Big mistake of the day - drinking Gypsy Cold Care before going hiking - it knocked me out cold. I'm not sure what was in it that did it, but I was gone. B"H, Jeff never took advantage of the sitch and try to pee on me. :]
BTW, Jeff didn't have to go to the vet today. Relief. We don't have a car until my brother gets his fixed, so it would have been a real problem today. Anyway, he's doing much better and stayed out most of the day playing. Right now he's out like a light on my lap. :]
Tiger hasn't been around for a couple days. I'm starting to worry about him. He might be getting into the cat food I'm leaving out and doesn't see the need to come home. He's done that before. I hope he's ok.
That's pretty much it. I've been hiking and doing my course work for the Kamana wilderness awareness school. It's a lot of fun.
Closing out. Litterbox has been updated. For cool pics of last weeks after the rain, go to FOW. Pelican's Post has also been updated. Catch ya later! :]
Went to FOW and saw nothing!??
It's called "after the storm..." There's 3 pics I took of the sky after the storm passed. :]
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