Monday, March 31, 2008


Hey Mary Poppins fans!!! 

Tomorrow, Julie Andrews and her daughter  Emma Walton Hamilton will be participating in an exclusive Virtual Book Tour! 

So clear your calendar for April 1st, at 12:00 PM PDT/3:00 PM EDT to get FREE private access to this very special event - 70 content-rich minutes one-on-one with Julie and Emma, to be broadcast worldwide.

Alex Mandossian Julie Andrews Book Tour

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Good morning!!!

It's working!!! I've been hoping that Jeff and Bindi would take to exploring the hill instead of trying to commit suicide by crossing the road.

Welp! This morning when I was outside, I looked up and saw a dark cat on the hill. I thought it was Kitty. I ran inside, got the binos, went back out - and it had disappeared. Dang. A few minutes later a little head popped up and who was looking back at me? Adorable little Jeff. :] I feel proud!

Besides my deer story in last night's post, the other big event was filing for the economic stimulus payment thingy. I don't have to file each year, I only get $7704. That's one of the reasons I'm back on the farm. It's one of the reasons I'm selling Avon. LOL

Anyway, the forms confused the crap out of me. So, it was off to TurboTax online! It was so cool! I actually survived the process without sending myself into a relapse. LOL!!!

I highly doubt anyone who reads my blog ever files on simple forms, but if you do it's free. Well, federal filing is, you have to pay for them to file your State. It's about $30.

In the end, it was worth the time spent. I'm getting $300 back which means I can buy a bathroom sink (I don't have one.)! Being the cheap Jew I am, I hope to find one for about $50 or $60. (cheap grin)

Have a great day!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

What a night!!!!

I was outside playing with Jeff and Squeeky and spotted a couple deer. One shot off and out of sight. Then the other shot off. Next thing I knew the two were chasing each other all over the hillside, kicking up their heels and obviously having a great time. :]

A few minutes later, a third deer joined in the fun and it was all out chaos - white tails flying everywhere! LOL! I went back in when they disappeared, walked in the kitchen and - yip! You guessed it! There was a deer looking back at me through the kitchen window! A second came up from behind and we all stood there staring at one another.

I managed to back off and out to the porch. Jeff was happy that he could sit and rub against me, until - ANOTHER FLASH OF WHITE!!!! A rabbit shot across in front of me and it's little white tail was bobbing about! Jeff was on the run!

Meanwhile, the two deer made their way around the cottage to where I was sitting. The larger deer raised it's nose high in the air trying to get a whiff of me, lowered his head and went back to eating.

At one point, Jeff got too close to the larger one and it slammed a hoof down with a thud that sent Jeff back to me. :]

The closes they got to me was about 8'. It was so cool! For once the neighbourhood dogs weren't barking so it was quiet enough to hear them tear the grass, chew and listen to their hooves against the limestone drive.

What a way to end the day! :] Good nite!


I took Jeff and Squeeky on a Shabbos hike yesterday. We explored along the streams, checked out the pond and spent some time at Good Medicine camp.

It was an exciting trip because I found chickweed and stinging nettle - both of which shall end up on my plate. :] But I also found something else! Something I didn't want to see! Something that sent shivers down my spine! It was - my first snake of the year. Notice, no exclamation point. I wasn't excited.

Neither Jeff or Squeeky saw him. I'm surprised I did! He was just a little garter snake, about 12 - 13" long, all curled up beside a rock. I couldn't believe he was out on such a cold day and not even in the sun. So! I took advantage of it. There was a stick next to him, so I picked it up and stuck it under his belly and gave him a lift. He was stiff, but I think fear woke him up. (evil grin)

Anyway, his evil little presence was a warning signal to be careful exploring the woods now. (bummer) Our hillside is chock a block full of snakes and where I hang out is prime snake territory. I'm hoping to go up today and clear out some of the snake hiding places around camp.

So that was yesterday's exciting hike! :] Make it a great day!

PS: The movie Fitna is back up on my FOW blog. Remember, it is not for the politically sensitive or those with weak stomachs.

Friday, March 28, 2008

morning blog post

Yo's Avon Site!

