brrrr....yesterday the windchill went down to 25 below. The cats hunkered down and went to sleep throughout the house and I rebelled and went looking for cottonwood trees along the creek bank because I want to make lip balm.
Anyway, I think I survived about 10 minutes before I grabbed several fallen branches and raced back to the cottage like a sissy. Jeff is happy with the branches. I think he's peed on all of them. lol
B"H, the sun is finally shining, so I'm outa here. I've updated Wrinkle World and the Pelican's Post. :] Catch ya later!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
This morning started out with a bang. Actually, it was more like a crash. There's a sharp turn down the road from us that people take too fast and wreck. This morning someone took it too fast in the snow, slid across the road, down the embankment and rolled into the creek upside down.
B"H, the creek had gone down from the day before or the car would have been completely underwater. Instead, the water only came halfway up the car. Not sure if the person was hurt or anything. If they weren't, it was a miracle.
As for life in the cottage. It looks like I might be stuck inside for another day. The wind has picked up and the chill factor by the barn is -25. When the wind chill hits that low, flesh can freeze in about a minute. I don't think my assignment is worth that much. LOL
Off to get another hot cuppa tea! :] Have a fun, warm day!
B"H, the creek had gone down from the day before or the car would have been completely underwater. Instead, the water only came halfway up the car. Not sure if the person was hurt or anything. If they weren't, it was a miracle.
As for life in the cottage. It looks like I might be stuck inside for another day. The wind has picked up and the chill factor by the barn is -25. When the wind chill hits that low, flesh can freeze in about a minute. I don't think my assignment is worth that much. LOL
Off to get another hot cuppa tea! :] Have a fun, warm day!
Blogged with Flock
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Wet and whinney
The kids are all sick of the snow and rain. I'm not fond of it either. :] Jeff and Spotty went out and found it raining again, so they're crashed on the futon. Bindi and Chubby confiscated my bed and Squeeky is lying in the back window with her head under the warmth of the plant grow lamp. lol I think she's the smartest out of everyone. :]
I got my Herbal Medicine Making Kit yesterday. It's so cool!!! I started a echinacea tincture last night. It will be ready in 6 weeks. Then, I made a healing salve out of comfrey, calendula, plantain, St. Johnswort, Lavender and bees wax. I'm hoping it will heal up the welts on my toes. They hurt like crazy.
Last on the list was a nettle infusion. It tastes like crap, smells like a barnyard loaded with poop (not kidding), but it's good for me, so I'm drinking it. *yo makes funny gagging face*
That's pretty much it! OY!!! Just say the time! Gotta get my Avon order in. duh. The cloudy days are clouding me lil' brain. Catch ya later!
I got my Herbal Medicine Making Kit yesterday. It's so cool!!! I started a echinacea tincture last night. It will be ready in 6 weeks. Then, I made a healing salve out of comfrey, calendula, plantain, St. Johnswort, Lavender and bees wax. I'm hoping it will heal up the welts on my toes. They hurt like crazy.
Last on the list was a nettle infusion. It tastes like crap, smells like a barnyard loaded with poop (not kidding), but it's good for me, so I'm drinking it. *yo makes funny gagging face*
That's pretty much it! OY!!! Just say the time! Gotta get my Avon order in. duh. The cloudy days are clouding me lil' brain. Catch ya later!
Blogged with Flock
Monday, February 25, 2008
Taa daaa.....
Hey folks! Went to the eye doc today and B"H my eye is fully healed. (yo throws antibiotic eye drops in air to celebrate) I was so happy when he said I didn't have to do anymore eye drops. :]
Kitten updates: Let's see, Kitty might be pregnant. Bindi is one of the fathers if she is. They've been playing "red light hussie" in my closet.
Bindi is sitting on my lap farting. Too bad no one has invented "scratch n' sniff" screens or you guys could share the moment with me. (evil grin)
Jeff is still spraying everything in sight. It's driving me meshugah, but at least it's only pee coming out and not the other nauseating scent. oy! That about made me sick. (yo turns green)
I'm off to bed. Have a great one!
Kitten updates: Let's see, Kitty might be pregnant. Bindi is one of the fathers if she is. They've been playing "red light hussie" in my closet.
Bindi is sitting on my lap farting. Too bad no one has invented "scratch n' sniff" screens or you guys could share the moment with me. (evil grin)
Jeff is still spraying everything in sight. It's driving me meshugah, but at least it's only pee coming out and not the other nauseating scent. oy! That about made me sick. (yo turns green)
I'm off to bed. Have a great one!
