Friday, October 31, 2008


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been around on everyone's blog this week. It's been a pretty intense week and I've barely had time to breathe. I hope to catch up with everyone Sunday. Meanwhile, have a great weekend! :]

PS: Jeff isn't feeling well and barfed. Spotty got in a fight and got his ear tore up (3rd time this year). Morris is loving his little feral winter home I made him. Bindi has two tiny bumps on each side near his arm pits, so that means an eventual trip to the vet. Everyone else seems to be doing fine. :]

Dear Mr. Obama

Thursday, October 30, 2008

And christians and jews will actually vote for the muzlim when...

"His voting record earned him the title of the most liberal senator in the US Senate in 2007.

To beat Ted Kennedy and Hilary Clinton as the most liberal senator, takes some doing.

Obama accomplished this feat in 2 short years. I wonder what would happen to America if he had four years to work with.

There is a reason Planned Parenthood gives him a 100 % rating.
There is a reason the homosexual community supports him.
There is a reason Ahmadinejad, Chavez, Castro, Hamas etc. love him.
There is a reason he said he would nominate liberal judges to the Supreme Court.
There is a reason he voted against the infanticide bill.
There is a reason he voted No on the constitutional ban of same-sex marriage.
There is a reason he voted No on banning partial birth abortion.
There is a reason he voted No on confirming Justices Roberts and Alito. These two judges are conservatives and they have since overturned partial birth abortion. The same practice Obama wanted to continue.

To read the full details on your muzlim messiah, go to "Audacity of Hypocrisy & Deception - Why not Obama?"

This election is going to test what you claim to believe. I see catholics, baptists, etc. about to vote for a muzlim who is solidly AGAINST EVERYTHING their own religion teaches. What does that say about you? Lip service? Why be catholic, etc if you don't practise your own religion and stand for what you profess?

Then there's my fellow Jews who are stupid enough to vote for someone who is the antithesis of Torah. Congratulations on spitting on the Torah and who you are. You far from make us proud.

Go back and look people at his voting record. While you're looking I suggest you stop going to church. Stop going to synagogue. Because your presence there is a mockery to all you claim to believe by attending your places of worship.

Stop being a hypocrite. Just quit going. Toss your bibles into the trash, because by casting your vote for the muzlim you've proved it's meaningless to you, so why keep it around? Because it makes you look good? Hypocrite.

So what do you truly believe?

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The muzlim approach to education

[America's fate hangs in the balance. A few short days from now the elections will determine whether we become a socialist, marxist, communist, muzlim regime or remain free.

Therefore I shall rant and make no apologies as to how many people I offend, who I offend, how much hate mail I get, and who refuses to ever speak to me again. I seriously don't care.

For people to apologise for telling the truth at this point is absurd. Liberals are dead set on destroying our country. They're ready to turn it over to someone who wants to destroy us from the inside out. Therefore I don't apologise.

Particularly today when I woke with a sinus headache and some stupid idiot decided to have some fun tapping on my windows at 1:20 AM.

If they come back tonight and I catch them before they run - they get shot at. If I'm lucky, I might even hit one. Don't muck with a woman going through menopause. lol]

“It is our moral obligation to give an equal education, Pre-K through college, to every child born in America.” --the muzlim

If that comment doesn't make you sick - I doubt anything will. "Equal education?" He didn't say "equal opportunity." What's the difference between the two?

Equal opportunity
= if you apply yourself and work hard, you have a chance to make something of yourself. We'll even provide a few tools to help - like more scholarships! But! You have to work for them just like anybody else.

Equal education = Regardless of whether you work or not - you'll have the exact same education as someone who applies themselves and has earned the right to higher education.

But since you haven't applied yourself, that's cool. Higher education will be way too hard for you, so we'll lower the standards and teaching level to ensure you have an equal education and catch on.

SAT's? ACTS? Don't worry about it. You'll never pass if you haven't applied yourself, so we'll either eliminate them or make them easier so you can pass and have an equal education as those with brains.

