Sunday, March 29, 2009

Gone with the wind!

That just about describes what happened with my greenhouse!  poof!  We had wind gust early up to 60 mph and it nearly beat the thing to death. In between a few second breaks, I rescued it.  It was quite a battle wrestling it into the shed.  I won! : )

I've started a new blog. Yes, another.  The weebly was my test blog.  I wanted to see what I thought of weebly.  It's tolerable, but it's not good for daily blogging. 

So! I started my official political blog on blogger.  It's called "The Squibbler."  Don't ask why.  I just think the name is funny.  Anyway, I put my first post up a few minutes ago.  It's my opinion on the name change from Freedom Towers to One World Trade Center.

Anyway, Blackie the Gimp looks like he has a lump on the left side of his throat.  He's too wild for me to get near him.  I hope it's not.  That would be expensive.

Off to fix some hot cocoa! 


Friday, March 27, 2009

super quickie

Hey guys!  I'll catch up on everyone's blog after shabbos. I track everyone using google reader, so I can see what's happening, but I shamefully haven't commented.  Slap me!

Ok, well, shabbos is about 20 minutes away.  Still have to make soup.  I posted a new article on the Foster Grandparent Program

Ok. I'm gone.  Have a super weekend!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

howdy ho!

Here's some updates!  Just did a review on the below AVON product.  Click pic to read it.

Next on the list!  I'm starting a short series on Foster Grandparent's Program based on interviews with those who are.  Click pic to read the first.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

absolutely brilliant!

Ok guys!  Give this one a chance. Seriously, if you do - you'll be hooked.  : )

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a couple more sunday shots

(Bindi recovering from the hike.  He was the first under the tarp.)

(The white blotches (?) are Spring Beauties!)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Adventure Sunday!

(Jeff, Bindi and Squeeky snacking at Base Camp.)

Spent a couple hours on the hill with the kids today.  It was a lot of fun!  Saw 6 Cedar Waxwings behind the pond!  That was the first highlight!

The second highlight was when we came off the hill and were sitting in the yard, still birding, when I heard Red-tailed Hawks behind me.  There were three of them tearing into a Turkey Vulture.  It was awesome!  I love aerial combats!

That has pretty much been the day.  I'm still sore.  My homemade ointment is doing wonders in helping my neck.  I should feel well enough tomorrow to go out and have some fun on my scooter again.  : )

Off to watch my marathon of Primeval!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

sleepy in ohio

Heading to bed early tonight.  Absolutely exhausted.  All the late nights and stuff with Bindi caught up with me today.  oy.

Bindi is still making improvements.  He hates his meds and is stating it every time I get the dropper near his mouth.  LOL

Went for a ride on my scooter today.  Had to get my meds.  Wanted to do another long ride, but didn't have the energy and the winds were wicked.

On the super bright side!  I broke the 400 mile mark today!  If the weather will stay tolerable for awhile I'll blast past 600 miles on my scooter with ease.  LOL

Welp, I'm outa here to read everyone's blog and then hitting the sack.  Good nite all!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

2nd post of day: Bindi update

(The boys at the vet and my lovely knee! They were hiding in the back of the carrier.  This carrier has also been Morris the Strays cubby for the winter.  I had it surround by hay and wrapped in a blue tarp with a heat reflective shield on the other side.)

Wow!  I knew Bindi's eye was extended and I knew it had to be infection behind it.  Last night, after the shot, it started going back to normal.  From the looks of it, it's got just a tiny way to go now.

Can't imagine the pain he was in waiting to get to the vet.  It gives us an idea though of how badly infected his mock tonsils were/are, that the side that was most infected and bleeding was so full of infection it was pushing his eye forward.  OUCH!

We seriously need a 24 hr/day, 7 day/wk clinic somewhere nearby.  An animal shouldn't have to suffer that long.  Or!  The vet shouldn't be that picky on emergency calls and think infection of that sort can wait till Monday.

Anyway!  Bindi is going in and out the door this morning and enjoying the sunlight, even though it makes him whince.  : )

Proud moment of the morning!

Morris the Stray attacked Squeeky a short bit ago.  Bindi attacked Morris!  Morris wasn't really sure about Bind.  He's always made him run for his life.  Now Bindi was standing sideways in front of him just daring him to move. LOL

Anyway!  It was sweet of him to defend Squeeky!  Especially since Bindi is sick and is literally half the size of Morris! 

I've never seen Bind stand up to anyone.  That was cool!

Monday, March 16, 2009

1st post of the day and it's sad

Just got back from the vet a bit ago.  Little Bindi not only has cat flu (bronchitis), but he has the cat version of tonsillitis!  Cat tonsils aren't like human ones, but it's still tonsils of sorts. 

Anyway, they're all swollen and infected and one is actually bleeding because of it.  (yo fights back the tears)  My baby. 

I made Jeff go too so Bindi wouldn't be alone.  It was a mistake.  Jeff was a major sissy ("NO I WASN'T!!!") and kept crying ("I WASN'T CRYING!!!!").  I imagine Bindi wished he'd just shut up.  LOL  

So, Jeff got his allergy shot.  He wasn't happy.

Bindi got an allergy shot and antibiotic shot.  It's raining, so I'm waiting for mom to get home so I can go in and get him stage 2 chicken baby food.  It will feel good on his throat and the vet said he'll love it.