Blogged with Flock
Friday, February 22, 2008
Attack of the claw update
Hey folks! The eye is looking good. Still really uncomfortable and I have to be careful not to look left or right, else it hurts pretty bad. I'm downing ibuprofen and using hot compresses to help with the healing.
Last night was really funny. I was so paranoid that I slept with my glasses on. I also sanitised my goggles (for weed eating) and put them by my pillow. When Jeff got near me, I put them on. LOL!!!!
I wish I had a door to my bedroom and I would have locked everyone out last night, but alas, the cottage is too small for doors.
Anyway, the bright screen is bugging me again, so I'm outa here. Have a great weekend!
Last night was really funny. I was so paranoid that I slept with my glasses on. I also sanitised my goggles (for weed eating) and put them by my pillow. When Jeff got near me, I put them on. LOL!!!!
I wish I had a door to my bedroom and I would have locked everyone out last night, but alas, the cottage is too small for doors.
Anyway, the bright screen is bugging me again, so I'm outa here. Have a great weekend!
Blogged with Flock
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Curse of the cat claw
This morning me and Jeffie were having our lovey dovey time, when he stretched, yawned and accidentally put a claw straight in my eye. I have a nice sharp scratch on the inside of my lower left eye lid.
I just go back from the eye doc. He gave me drops to put in 3 times/day and told me to stay in a dimly lit room for a couple days. That one I figured out on my own. LOL
Anyway, if you don't hear from me until Sunday, it's because the bright light of the pc screen is really, really hurting. So! I'm outa here! Have a great one!
I just go back from the eye doc. He gave me drops to put in 3 times/day and told me to stay in a dimly lit room for a couple days. That one I figured out on my own. LOL
Anyway, if you don't hear from me until Sunday, it's because the bright light of the pc screen is really, really hurting. So! I'm outa here! Have a great one!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Defrost me, please!
I just got back from my tepee. :] It survived the wind and snow really well. I love that thing. I can build my fire in it and smoke doesn't go everywhere like in my previous shelter and I have plenty of room. :]
I'm hoping next month I can afford to get a super large tarp so I won't have 3 different pieces holding it together. It will work much nicer that way and I can cut me larger poles for a bigger tepee. :] Right now it's 6' across, I'd like 9'.
That's pretty much my day. I got forced back because I wasn't watching what I was doing and got my bum wet (brrrr) and my toes were so cold they hurt. So, much to the cats happiness, I'm back a couple hours early. :]
Hope everyone's having a great day! I'll be updating Pelican's Post later. I had an exciting adventure with a bird. :]
I'm hoping next month I can afford to get a super large tarp so I won't have 3 different pieces holding it together. It will work much nicer that way and I can cut me larger poles for a bigger tepee. :] Right now it's 6' across, I'd like 9'.
That's pretty much my day. I got forced back because I wasn't watching what I was doing and got my bum wet (brrrr) and my toes were so cold they hurt. So, much to the cats happiness, I'm back a couple hours early. :]
Hope everyone's having a great day! I'll be updating Pelican's Post later. I had an exciting adventure with a bird. :]
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Poor Squeeky
Squeeky just put her nose to the propane heater and discovered there's no heat. We're all sitting here freezing our butts off. Yesterday the heater started spewing propane smell through the cottage, so it's officially shut off for the rest of winter. I'll get it fixed sometime before Fall.
Anyway, B"H, mom has back up heaters and I found a little electric one on sale at Walmart for $15. I saved $15 getting near the end of winter.
Meanwhile! I ditched my temp shelter in the woods and made a tepee! I haven't had one since I was 8. It was bright yellow with a red Indian warrior on the side. It had suction cup feet and could also be used outside.
My new one was built by me and is made out of 4 long
branches, bailing twine, two blue tarps and a burgandy shower curtain. That last one was added because I needed a door. :]
As a surprise! I was working on Tiger's obituary today. When he left over a week ago, his eyes were all glazed over and he had cat flu again.
Anyway, about an hour after I decided I couldn't bring myself to post his death, he came running through the door looking fantastic! Now I know one of the neighbours is taking care of him when he doesn't show up here. Naughty little boy. LOL
Anyway, B"H, mom has back up heaters and I found a little electric one on sale at Walmart for $15. I saved $15 getting near the end of winter.