Harvard, Yale, Notre Dame, Hocking College, Princeton? Can smaller colleges compete with these guys and raise their teaching and education standards high enough to be equal? Of course not. Don't be ridiculous. The biggies will have to lower their standards in all areas to that of your basic college.

By the way, private universities will have to end. They descriminate and that doesn't fit our agenda.

For those wanting into the medical field. No problem! Even if you're a moron with the intelligence of an amoeba under equal education you will now have the right to train in the medical profession.

What about the pre-K through high school level? There will no longer be advanced classes. They're offensive and makes people who are ignorant feel bad.

There will also be no more special schools for the brilliant kids. Why? That's not "equal education" and we can't have that.

What does that do for the morale of the intelligent? It will kill them because they're not allowed to use their intellect to the fullest. It's demoralising, but tough luck. That's your problem for being so smart. Live with it.

What about homeschooling? You've got to be kidding. Do you really think
we can allow homeschooling in an "equal education" society? Seriously! There's no way.

Kids homeschooled are usually smarter than their in-school counterparts and that's just not fair or equal.

Homeschooling will end, folks.

Welcome to EQUAL EDUCATION! Wake up!

For further reading, try wikipedia and if you're willing to accept the truth, perhaps you'll see the similarities are more than similarities - it's the direction we are heading.

Communism and Marxism

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

2nd post of the day

More things the liberals will turn their back to because they don't want to hear the truth.  What will they do when they have to experience it?  Pretend it's not happening?

Wall Street Journal

Leave it to a liberal...

As you can tell, Yobeeland is no longer just a spot for me to share my days and goodies on the cats, but spouting my thoughts on all things formerly posted at FOW.  It's much easier than using separate blogs.  :]

Anyway!  Sara Palin hanging from a moose.  What sort of sick mind came up with that one?  More!  Only a liberal could possibly ask if this is going too far.  Anyone with a sense of decency knows it is and doesn't have to question it. 

My opinion:

1.  The guy needs fined for poor taste and jailed for 30 days.
2.  And the Palin replica needs removed. 

Freedom of speech is one thing, but there is a limit and this low life passed it. 

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Monday, October 27, 2008

On the elections

The elections are almost here.  The gullible will vote for a muzlim who has lied about his birth, his religion, his attitude towards whites.  He's changed his story more times than Elizabeth Taylor and Mickey Rooney combined have changed mates.

Arabs say he's muzlim and won't vote for him because he's a black muzlim, and black muzlims will vote for him because he's a black muzlim.

Whites will vote for him despite his having supported a black racist church for 20 odd years that believed and taught hatred of whites and the destruction of America and he claims he never heard it.  Is it out of self-hatred they'll vote for someone who hates them?  Probably.

He hasn't been able to prove where he's born and took forever trying to find his birth certificate.  Is that normal for a politician?  No. Yet despite that and those who have said his fake birth certificate is fake and even his grandmother said he was born in Kenya - they'll still vote for him.

Let's go back to his own grandmother saying he was born in Kenya (and other family member have said the same), how do the liberals defend their muzlim messiah?  They say she hates him or she's senile.  Pathetic.

Despite it all, the gullible and naive will believe the medias defense of their "muzlim messiah" and vote for him anyway.  In turn, it will lead to what one twitter tweeted, "Adolph Obama Change: United Soviet Socialistic America." 

The liberal will scream at that.  Let them.  They'll only scream because they're not listening to what he says, because if they did listen, they'd know everything he's been saying says he wants a Socialist country.  Wake up!

I hope those foolish enough to fall for the muzlims rhetoric will be proud that they aided in the establishment of such a society because it's coming and I will happily sit back and say, "I told you so!"

Welp, Jeff just came in and wants his canned food.  Off to feed the little monster.  :]

Friday, October 24, 2008

One last thing!!!