PS: There's some weird distortion in the video. I have no idea why. It's never happened before. Anyway, you've been warned. :]

PPS: I posted an incredible video at Fairy Odd World. Warning, it is not for the politically sensitive.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Rain rain go to some place that has a drought!

We're back under flood watch. We've got another 2 - 3" of rain coming. I feel so sorry for those who haven't recovered from the last flood. They must be beginning to feel emotionally exhausted with this second round coming. I know I'm not looking forward to it, but at least the ground has dried out a bit, so it will take a little longer to flood this time.

Anyway, my Good Medicine Camp is set up on the hill and should keep me nice and dry this afternoon. I found my poncho during the last rain, so there's no reason I can't spend time on the hill today. :]

BTW, I got the name for my camp from a really cool book I've been reading called, The Tracker The name fits perfectly for my little refuge. :]

Off to exercise, check the creek levels and eat. Have a great day!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Exciting event of the evening

It's been a long time since I let off any real steam. BUT!!! Tonight I got the fun of doing it. Supposedly, Mom let some moron run his dogs on our property. I didn't know about it and even though I do now - I don't care.

Anyway, Jeff and I were headed for the pond to watch the sunset when I looked up and saw some idiot standing on the dam and two beagles running amuck. That ticked me off. So, it was back to the house, lock up Jeff, grab my gun and go after them.

Eventually they out ran me back to my yard and cut back up the hill. The chase was on. I fired! Missed. Fired again and there was silence. Dang!!! I thought I had reloaded my pistol and I hadn't. Bad time to figure that one out. So, I went after his owner. Said owner didn't know I had a pistol pointed at him. (evil happy smug grin without commas)

I gave him my drill sargent voice and told him to get his damn dogs off my property.

Idiot: "Is that a gun?"

Me: "Yes, and you won't be the first person I've shot at, now get your damn dogs off my property."

Idiot: "Do you know who I am?"

ME: "No and I don't care. Get your dogs off my property or I'll shoot them."

Turns out it was the local game warden. ROFL!!! I kept my gun on him the whole time. If he'd only known there wasn't a single shot left. ROFL!!!

That was the most fun I've had in a long time. I got to shoot at the game wardens stupid hunting dogs. Chase his stupid hunting dogs with my staff. Pull a gun on the game warden. Cuss him out. Threaten his life. Threaten his dogs life! And end victorious having scared the crap out of him.

Nothing quite like a deranged female with an empty weapon! ROFL!

Life! It doesn't get much better than that. ROFL!!!

PS: Game warden was so upset he called my mom to complain. ROFL!!! Sissy.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Big Adventure Day!

I took the boys the long way around to the Good Medicine Camp (base camp). If you squint you can see the purple line that marks our trail or you can click the pic for the larger version. :]

It was an exciting adventure. We traveled up to the top of 930 (height of the hill) and cut down through the ravine where the 5 caves are and the waterfalls Jeff nearly fell off of last month. You could tell Jeff and Bindi were excited to see it again. They like playing in the caves and scrambling over the fallen moss and lichen covered logs. Squeeky had never seen it before and she wasn't sure if she liked it or not. :]

We didn't get far from the caves before we heard dogs barking like mad somewhere below us.
Jeff stopped dead in his tracks, turned and ran helter skelter back to me. You can't tell how close barking dogs are when you're in the ravine. Every sound is magnified. Anyway, I pulled out my pistol just in case.

The exciting part of the trip was finding coon tracks and the biggie!!! FOX TRACKS!!! FINALLY!!!!

By the time we hit camp, the boys were both tired and starved. They'd played hard. It made me glad that I always carry food for them. They ate all of it.

So, that was our day. Jeff wrote up his exciting adventure at the Litterbox. Off to bed. zzzzzzzzzz.........

Now playing: The Monkees - The Monkees
via FoxyTunes

Monday, March 24, 2008

Morning quickie

As promised here's a few pics of the aftermath of me poor little tent being trampled by the evil rains. :]

The wind blew the tarp protecting the bottom of the tent 20 feet away. (tent in background) Get this - the tent was still where I put it. I wonder how the wind managed to sneak the tarp out from under it?

