Massed the crap out of dumb neighbours dog a short bit ago. Remember the jerk I chased with a gun last year or whenever. He has his dogs running our property again. Today they were in the front yard.
I nailed the old one about 5 times so far and he still hasn't learned his lesson. Just goes to show dogs are the stupidest things known to mankind. I hate dogs.
Naturally this is mom's late morning or I'd be putting a gun by their head and see if shooting that close sends them home. If it doesn't work (I'm doing it when she leaves) I'll load their butt full of lead - that WILL work.
At the moment, I'm running stealth to keep her from yelling. LOL Off to go try and trap the old one and put him in the pen.

I nailed the old one about 5 times so far and he still hasn't learned his lesson. Just goes to show dogs are the stupidest things known to mankind. I hate dogs.
Naturally this is mom's late morning or I'd be putting a gun by their head and see if shooting that close sends them home. If it doesn't work (I'm doing it when she leaves) I'll load their butt full of lead - that WILL work.
At the moment, I'm running stealth to keep her from yelling. LOL Off to go try and trap the old one and put him in the pen.
Understand the anger but guilt? LOL it must be the time of year !!
there has to be a deterent you can place around to make them wary.
that old pavlov guy seemed to have some ideas
I did feel a bit of guilt. The old one is mamash old. He looked pitiful. Until he started chasing innocent bunnies again and then he got nailed 4 more times. Never did learn his lesson.
Lemon: I am the deterent! (say with terminator voice) LOL
Sultan: yip! been thinking about old pavlov. Each time they show up, I'm teaching them the meaning of pain.
I have my slingshot ready this time and a special bottle of white vinegar waiting on the side. Vinegar is supposed to throw off their ability to smell scents. The distance with my sprayer is tons better than with the mace. FEAR ME, EVIL MUTTS!!!!!!
I hope they keep coming around. I had fun!
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