I found this site this morning.  I was looking for scrapbooking stuff.  This is a big book, but you can download 16 pages of it for free.  It has expressions, quotes and little ditties.  Some of them are hilarious!

Click the book or click me, then click downloads at the site and you'll see the book to download.  :]

Catch ya later! 

35 minutes till Shabbos!

Nearly outa time.  It's been a busy week.  Had a TIA that mucked my speech for a day and fried me lil' brain.  That was interesting.

The rest of the time was spent trying to catch up on my stroke site and learn some more about Squidoo and stuff.

The cats have been crazy.  Jeff is depressed.  It's raining out and he hates rainy days, so he's in on my bed fast asleep.  That won't last long. I'm getting ready to pull out the vacuum.  LOL

Bindi is protesting and sleeping in an empty AVON box on the porch.  He looks quite happy and content.  :]

Squeek is perched on top the futon - her favourite place and Chubby, as always, is in feeding her face. 

Welp!  That's me lil' week.  :]  I'm off to read blogs, vacuum and hit the shower.  Can I get it all done in under 30 minutes? hmm....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

Take Dan Kennedy's dare...

Here's the link to his report:  (It's a PDF file.)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ya gotta laugh

Today was insane.  I'm building my little hobbit hole in the side of the hill above Good Medicine Camp.  I wanted to use logs, but my back won't take the ax to the tree.  So, I'm stuck with using scrap tin from my roof.  It's the perfect length and almost the perfect height.

Anyway, this morning I got the bright idea to drag it up on the hill.  I looped some bailing twine around the bent up side, tied the rest around a pvc pipe and pulled it up.  With the end turned up, It looked like I was dragging a toboggan behind me.  :]

Everything went great until I reached the 3/4 of the way mark.  That's when all crazy broke loose.  A couple 2" long stickers mistook me for a pin cushion and ripped my calf a couple times.  That woke me up.  lol

The thickets were so tight I couldn't get the tin through.  Jeff caught on that I was stuck and came to the rescue.  He peeked around a bush, came out and did his little thing he does when he wants me to follow him. 

Unfortunately, this time my back wouldn't let me bend enough to get through his trail, so I had to create a new one.  He came back and tried again.  LOL 

So now the tin is left behind in the thickets and I'm beating my way through snake pit alley (my name for behind the pond), past briars, etc with a shovel doing my Josh Gates impression saying, "I'm goina get eaten by a Yeti.  I'm goina get eaten by a Yeti."  It sounded much better than saying "snake."  LOL

We arrived at GMC slightly damaged.  Jeff and Bindi were starved and I discovered that I hadn't brought enough water for myself. 

The boys were luckier than me.  I had brought their little container of cat food.  You'd have thought they hadn't eaten in weeks.  LOL

Anyway, tomorrow, if I'm able, I'm heading back up with the clippers and creating a clear path for my tin.  And I'm taking a couple plastic bags to collect more walnuts.  :]

Outa here for the night!  Catch ya later!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Yea!!! It's nearly Shabbos!

This is my rescuer today! It feels awesome! The only problem is the smell. When I was out, 7 elderly perverts chased me down with their walkers. The smell had turned them on. ROFL

Anyway! Kitty just made Jeff cry. I heard some commotion on the porch, looked out and saw Kitty in defensive position. I called for her to come in and heard a pathetic little girlie cry from under the deck - Jeff was hiding from her.

As soon as he saw me he ran out. I picked him up and he didn't want down. My little evil Jeffie. ROFL!!! Poor baby. I shouldn't laugh at him, because Kitty is freaking evil. She's mean to everyone.

Welp, I'm outa here. Shabbos starts in 2 hours 25 minutes and I need to get my herbs in and peppers out of the garden. It's supposed to freeze tonight. That should make the trees look pretty. :]

Make it a great weekend everyone!

