for the day!  I'm outa here till after Shabbos.  I'm going to go rest my face now.  LOL

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Good morning!

Aside from whining that I'm temporarily out of remission, there's nothing much happening. So, let's post a toon instead! Enjoy! PS: There's another posted at FOW.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

morning update

Still not all there, not that I ever was to begin with. LOL

I have learned something from my experiment. I went back to eating some processed foods to see what would happen.
My body responded in a rather unpleasant way.

So now I have the experimental background and the results of others to start writing articles on the subject. :]

I admit I took my experiment a bit too far. Late afternoon I had a fatigue attack. I felt it coming on and knew I had to get to the futon and lie down fast. I didn't quite make it. I went to get out of the chair, hit the floor and I was out.

I didn't have fatigue attacks when I was on my no-processed-food diet. So, today it's off to the store and restock on my take-forever-to-fix-my-meals food. LOL

I'm outa here. Gotta daven and get to work. I lost the whole day yesterday. It was a total waste. Well...except for my Primeval all afternoon and evening marathon. :] I should have the scripts memorised by now. LOL


Monday, September 8, 2008

Quick shot for the night

Did my usual 2.0 miles today. Felt great. Felt strong. My pulse rate was awesome! About an hour later I was a bit of a mess. I took extra zanaflex, which knocked me out cold. LOL

The only answer was to kick back and watch my own mini-Primeval marathon. I love being able to download episodes each week from I-tunes. I'm still out of it, but trying to get a new post put up on my stroke site before bed.

CAT UPDATE: Tiger is doing better. Squeeky's sore is 99.9% healed. :]

Outa here! Make it a great one! Good nite everyone!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

outa here for the night

hey guys! i was going to put up a decent post, but little Tiger still doesn't feel so great. i still think that aside from the pink eye he got stunk by a wasp or bee. when he came in yesterday morning, he dived onto his cat food like a starved little animal. by afternoon he would only eat soft food and his face was swollen.

after benedryl and amoxicillin the swelling was down this morning. i'm calling the vet tomorrow because he still acts funnier than usual. anyway, he's lying at my feet and needs attention, so i'm gone for the night.

i'll catch up on blog reading tomorrow. :]

meanwhile, here's little tiger by my stinky feet. no. he's not dead, jeff. shut up.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

When the tables have turned...

So they say as you get older you become the kid and your kid becomes the parent - tonight was another one of those nights! LOL

Mom calls me up about 20 minutes ago and says she's going in town to walk with her boyfriend. The first thing out my mouth was it's late and it's a school night. LOL It was really funny listening to mom try to justify herself. LOL

Anyway, not much happened today. I'm beat. I did get a pretty cool post put up at my stroke site. I'm going to do a series on cartooning as therapy. :] I used it when I was at my worst and had a ton of fun.

Speaking of which! Here's a toon from the past!

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Monday, September 1, 2008

To gross you out for the evening!

A sleepy morning to ya

This morning began with Bindi sitting behind me while I was getting my breakfast ready. I didn't know he was there, so he got stepped on several times before he was able to escape.

I couldn't get my balance so that's why he kept getting stepped on. I'll have guilt for the rest of my life. His little eyes kept looking up at me saying, "Why are you doing this to me????" See! Guilt till I die.

Morris is walking on borrowed time. I'm ready to kill him or at least give him a good whack on his fanny. Last night he was sitting on the porch daring any of the other cats to get inside. Idiot.

About 2 AM, the coyote were calling back and forth in the valley. That's just freaking creapy. I was worried about the horse all night. Kitty got scared and came in. They must be prowling a lot lately because all the cats minus Tiger (who I have seen lately) and Spotty are staying inside at night.

A fun moment from last night. I stepped outside with my ukulele, playing "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" to look for the cats. Just as I pulled the door shut behind me I saw 2 deer 20 yards in front of me. So, I started playing. I thought they'd leave but I guess they figured, "Hey! Cool! Dinner and music." So they kept on eating. LOL

Welp, busy day today. I have another stroke site to set up and lots and lots of articles to write. Catch ya later!