My new one was built by me and is made out of 4 long
As a surprise! I was working on Tiger's obituary today. When he left over a week ago, his eyes were all glazed over and he had cat flu again.
Anyway, about an hour after I decided I couldn't bring myself to post his death, he came running through the door looking fantastic! Now I know one of the neighbours is taking care of him when he doesn't show up here. Naughty little boy. LOL
Monday, February 18, 2008
Jeff is proud!
Jeff insists that he is all 10 of the most popular pets.

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What a way to start the day!
This morning I looked out the kitchen window and two doe came around the barn and grazed around my little yard. They were beautiful! They were also very well fed. :] That's always a relief because some winters there's not enough food for everyone and you can see their ribs.
Jeff is still spraying everything in site. Last night he sprayed my pillow. B"H, it was my spare, so I still had something to sleep on. Then he sprayed my pic of a red fox on my wall, my computer screen, avon box, and Friday he tried to spray my legs again. I'm guessing Jeff will miraculously regrow his balls. LOL!!!
Yesterday was super busy. I made tea tree oil toothpaste, enough veggie soup for 3 days, garlic vinegar, ginger garlic cough syrup and dandelion root coffee/tea. It took about an hour to collect the dandelion roots. Jeff and Bindi watched with total boredom. LOL
I was able to pick enough for 8 cups of coffee, so I'm happy. Can't wait till spring so I can stock up. I want to make enough to last a year.
Off to breakfast and head for the hill. Have a fun day! :]
Jeff is still spraying everything in site. Last night he sprayed my pillow. B"H, it was my spare, so I still had something to sleep on. Then he sprayed my pic of a red fox on my wall, my computer screen, avon box, and Friday he tried to spray my legs again. I'm guessing Jeff will miraculously regrow his balls. LOL!!!
I was able to pick enough for 8 cups of coffee, so I'm happy. Can't wait till spring so I can stock up. I want to make enough to last a year.
Off to breakfast and head for the hill. Have a fun day! :]
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Hobo stoves and chickadees!
I haven't been able to let them go with me since we ran into the wild dogs. I have a pocket full of bullets longing to find the head of
My hobo stove has been great these past couple days. This morning when I went up it was only 18. brrrr...
It was really fun today. There was a little chickadee who was really curious about me and hopped tree to tree trying to get a closer look. Wish I could have filmed him, but I was afraid to move.
The snow is finally melting. I've enjoyed it for tracking wildlife and seeing the countless rabbit trails, but I'm ready to see bare ground again. :]
Off to track down a couple cats! :] Hope everyone had a great day!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
And then there was sleep...
Big mistake of the day - drinking Gypsy Cold Care before going hiking - it knocked me out cold. I'm not sure what was in it that did it, but I was gone. B"H, Jeff never took advantage of the sitch and try to pee on me. :]
BTW, Jeff didn't have to go to the vet today. Relief. We don't have a car until my brother gets his fixed, so it would have been a real problem today. Anyway, he's doing much better and stayed out most of the day playing. Right now he's out like a light on my lap. :]
Tiger hasn't been around for a couple days. I'm starting to worry about him. He might be getting into the cat food I'm leaving out and doesn't see the need to come home. He's done that before. I hope he's ok.
That's pretty much it. I've been hiking and doing my course work for the Kamana wilderness awareness school. It's a lot of fun.
Closing out. Litterbox has been updated. For cool pics of last weeks after the rain, go to FOW. Pelican's Post has also been updated. Catch ya later! :]
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Jeffinator update
The bad boy of spraying hasn't been stopped. If he couldn't get a spray out, he squatted and peed! So! Jeff the Evil Sprayer shall not be stopped by surgery. He even shot Bindi in the face. Bindi wasn't happy.
The bad boy of surgery has managed to pull part of his stitches out. I'm iced in. We have no car. My brother has it at work - over an hour away. The vet wanted him to come back in, but there's no way until tomorrow. Meanwhile, a long piece of string is dangling from Jeff's balls, which the vet said I'm not allowed to cut and remove.
So, my day is being spent keeping an eye on my little Jeffie and making sure he doesn't hurt himself anymore than he already has. Naughty boy. And yes, my nerves will be completely frayed by morning. :]
The bad boy of surgery has managed to pull part of his stitches out. I'm iced in. We have no car. My brother has it at work - over an hour away. The vet wanted him to come back in, but there's no way until tomorrow. Meanwhile, a long piece of string is dangling from Jeff's balls, which the vet said I'm not allowed to cut and remove.