Yo and Jeffie the Mighty

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Once upon a little back

Me lil' back sent me off to the doctor yesterday.  Doc gave me Methylprednisolone (that's an 18 letter word - lol).  :]

Mom picked it up today.  I haven't taken it yet.  I have to go over all the papers that came with it.  Write down my meds I take and call the pharmacist to make sure I can take it without killing myself.

All the warnings on it sound really scary.  I might stick with my hot water bottle.  It's safer. 

Anyway,  Tiger and Squeeky are asleep on the futon.  Naturally, Jeff and Bindi are out playing in the rain.  LOL

That's pretty much been my week.  It's been a tough one and I'm ready to crash.  Hopefully, next week will be better.  :]

Off for another nap!  Have a great evening everyone!

Monday, October 13, 2008

2nd post for the day

Spent yesterday exploring the creek with the kids. They were hilarious. Jeffie was really wound up and ricocheting off everything he could find.

Bindi practised his jumping techniques over the water...failing a few times. Squeeky held to her position on the bank. :]

Next came the big adventure of digging up dandelion roots. I'm trying to put back enough coffee for the winter. :]

Then it was off to look for sassafras. There's quite a few trees up the right fence line so I've got some digging to do this week. :] The toughest part will be taking the clippers and fighting my way through the thorn bushes to get to them.
Can you say "OUCH!!!!" LOL

Today's a busy day. Sukkot starts tonight and I have a ton of work to do before then. So, catch y'all later! Make it a great one!

Socialism... :]

Since Dame Lemon of the Beach mentioned socialism. Enjoy! :]
For more interesting reads, try: Sultan Knish and Lemonlimemoon

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Yo's thoughts on the economy...

Something people tend to forget with all this is that there is nothing new under the sun. We've been through a depression and other financial disasters before and not only survived, but in the end - we came out on top.

I've been listening to people who lived through the Great Depression. The one's I've talked to (and they suffered) would like to see us go through another one because that's the only thing that will genuinely wake us up and get our acts together. Mind, they'll suffer again and they don't care. They're focused on the end result which will be a positive.

For people who throw all the blame on the government, it's not all it's fault - though it can lay claim to a rather big chunk of it. It takes more than one person to ruin a marriage - and it takes more than a few people in the government to ruin a country. We've gone along with it. If we the people are supposed to be running our country and the government do our bidding - welp...we're sinking it together.

Problem is - we are a spoiled people, who have become brats and don't want to give up our excessive spending lifestyles.

We don't want to pay the price for our stupidity. It's much easier to blame everyone else, want bailed out, anything to avoid being responsible for our ignorance.

I'm spoiled and I admit it. I spend lots of money on books, so many that I keep putting them in boxes to make room for more books. I justify my obsession because it stimulates the mind and I'm not wasting money on stupid trinkets to put on my shelves, which do nothing for the mind.

I spend lots of money on software programs - they stimulate my mind.

When it comes to games - I don't waste money on software games like "War of the Worlds." I spend it on games like chess! It stimulates the mind.

I spend money on art supplies - it's relaxing, fun and stimulates my mind.

I spend on exercise equipment. It keeps my muscles from atrophy, which I've experience in the past because of strokes and dystonia and PT isn't fun. It's also - great for the mind and wards off depression.

See! I can excuse make everything I spend a penny on because - it stimulates my mind. Good enough excuse for me. LOL

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I dream of sleeping...

Got to bed at midnight.  The kids thought it was so much fun they decided to wake me every hour on the hour and a few times in between.  Evil children.

Yom Kippur is tomorrow, so I won't be online until late Thursday night. 

Anyway, it's raining. YEA!!! Has been all day and it's been wonderful!  :]  We needed it really bad.  The cats aren't too keen on it though.  Jeff came through earlier soaked to the bone and gave me a look of disgust.

The only good part about being soaked for him is he loves the microfiber cloth I use to dry him.  I guess he think's it's the "cat's meow."  (yo ducks as Jeff throws hickory nuts at her)

Welp, I'm outa here.  Gotta clean up the house and the dozen eggs that splattered on the floor earlier.  LOL


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

2nd post of the night!

