As promised here's a few pics of the aftermath of me poor little tent being trampled by the evil rains. :]
The wind blew the tarp protecting the bottom of the tent 20 feet away. (tent in background) Get this - the tent was still where I put it. I wonder how the wind managed to sneak the tarp out from under it?
May it rest in peace...or in this case - pieces. All the poles snapped.
Bindi, Jeff and Squeeky tried to prevent me from removing their new hideaway toy.
So, that's it! :] I no longer have a tent, but my two tarps did survive and are now back on the hill as a temp shelter till my cabin is built. :]
Sends her the girl scout handbook on making tents. lol. Well its not easy building a shelter that will withstand the elements. Try and try again! Sometimes it's just fun to keep seeing if you can outwit nature a bit.
We used to go camping when our kids were young and we did the tenting thing and I hated it. There was many a time that we got blown over by storms and even got flooded out once by a storm. That's when we decided to buy a camper. I said that was enough.
So the cabin is back in the picture and the tent is out? Tarps do look like a wonderful place for the kids!
Sends her the girl scout handbook on making tents. lol.
Well its not easy building a shelter that will withstand the elements. Try and try again! Sometimes it's just fun to keep seeing if you can outwit nature a bit.
Yip! The cabin is still in the picture! The little plot is cleared and it's just waiting for me to find the right size trees for the supports, etc. :]
LOL I carry the boy scouts handbook everywhere. Personally, I prefer the original 1911 edition, but the new one has great pics for knot tying! :]
PS: My tarp tents can take anything the weather throws, but those darn Walmart specials die when Jeff pees on them. ROFL!
We used to go camping when our kids were young and we did the tenting thing and I hated it. There was many a time that we got blown over by storms and even got flooded out once by a storm. That's when we decided to buy a camper. I said that was enough.
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