Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cute one for the day!

I'm following this 16 year old kid in England on Twitter.  Everyone loves this kid.  He has great ideas and is such a go getter.  Tonite he asked the question that still has me giggling because it's so cute.  He wanted to know:

"What was Michael Jackson?"

YES!!! I love it!!!  All this hullabaloo about Jackson being known world wide and who couldn't possibly know who Jackson was and here's this little kid, somewhere in Liverpool, England who doesn't know. 

Good boy, Joel!  You never missed a thing.  : )

On to other stuff!  I was really worried today because I hadn't seen the kittens since early yesterday morning.  I even went hunting for them.  Then, tonight I went out to put a little more food in their bowl and add fresh water. Just as I got round the corner to where I feed them, I saw a tiny little bottom, with it's tail straight up, hopping through the high grass into the barn.  LOL  It was sooo cute!!! I wish I'd had my video cam!

That was today's highlight.  The rest was me trying to stay awake from being up most of the night because of the cats and because the room was too quiet.  Tonite I should sleep really well.  I found my fan and it's running now.  : )

Outa here for the night.  I'm trying to organise me lil' office.  It's a mess.  Too many papers and projects mixed together. yuck.

Catch ya later!

Monday, June 29, 2009

2nd post of the day.

Another not for the politically correct entry at the Squibbler!  I spout on CAIR's latest ploy.  Click me.

Another all nighter

Jeffie has kept me up for the past two nights with his bronchitis.  He has a vet appointment at 2:30.  I'm dreading the bill, but he really needs to go.  Between the two of us, we're going to empty my kleenex box.  LOL

Not much more to say.  I've updated my Avon blogs and am getting ready to do a major clean on my living room.  Starting with the ceiling and ceiling fan.  Did I mention I hate cleaning ceiling fans? : )

Make it a great day!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

google suks

It still won't let me post to my own blog, so here's my response to the bitter lemon and lo. 

That's http://www.facebook.com/yo.coleman

So, I take it someone else is on facebook and never told me either?  I feel snubbed. (grin)

Friday, June 26, 2009


I hate you google!  And I hate you too facebook. 

For some stupid reason, Facebook has blocked me out and google won't let me comment on my own site.  Twits!!!

So, here's my response to Judy and Lemon on "on my way to Athens."

"Judy, I go to Athens to shop.  It has a bigger Walmart, a Kroger, movie theatres, and a bunch of other stuff that don't exist nearby.

Lemon: Yes I do have to look better!  That's why I shave my head with a Flowbee. Sleep with at least 3 cats, so I'll smell fresh in the morning!  So there!

My trip to Walmart was super exciting.  I bought Wacky Mac (kosher version of mac n' cheese), and spent the rest of the day whining because they ran out of my Bamba peanut butter snacks and Osem Mediterranean Pickles.  The scumbags.  Shame on them.

That was it.  I know, that kind of excitement isn't good for my dystonia, but hey! You only live once.  Unless you're a cat. (Yes, yes, yes, thank you Jeff.)

PS: Judy. Good thing you never asked your kids.  : )"

Friday Freebie

Because I can't think of another title.  : )

I haven't put up a wordsearch puzzle in a long time, so today you're finally getting a new one called "Wild Bird Hunt!"  I've got some pretty weird names tossed in the pile.  Hope you enjoy it! 

Nothing happening here.  Still wrestling with vertigo so I'm avoiding my scooter as much as possible.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

on my way to athens

Heading out to Athens shortly.

Pic of the Burrito Buggy, found on the corner of Court & Union streets, is posted to make the
Lemon homesick for Athens. No, BB isn't kosher, but there would probably be no Ohio University without it. Therefore - I post pic. : )

(History of OU, according to the Yo.) OU was founded in 1804. They chose Athens because there was this lovely place to eat on the corner of Court
& Union called the Burrito Chuck Wagon!

It proved to be a convenient and cheap place for the 2.5 students to eat at and in time, a f
ranchise of Burrito Chuck Wagons began. The franchise was started, as I'm sure you're curious to know, by the .5 student who tended to be overlooked because of his .5-ness.

And more trivia for enquiring minds - .5 used to be 1.0, until the Burrito Chuck Wagon's emergency brake broke and .5 of him was squished beneath it's tortilla shaped wheels.

Some say, the .5 of him squished
into the dust looked like salsa. So much so, that it took a good 3 hours before anyone was able to look at a burrito without thinking of him.

They buried the squished .5 w
rapped in a tortilla, topped with salsa and sour cream beside the University Gateway on the College Green.

So! See! There really would be no OU in Athens without the Buggy.

And now you know why I haven't been posting lately. I have nothing to say. (happy grin. yo saunters off to Athens.)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Another drive-by post

Beautiful day out.  Heading outside to read for awhile. 

Nothing much has been happening.  Jeff had a nasty asthma attack over the weekend.  Freaked me out.  He and Bindi have really had a hard time this season.  Bindi sits around sneezing snot on my bed.  He loves to share.  LOL

Chubby has butt problems.  I've been using a homemade mixture of plantain, lemon juice and witchhazel on it.  It's doing wonders.

Spotty came in with an infected wound in the side of his neck.  I hate puss.  He's doing better now.

Barely been on my scooter since last post.  Thursday and Friday I went out delivering AVON brochures. That was fun.  Made a couple sales.  Needed them bad because I'm trying to get enough money to buy a mini-laptop.
It's a cool little netbook!  The stats on it are exactly the same as mom's emachine, but this is only 6.7 x 9.8 x 1.4 inches.  : )  It barely weighs a thing. They claim it's 2.4 pounds.  I swear it weighs less. 