May it rest in peace...or in this case - pieces. All the poles snapped.

Bindi, Jeff and Squeeky tried to prevent me from removing their new hideaway toy.

So, that's it! :] I no longer have a tent, but my two tarps did survive and are now back on the hill as a temp shelter till my cabin is built. :]

Make it a fun day! :]

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Post flood update

Geesh...I don't know where to begin.  First off, I wasn't able to sleep in the barn.  I was setting up my tent and my sinuses started getting to me so I had to leave.

So, I headed for the hill to set up there.  It was fun.  We had a surprise break in the rain, so I took advantage of it.  Jeff tried to help set the tent up.  Oh wait!!! No! He was trying to tear it down while I was trying to set it up.  LOL!!!

Anyway, I went back down to do some last minute preps and get my gear.  Jeff loves the rain so he had a blast splashing through the water in the field.  The bigger the splash, the more he loved it.

I had more last minute stuff to do than I realised and by the time I was ready - the rain started bucket down again.  We were now blocked off from the lower pasture, which meant no escape to the hill.

Basically, for two days I watched the water rise up the cottage, get close to coming in and lower...again and again and again.  By the second day, my attitude was, "Oh just flood the bloody cottage for goodness sake and get it over with!!!"  LOL! 

This morning mom told me about the 500 gallon propane tank she saw floating down the road last night.  I'd missed that one, that gives you an idea of how bad it was here. 

So, everyones prayers had to be what kept my little cottage safe, because it was seriously impossible for it to have stayed out.  Thanks!  :]

B"H, this morning life is getting back to normal.  I still have a ton of stuff to put back where it belongs, but at least the sun is shining and there's not a cloud in the sky.  :]

PS:  It's a good thing we never made it back to the hill.  The storm flattened my tent and blew it apart.  I'm going up later to collect the parts.  I'll take pics.  :]

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Off on a new adventure!

It's called - sleeping in the barn!  Right now I'm wishing I didn't have so many cats to care for or me, Bindi, Jeff and Squeeky would head for my a-frame shelter on the hill.  Alas, we're stuck in the smelly barn with the rats and mice.  :]

I'll check back with y'all sometime Thursday.  Everything right now is depending on how bad we get slaughtered.

Off to take down the pc and run for it! 

PS:  Good luck, Lois!  Hope you guys are fairing better than we are!  :]
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Flooding, flooding, flooding....

Welp, I've been studying the weather maps since last night and all I can say is - it would take a total nes (miracle) for this one to miss us.  At the moment, we're getting .04" of rain every two hours.  At this rate, between now and Wednesday night, we could easily hit the 4" predicted.  oy.

Anyway, I'm off to continue flood prep.  *whimper*  Let you know later how it's going.
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Monday, March 17, 2008

2nd post of the day!

Here's the coon skull I found yesterday! Cool, isn't it?!!!

Here's another coon I found today. This one was older than the one above and still had a lot of meat attached. Not a good pic, but if you look mamash close, you can see the flesh beside the eyeball.

Here's it's pelvic bone.

Isn't this a lovely post? (evil grin) You can go eat supper now. (even more evil grin)

The meowing grass patch

Yesterday (sunday), I was out hunting dandelions.  I found around 50 running along the fence line outside my kitchen window.  :]  That was good!  So, I continued my hunt around the side of the barn.  Didn't see much, so I wondered if any were growing inside the soil part of the barn.

I took a step forward and from somewhere under my foot, a cat meowed.  I stepped back.  Silence.  I waited a bit and stepped forward.  As soon as my foot landed on the soft patch of grass, it meowed again.  This time, I freaked and jumped back.  What the heck was under there????  How was it under there??????

I looked up to refocus and there was Morris, the big yellow/orange cat.  He looked at me and meowed.  "MORRIS!!! YOU LITTLE FREAK!!! YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUTA ME!"  I burst out laughing.  Talk about feeling like an idiot!

I was so caught up in looking for dandelions, that I was only aware of Bindi, Jeff and Squeeky off to my right, but never noticed massive Morris just off to the left.  (I'm still blushing.)

