We went hiking again today. Bindi was asleep so I left him at home. Anyway, I parked myself on the ridge above the pond and Jeff decided he wasn't going to be on the wet ground a minute longer. So, he climbed up and sat on my pack. :] As you can see, he was quite content. :]
This is Jeff looking depressed. He's going to the vet tomorrow to get fixed. See Jeff whimper? Whimper, Jeff. Whimper.
It will be nice to finally get some sleep. In the past month, I've had 2 good nights sleep. Last night, I got 2 hours. The lack of sleep is beginning to affect my muscles. Not good. So I told mom he has to go tomorrow.
Meanwhile, I'm sitting here with my head in a fog. zzzzzzzzzz..... Off to get a nap.
PS: I put a cool story of my big weekend trek up at Wrinkle World. There's also an update at Pelican's Post. Catch ya later! :]
Jeff looks so content on your back. Poor guy doesn't know what's coming or he wouldn't be so cozy with you! Boots says good luck to Jeff tomorrow and she will be thinking of him.
Lucky Jeff. Contrary to what the vet office told me earlier, they won't be able to take Jeff in until next Monday. I'm doomed. *sniff* *whimper* *tears*
PS: Jeff was very content. He'd lie for awhile and then rub and rub his little head against mine. He was so sweet. :]
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