Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ya gotta laugh

Today was insane.  I'm building my little hobbit hole in the side of the hill above Good Medicine Camp.  I wanted to use logs, but my back won't take the ax to the tree.  So, I'm stuck with using scrap tin from my roof.  It's the perfect length and almost the perfect height.

Anyway, this morning I got the bright idea to drag it up on the hill.  I looped some bailing twine around the bent up side, tied the rest around a pvc pipe and pulled it up.  With the end turned up, It looked like I was dragging a toboggan behind me.  :]

Everything went great until I reached the 3/4 of the way mark.  That's when all crazy broke loose.  A couple 2" long stickers mistook me for a pin cushion and ripped my calf a couple times.  That woke me up.  lol

The thickets were so tight I couldn't get the tin through.  Jeff caught on that I was stuck and came to the rescue.  He peeked around a bush, came out and did his little thing he does when he wants me to follow him. 

Unfortunately, this time my back wouldn't let me bend enough to get through his trail, so I had to create a new one.  He came back and tried again.  LOL 

So now the tin is left behind in the thickets and I'm beating my way through snake pit alley (my name for behind the pond), past briars, etc with a shovel doing my Josh Gates impression saying, "I'm goina get eaten by a Yeti.  I'm goina get eaten by a Yeti."  It sounded much better than saying "snake."  LOL

We arrived at GMC slightly damaged.  Jeff and Bindi were starved and I discovered that I hadn't brought enough water for myself. 

The boys were luckier than me.  I had brought their little container of cat food.  You'd have thought they hadn't eaten in weeks.  LOL

Anyway, tomorrow, if I'm able, I'm heading back up with the clippers and creating a clear path for my tin.  And I'm taking a couple plastic bags to collect more walnuts.  :]

Outa here for the night!  Catch ya later!


Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

Don't forget the extra water and some band aids.
Are there a lot of snakes there?

Yochana said...

Yip! If there's a poisonous snake to be found in Ohio - they're all on our farm, especially in the ravine behind the pond.

This time of year the ravine is dry and the rocks make great hiding places for snakes. I don't like snakes. I don't care how many times I watch Croc Hunter - he can't make me like them. :]

Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

Me either. We have copperheads and timber rattlers.
I was researching once and found that central Pennsylvania is rotten with rattle snakes.
I also learned while living out west that pigs clean out snake infested areas.Piggies Rule!

Once while going to get my horse out of the pasture I stepped into a pile of water snakes. I learned right then and there how Basketball stars "hang" in the air.
It was awful but I made a leap that would have won any Olympics!

My Road thru Life said...

I'm not sure I understand what you are building? Have you explained this before? Keep away from the snakes. Thanks one thing I can't handle. I am scared to death of snakes. Well be careful and I wish you luck getting this built.