Anyway!  That's your afternoon or evenings entertainment!  :]  Have a great one!
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Sunday, March 16, 2008

A bang in the night!

Last night me and Chubby had a scare.  A big dog (from the deep sound) was in the yard down by the creek barking wildly at something. 

Me and Chubby dived out of bed and raced to the window.  She was so cute.  She put her little paws on the window seal and slowly raised her head up just enough to see out, then ducked and looked up at me. 

I gave her a pat, grabbed my pistol and ran out the door.  It only took one shot to send the dog flying.  I hate dogs.  Anyway, had he treed Tiger?  A coon?  No clue.  I took my flashlight out and searched the trees, but got too cold before I could go the entire creek line. 

Earlier today I went out to see if I could find the brutes tracks.  He must have stayed on debris because I couldn't find any prints in the mud or sand.  BUT!  I did find a skull and the vast majority of it's skeleton.  It's a coon skull.  He couldn't have been but a year old.  Since we haven't had coons around for a long time, it must have been from last year or maybe a little before.

Anyway, it's now sitting on my tiny wildlife museum case in a ziplock bag.  :]  I'll post a pic tomorrow. 
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Friday, March 14, 2008


Last week I closed with the massacre. This week is a look at the victims who were murdered in the massacre. You've seen their blood splattered on the Torah and floor. You've seen the muzlims celebrating the massacre - now here's the faces of those they murdered.

One week later, there's eight families with an empty seat at the Shabbos table tonight. There's one less grandchild to send a gift to next week during Purim. And the world remains silent because we're only Jews.

The victims of the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva. Top row: Avraham David Moses (16), Ro'i Roth (18), Neria Cohen (15), Yonatan Yitzhak Eldar (16); Bottom row: Yochai Lifshitz (18), Segev Peniel Avihail (15), Yehonadav Haim Hirschfeld (19), Doron Meherete (26).

Closing out the week! :]

It's been an exciting week and a painful one. The exciting moments:
  • The pair of Hooded Mergansers in the creek!
  • Watching the Canada Geese flying over daily!
  • Finding Wild Turkey tracks and scat on the trail yesterday!
  • Video taping a Red-Tailed Hawk in flight!
  • The beautiful 70 degree weather!
  • Making a picture perfect pole lashing!
The painful part:
  • Walmart creating high treason by creating hala-mart for muzlims so they feel at home here. DIE WALMART!!! DIE!!! Terrorist butt kissers!!!!
  • Falling when I tested my tepee poles! (still laughing over that one!)
  • Pinching my fingers numerous times. Don't ask.
That's it! :] Have a great weekend everyone! :]

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Having a ton of fun

That's the best way to describe today. To keep from repeating myself, go to Pelican's Post to see today's entry.

Now for the goodie. Strap yourselves to your chairs so you don't fall out laughing. I decided I need to improve my tepee. So, I cut down a new tree for a better third pole. It took about an hour with my Rambo knife and about another 10 to finish it off with my ax.

I pulled out my boy scout handbook to work on my pole lashing. My pole lashing was beautiful. I should take a pic.

Anyway, next on the list was setting it up and making sure the poles were strong enough for me to climb on. I jumped up, grabbed the poles and the next thing I knew, a pole snapped, my feet went out from under me and I went flying backwards landing on my head and upper shoulders. It was hilarious!!!! I'd loved to have had a video of it!!!

Anyway, my back hurts. My head broke the fall so it doesn't hurt. LOL

So, that was my exciting day! :] Hope everyone had a great one!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


There I was, innocently on the hill preparing my little spot to put up my log mud hut, when a piece of barbed wire attacked me! Me!!! Little innocent me!!!!

So, I did the only sane thing I could think of. I pulled out my homemade first aid kit. Washed my little wound with water, poured tea tree oil over it, and topped it off with a thick glob of homemade healing salve.

I gave it a few minutes, got Jeff and we headed back to the cottage, where I grabbed my wire cutters and headed back up the hill to seek my revenge!

For miles around the forests shuddered as I squeezed my cutters against the wire yelling, "DIE WIRE, DIE!!!!"