The worst part of the trip was I'd called my former sister-in-law to take me. On the way to the vet, she got pulled over for speeding and nailed with a $113 fine.  OUCH!!!!! OUCH!!! OUCH!!!!

I hated that.  There's nothing worse than asking someone to do something very nice and then they get nailed.  oy.

So that's been the morning!  Hope yours is going better.  : )

Friday, March 13, 2009

Final post of the day!

Geesh!  She goes forever and doesn't post and then she turns around and gets posting crazy.  Well...don't worry!  We all know it won't last.  LOL

Anyway!  Someone on the Script Frenzy forum mentioned doing shorts.  Shorts are like 3 - whatever minute mini-movies.  So!  Rather than do a bunch of comic books, I'm sticking to the 3 and the rest of my pages will be for short animations!  That should be fun!  Scripts only, but still fun! 

Ok! I'm finished blabbing for the day.  I have a window of snot to clean off.  Bindi isn't feeling well and keeps sneezing on it.  Last night he sneezed on my wee head. 

Then a bath and I'll be ready for Shabbos!

Make it a fun weekend everyone! 

New word search puzzle up!

Hey guys!  Got a new word search puzzle up!  It's a lot of the keywords found in the book of Esther, which tells the story of Purim!

Enjoy!  And have a great weekend. 


Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'm in!!! --2nd post of the day

November was national novel writing month and I did my 3 part mini-moose series!

NOW!!! COMING APRIL!!! It's.....Script Frenzy!

Mini-Moose goes comic book! least the script for it anyway.  :)

I need 100 pages by the end of April.  It's going to be a bit of work to make it stretch that far.  It might go from 3 comic books to 5 or 6.  LOL

I'm editing part of book 1 of the original mini-novel today.  I'm excited.  I'm using ywriter 5 to work it all out.  y5 is loads better than previous versions.  Makes editing a lot more fun. 

Outa here!


Feeling slightly guilty

Massed the crap out of dumb neighbours dog a short bit ago.  Remember the jerk I chased with a gun last year or whenever.  He has his dogs running our property again.  Today they were in the front yard. 

I nailed the old one about 5 times so far and he still hasn't learned his lesson.  Just goes to show dogs are the stupidest things known to mankind.  I hate dogs. 

Naturally this is mom's late morning or I'd be putting a gun by their head and see if shooting that close sends them home.  If it doesn't work (I'm doing it when she leaves) I'll load their butt full of lead - that WILL work.

At the moment, I'm running stealth to keep her from yelling.  LOL  Off to go try and trap the old one and put him in the pen.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Get a Flowbee!!!!

You too can accidentally cut your hair way too short with your very own Flowbee!  LOL  Just kidding!

This thing is awesome!  You get an even cut!  You can taper!  It works for a lot of hair lengths!  All you need is a vacuum cleaner that has a hose attachment.  Hook it up and it sucks the hair right in as you cut, so you're looking at a totally mess free cut! Yip!  No more sweeping the freaking floor afterwards!

Now how's that for a promo where I don't make a cent off it!  The cost is $69.95 plus s/h.  When you think of how much money you save - it pays for itself in what?  Three or four cuts?

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Another beautiful day for a ride!

A more or less birds-eye view of Meigs County, where I live.  The river is beautiful to sit by regardless of the time of year.  :)

That's what I did today after my doc appointment.  While I waited for my meds to be ready at Fruith's, I picked up some organic cookies and a lime seltzer at the health food store and sat along the river watching a couple guys on the WVa side fight to get their boats out of the choppy waters.  They were amusing.  :)

Doc appointment went great.  She talked me into a mamogram.  I'm waiting till July.  I need that much time to but horse poop on my chest and attempt to grow boobs.  Chicken poop grows hair.  I prefer not to have that on my chest.  Horse poop grows boobies.  Anyway, I hear that's what you need for a mamogram.  (Jeff sits rolling his eyes and walks off.)

Tomorrow looks like the last good day to ride, so you know where I'll be!  :)  I'll try to get some shots or at least a mini-video of my fun.

Humour of the day!  This morning I put the wrong gadget on my flowbee hair cutter!  My hair is now 1/4" long!  AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!  B"H, I always wear a hat!  Now watch me forget it. (Jeff falls off desk laughing.)

Welp, I'm outa here for the night! zzzzzzzzzz........... 

Monday, March 9, 2009

what a day!!!

"Welcome back, yo!" 

Yip!  I'm back!  Well...until I decide I'm vanishing again and then I'll be gone.  : )

Today was awesome!  I gave up on waiting for the temp to rise and headed out on my scooter to get groceries.  The drive was awesome.  For once, the wind wasn't making me feel like a sail boat with a broken rudder and sailing me all about the road.

The sky was blue!  There were flocks of birds pretending to be in a Hitchcock movie sending me ducking for me lil' life!  I'm sure the guy in the car behind found the sitch amusing.

After groceries, I dropped them off at the cottage and headed to bulk foods outside Athens.  At the top of a very steep hill an adult turkey vulture came off the ground at me as it tried to flee from a dead carcass.  Once more I ducked and tried to get away.  B"H, no one was in the opposite lane.

I rode for about 4 hours and came home to a meal of honey almond salmon and chips smothered in paprika and sour cream.  :]  It was a good day.  :]