Anyway, it's $298 bucks and I hope to have it by August.  : )

Watched an awesome movie Sunday, called, "Lost in Austen."  If you love Jane Austen, you've got to see this one!  The scoop: Amanda gets transported back to the time of Pride & Prejudice.  Elizabeth Bennett takes her place in the modern world, falls in love with it and never wants to leave. 

Meanwhile, Amanda tries to adjust to her new world and proceeds to botch the entire world of P & P up.  It's hilarious!  Especially when Amanda finally finds her way back to her own time and has to borrow Elizabeth Bennett's cell phone to make a call.  ROFL

Anyway, I put a poll up at Wrinkle World.  It's in today's entry.

Posted my opinion of Neda at Squibbler.  Not for the politically sensitive.  I'm sure you're all shocked by that.  LOL

Catch ya later!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

drive by note...

Wow!  It's a drive-by note! (sound of Rex's motor...brun...brrruuunnn...)

The scoop goes:

1.  I haven't felt well and have been laying low, with a couple of exceptions.  I went hiking Sunday.  It was fun.

2.  I just printed out the first book of my mini-moose series so I can begin the editing process.  (remember Nanowrimo novel month in november?)

3.  I've been cartooning on the side.  Trying out new techniques and stuff.

4.  Yesterday I broke the 3000 mile mark on a trip to Walmart in WVA.  That was cool.  Rex goes in for his 3,000 mile check up next month.  : )

And that's pretty much it.  It's been reallllllllyyy boring.

I'll catch up on everyone's blog tomorrow.  I'm heading off to tinker with mini-moose and get to bed early.

Nite all!  : )

Monday, June 8, 2009

checking in

Hey guys!  Haven't been around much because:

1.  Sinus headaches to no end.
2.  Vertigo!  (curse you evil vertigo!!!!)
3.  More headaches!
4.  Muscle spasms in me arms.

I did, however (unfortunately), made it out to see "Land of the Lost," yesterday and left a mini-note of it on utterly.  Big mistake going to the movie.  Worst one I've seen in years.

It was so bad, that after the first 30 minutes - hardly anyone was laughing or making any response whatsoever.  When the pain and suffering were over and parents were leading their little kids out of the threatre - the kids had this,"What the heck was that?" look on their face. Mamash confused little kids and rightfully so!

No one was talking.  They just sorta stared blankly straight ahead and went to their cars.

I've never been to a movie before where no one came out talking about it.  Then again, I've never seen a threatre with so few people.  Now I know why.  It wasn't worth seeing.

Anyway!  It was definitely not a show for kids to see...much less adults, unless you get into masturbation (that was the humans) and watching monkey boy grab what's-her-names left boob throughout the show.

So how did we unsuspecting suckers end up there?  Well, most of the people who showed were my age. In other words, kids who grew up watching the original (and better) Land of the Lost. 

Since it was a remake, we figured it would be ok to be there.  Sci-fi channel did their part by running re-runs of the old "Land of the Lost."  It brought back fond memories.  We dropped our guard.

I'm sure some of you are thinking, "Will Ferrell. Didn't that give you a clue to stay away?"

No. It didn't.  Because quite frankly, I was completely unfamiliar with his work and now - I never want to see any more of it.

"Didn't you bother to read the rating and little side things that you should be aware of?" you ask.

Duh!  "Land of the Lost!"  Decent show!  Why would I even begin to think that some sick, depraved mind would turn it into a plotless, not funny, vulgar pile of crap.

So that's my summary of the movie. A plotless, not funny, vulgar pile of crap. 

To Will Ferrell, I offer a quote from Phyllis Dillar, "If you have to use cuss words to make people laugh - you're not funny."  Hey Will, add masturbation and crude sexual content to the list - and you're not funny.  That pretty much sums you up.

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Monday, June 1, 2009


Great news!  Evil nephews dog is officially gone!  Pray he doesn't get another one.  We finally have access to the rest of the farm now.  We've been cut off from about 100+ acres because the stupid thing might attack.  It's nice to have the farm back.  :)

Hopefully, having two dogs shot by the neighbours should teach him a lesson.  Then again, he's not all the bright and probably won't catch on.

Little nephew goes into the army tomorrow.  Tonight is his last night of freedom.  Bet he's eating all his favourite foods.  :)


To Lemon & Sultan, For some reason I can't post comments on your blogs (exception of Cottage).  I weep.

Crazy nite!

Took the cats (Bindi, Jeffie & Squeeky) camping last night.  We camped below the dam of our pond.  They had the time of their wee lives! 

In the first hour, Bindi fell out of a tree.  That ended that.  He lost interest in climbing and decided the dam was safer.

As darkness set in, I watched their silhouettes jumping in the air trying to catch bugs.

Then I noticed a firefly had made it's home on the screen of the bivy.  I couldn't figure out why, until I looked down and saw the light flashing now and again on my walkie.  Guess it was trying to court a cute red-bellied firefly.  Would have been a bit of a shock to it if it tried to mate a walkie.  LOL

Anyway, they bug hunted for a few hours and then I made the boys come to bed.  Squeeky refused, so she spent the night roaming the field.  Jeffie was happy about it.  He went to the foot of the bivy and stared out the little window till he fell asleep. 

Bindi, on the other hand, was a royal pain.  He was like a little kid on an overdose of sugar.  LOL  Thought I'd never get him to sleep.

Right now, Bindi is still at it.  He's running around outside and Jeffie and Squeeky are sacked out on the futon. 

We're going back up later today.  I need to get some AVON stuff done first.  Tonite's our last night to get to campout this week.  It's starts raining tomorrow nite again.  *sulk*

I'll post pics later.  I forgot and left my camera at camp.