I have a lot more wire to kill before I'm finished. Anyway, that's pretty much what's been happening. :] Hope everyone's having a great day!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Time change

I can't believe all the snow from yesterday is nearly melted. Yea!!!!! Green grass again! :]

Jeff is sick. He's been puking, he's sneezing a lot, his eyes are watery and his poopie is a bit loose. I'm hoping it clears up so I don't have to take him to the vet. I know it's cat flu, but sometimes it can get out of hand.

Bindi has reached maximum puberty. About 4 days ago, his hormones finally kicked in full blast and he's driving us all crazy. I liked it better when his little hormones were just teasing us all. LOL

B"H, it looks like we're going to be rain free till Thursday. That gives me a good four days to work on my little cabin. :] I can't wait.

Off to take a nap. Time changes always get me. :]

Friday, March 7, 2008

The only appropriate post I can think of....

(Warning: This is not for the politically sensitive.)

This isn't extremism that murdered our kids yesterday. This is the heart and soul of izlam. It's in their own writings and the world continues to live in denial that it is.

Keep living that way. Keep hiding your bloody, stupid, politically correct, damn heads in the sand and you will die by muzlim hands just like our children did yesterday as they sat learning Torah.

If you think you're safe living in America, you're wrong. It's coming. They're coming. And by the time the liberal, politically correct, jackass, muzlim butt-kissers catch on, it will be too late - you'll be dead.

See Sultan Knish (photo snitched from the Sultan) for more on yesterdays atrocity.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Feeling better

I'm feeling a lot better than I did yesterday. Yesterday was freaking tough. My body felt like I needed to pull out my wheelchair for the day. I decided to stay in bed instead watching:
  1. Tremors marathon
  2. Wishbone
  3. The British mini-series "North and South."
  4. And the British mystery series "Campion."
Anyway, my weather predictions were bang on and we never came close to the flood they kept predicting. B"H!

I'm hoping to catch up on housecleaning and my course today. The sky is supposed to clear up, so maybe I'll be able to head up to the tepee and hang out there a bit. Maybe. :]

I'm off to breakfast and take the latest weather readings. Have a great day!

PS: Three cheers to the Republicans who went out and voted for Hillary so the muzlim wouldn't win! Three cheers to the arabs who refused to vote for who they call, "the black muzlim." Yes folks, even they know he is.

Go Hillary!!! We're doomed whether Hil gets the presidency or a Republican, so what the heck, go Hillary. :]

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Good afternoon, to ya!  I'm not feeling so well today, so I'm keeping this really short.  I'm really tired and shakey, so I decided to have a Tremors movie marathon.  :]  I love Burt Gummer.  He's my hero.  :]

Welp, back to the movie. 

PS:  Cattail roots taste yucky. *yo spits*

Monday, March 3, 2008

There's a nag in my email. LOL

Checking in.  I've been enjoying the wonderful weather by avoiding anything to do with the inside of the cottage.  :]

A recap of the weekend: Yesterday, my brother hit a piece of ice and slammed his tiny convertible into a guard rail at 50mph.  The airbags opened, slammed his glasses against his face and gave him a black eye.  (yo giggles)

Sunday, I went searching for where I'm building my little log cabin.  It's 8' x 12'.  I found the perfect spot.  It's close to the stream that runs off the hill to the pond.  I'll be able to hear the waterfalls - and have to pee every 5 minutes.

Today, Jeff tried to breed Bindi.  Jeff's allergies are bothering him and he's sneezing everywhere.  We're under a flood watch.  My tepee may become my home tomorrow, at least for a few hours anyway.  :]

The hair on Bindi's tail is finally growing back.  He singed off a good part of the hair when he stuck it under the electric heater I borrowed from mom.  Yip. I stopped using the heater.  I should have known he'd never learn.  He singed it off with the same heater last year.  duh.  I didn't learn either.  :]

Today, I dug up some cattail roots.  I'm boiling them up tomorrow for lunch.  Yesterday I dug up more dandelion roots.  I made a tincture with most of it and tea/coffee with the rest. 

That's the short version.  (did you say short?)  Hope everyone had a great weekend! :]

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