It was an exciting adventure. We traveled up to the top of 930 (height of the hill) and cut down through the ravine where the 5 caves are and the waterfalls Jeff nearly fell off of last month. You could tell Jeff and Bindi were excited to see it again. They like playing in the caves and scrambling over the fallen moss and lichen covered logs. Squeeky had never seen it before and she wasn't sure if she liked it or not. :]
We didn't get far from the caves before we heard dogs barking like mad somewhere below us. Jeff stopped dead in his tracks, turned and ran helter skelter back to me. You can't tell how close barking dogs are when you're in the ravine. Every sound is magnified. Anyway, I pulled out my pistol just in case.
The exciting part of the trip was finding coon tracks and the biggie!!! FOX TRACKS!!! FINALLY!!!!
By the time we hit camp, the boys were both tired and starved. They'd played hard. It made me glad that I always carry food for them. They ate all of it.
So, that was our day. Jeff wrote up his exciting adventure at the Litterbox. Off to bed. zzzzzzzzzz.........
Now playing: The Monkees - The Monkees
via FoxyTunes
I think it is so neat that the cats like going with you on your adventures. It is kind of like how you expect dogs to do but never cats! Boots is proud.... :-) I am astonished!
They're better than dogs! Dogs seldom stay with you, the boys are almost always in sight, particularly when we're on a new route.
I love having them along. It's like 3 extra sets of eyes. Whenever they stop and stare, I do to. A lot of times they've seen something mamash cool!
You had a great adventure. I hope one day to be able to go hiking again too. I used to wander the pine barrens and along the sandy trails in the back but, those days are gone now for a bit maybe.
I found this site and its about the adventures of 3 Ginger cats in Scotland. You might enjoy it, I know I do.
Let me get this straight. You used to wander about the pine barrens and don't anymore. Is that why no one has seen the Jersey Devil in a long while? ROFL muuhahahhaaaaa...hee hee heeeeeeeeeeee...*chokes on molasses coffee* Couldn't resist that one. :]
That is a cool blog!!! The photos are so beautiful!!! Thanks!!!!
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