Just got back from the vet a bit ago. Little Bindi not only has cat flu (bronchitis), but he has the cat version of tonsillitis! Cat tonsils aren't like human ones, but it's still tonsils of sorts.
Anyway, they're all swollen and infected and one is actually bleeding because of it. (yo fights back the tears) My baby.
I made Jeff go too so Bindi wouldn't be alone. It was a mistake. Jeff was a major sissy ("NO I WASN'T!!!") and kept crying ("I WASN'T CRYING!!!!"). I imagine Bindi wished he'd just shut up. LOL
So, Jeff got his allergy shot. He wasn't happy.
Bindi got an allergy shot and antibiotic shot. It's raining, so I'm waiting for mom to get home so I can go in and get him stage 2 chicken baby food. It will feel good on his throat and the vet said he'll love it.
The worst part of the trip was I'd called my former sister-in-law to take me. On the way to the vet, she got pulled over for speeding and nailed with a $113 fine. OUCH!!!!! OUCH!!! OUCH!!!!
I hated that. There's nothing worse than asking someone to do something very nice and then they get nailed. oy.
So that's been the morning! Hope yours is going better. : )

Anyway, they're all swollen and infected and one is actually bleeding because of it. (yo fights back the tears) My baby.
I made Jeff go too so Bindi wouldn't be alone. It was a mistake. Jeff was a major sissy ("NO I WASN'T!!!") and kept crying ("I WASN'T CRYING!!!!"). I imagine Bindi wished he'd just shut up. LOL
So, Jeff got his allergy shot. He wasn't happy.
Bindi got an allergy shot and antibiotic shot. It's raining, so I'm waiting for mom to get home so I can go in and get him stage 2 chicken baby food. It will feel good on his throat and the vet said he'll love it.
The worst part of the trip was I'd called my former sister-in-law to take me. On the way to the vet, she got pulled over for speeding and nailed with a $113 fine. OUCH!!!!! OUCH!!! OUCH!!!!
I hated that. There's nothing worse than asking someone to do something very nice and then they get nailed. oy.
So that's been the morning! Hope yours is going better. : )
Poor Bindi, hope you got the baby food by now.
I sure hope lil Bindi feels better. Ouch on the speeding fine.
I got some baby food. It stinks. I hate the smell of baby food. Bindi hates the smell of baby food and his nose is plugged with snot. He tried hard to eat it, but couldn't pull it off. I'm asking my nephew if he wants the rest for his baby. :)
I opened the window and Bindi spent the afternoon sitting in it. It kept him safe from Jeffie attacks. (I WOULD NEVER ATTACK MY LITTLE BROTHER WHEN HE'S MAIMED!!! SLAP HIM UPSIDE THE HEAD! PUSH HIM OFF THE WINDOW! YES!!!! BUT I WOULD NEVER ATTACK!!!)
You can make him some pureed foods that are better.
Poor little guy.
YOur poor sis in law too!
No good deed goes unpunished they say.
Hope Bindi feels better soon.
I would like another dog now that Brandy is gone. But I can't afford the vet!
They charge hundreds just for a visit.Its awful.
The vets here aren't that expensive. It cost me $59 yesterday for both cats. $20 in allergy shots. Whatever for the clavamox and antibiotics shot and $18 in office visit. That was pretty good!
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