Hey guys!  Check out my post at Stroke Facts!  This video is hilarious!!!

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Wild and crazy day! (said like Steve Martin)

The day began with someone puking their hairballs from the living room futon, straight into the kitchen, which was then picked up by the tiny paws of 6 cats and carried about the cottage.

Next came Tiger.  He looked pretty good when he got up.  Four hours later, the left side of his face looked like Jeff turned it into a balloon and the eyelid was turning inside out.  I freaked.  Called the vet and Tiger had to make a quick trip in and cost me $44.30.

The vet assistant had thought Tiger's problem was an abscessed tooth.  It wasn't.  Tiger had gotten into a fight (possibly a mouse the size of Manhattan or the size of a rather large dog) and as a result, has a face full of infection.  He's housebound for the next 6 days.

Meanwhile, mom's Dish Network stopped working.  It took me about 35 minutes to figure out the problem and that was that.

By days end - my morning was shot, my afternoon was shot and now - so am I.  LOL!!!!!

PS:  FOW has ceased to exist.  I made my final post a few minutes ago.  :]

Monday, October 6, 2008


Welp, so much for short-cuts.  I tried to back up my pc today, because it refused to start this morning.  I took it as a siman and started backing up.

duh.  The short cut suggested by Windows used up 10 hours of my day and didn't work in the end. 

So, I went back to the long way of doing it and was done in under 1 hour.  So much for reading the handbook.  LOL

Not a bad though.  Got the storyboard and part of the script for a cartooning video I'm doing this week (G-d willing nothing else goes wrong.).  That was fun.  Jeff enjoyed having me away from the pc for the day, except when putting in new CD's.

Still waiting to hear back from the doc's office.  I called for an appointment because of my back...upper and lower.  It took me to the breaking point this morning.  I can't get started on my cabin until my back will let me move.  Total bummer.

Anyway!  Off to catch up on blog reading and kick back with Goosebumps on TV.  :]

Thursday, October 2, 2008

alas poor yo...we knew her as being totally creepy

You know how we have our lovely low immune systems, which get lower when we have little contact with the public? brought some sort of bug home from school and now I've got it.  I hate running a fever.  I hate the cats knowing I am...any sign of life is in danger.  LOL

To avoid any further whining - I'm going to grab a hot cuppa molasses coffee, kick back and watch the two hour episode of Heroes.  I don't get local channels so my former sister-in-law recorded it for me.  This is exciting!  (big happy grin)

PS:  Where's the whiskey when you need it.  Or at least a good peach Brandy!  Oh wait!!!!  Tomorrow when I go shopping we're going right past the liquor store!  mmm...nothing like a good peach brandy to make you feel better. 

I love auto posting

I love using Scribefire to post to my blogs.  I can create a post and set any date and time I want for it to auto post.  :]  Talk about lazy. LOL

Rosh was good.  I got a lot of learning in and re-evaluating me scruffy little life and setting goals for the coming year in: personal, spiritual, health, business, money, leisure, relationship, family (cats) and stuff.  :]  5770 looks to be a good year!  :] 

For those counting!  The world only lasts 6000 years -  so there's now only 230 years left till the end! 

If you think about it, that's less than 2.5 people's lifetimes.  Let's figure it!   My uncle Vic lived to 104.  My great grandma Burtonshaw lived to 91.  That leaves 35 years. My grandma, Nannie lived to 94, 3 days.  Combine the 3 and the world has been gone for 59 years.  Cool!  (happy grin)

Anyway, 2nd day of Rosh I had a nasty sinus headache.  My room got too cold and that was that.  Every time I let me lil' forehead get cold I get a headache.  *whimper*  So, I sat around playing my ukelele trying to distract me lil' brain from the pain.

So, that's me little life this week.  Outa here to get stuff done.  Make it a great one!