So, my day is being spent keeping an eye on my little Jeffie and making sure he doesn't hurt himself anymore than he already has. Naughty boy. And yes, my nerves will be completely frayed by morning. :]
Monday, February 11, 2008
Land of the Missing Balls..coming to a cat near you.
Poor Jeff is sitting at the vets having his balls zapped. I felt so bad leaving him off and hearing him cry as they carried him away - I nearly grabbed him and ran for it.
But! I was sick of him peeing (spraying) on my seforim (Torah books), my sink, tub, dishes, my pants leg, bed, walls, futon, Avon boxes, desk, file cabinet, everything in the closet and bedroom, etc., so he had to stay.
I'm supposed to pick him up at 3:00. He's going to hate me when he leans back to lick his balls and they're gone. Bindi will probably laugh at him, the girls will squeal with glee and I'll be happy knowing my house won't stink anymore. Well, except for the deer skull and leg bones I brought down.
Anyway! I'm off to get a little time on the hill. I'm hoping to finish my debris hut today. :] There's an update at Wrinkle World. It tells a little about my adventure yesterday. I'll be putting an update at the Pelican later. I have some pics I want to post. :]
Have a great one!
But! I was sick of him peeing (spraying) on my seforim (Torah books), my sink, tub, dishes, my pants leg, bed, walls, futon, Avon boxes, desk, file cabinet, everything in the closet and bedroom, etc., so he had to stay.
I'm supposed to pick him up at 3:00. He's going to hate me when he leans back to lick his balls and they're gone. Bindi will probably laugh at him, the girls will squeal with glee and I'll be happy knowing my house won't stink anymore. Well, except for the deer skull and leg bones I brought down.
Anyway! I'm off to get a little time on the hill. I'm hoping to finish my debris hut today. :] There's an update at Wrinkle World. It tells a little about my adventure yesterday. I'll be putting an update at the Pelican later. I have some pics I want to post. :]
Have a great one!
deer bones,
pelicans post,
wrinkle world
Thursday, February 7, 2008
One stinker of a morning.
This morning started out with a bang. Jeff jumped on the gas heater and tried to climb through the closed blind which has a couple nice flower holders on the other side. Jeff discovered I can get really cranky.
He fought like crazy as I yanked him out of the window and he fell to the floor. Scared the crap out of him and me. I was scared stiff that he might have gotten hurt. B"H, he's fine, although emotionally the two of us will be in therapy for life. :]
Then, I went in the kitchen, leaned down to pet Jeff (still feeling guilty) and Squeeky let out a long squeeky fart - right in my face. ROFL I wonder if it's a sign of how my day is going to go? (yo screams in horror and begins referring to herself in the 3rd person again.)
B"H, the rain that was supposed to come our way began floating off to the east and just missed us. I was watching the whole event on weatherbug. I love that thing. The radar is only 10 minutes behind real-time so you can do some serious weather tracking. Anyway, the creek came out of it's banks, but not too bad. :]
The last thing that happened yesterday was being on the hillside and being blasted with 35 mph winds and gusts up to 50. I'm writing up the story later at Pelican's Post.
Off for another cuppa tea. Have a great one!
He fought like crazy as I yanked him out of the window and he fell to the floor. Scared the crap out of him and me. I was scared stiff that he might have gotten hurt. B"H, he's fine, although emotionally the two of us will be in therapy for life. :]
Then, I went in the kitchen, leaned down to pet Jeff (still feeling guilty) and Squeeky let out a long squeeky fart - right in my face. ROFL I wonder if it's a sign of how my day is going to go? (yo screams in horror and begins referring to herself in the 3rd person again.)
B"H, the rain that was supposed to come our way began floating off to the east and just missed us. I was watching the whole event on weatherbug. I love that thing. The radar is only 10 minutes behind real-time so you can do some serious weather tracking. Anyway, the creek came out of it's banks, but not too bad. :]
The last thing that happened yesterday was being on the hillside and being blasted with 35 mph winds and gusts up to 50. I'm writing up the story later at Pelican's Post.
Off for another cuppa tea. Have a great one!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
And then there was rain...
B"H, we just missed getting flooded. The side creek came out of it's banks and the one in front came up to the bridge, but not over. *whew* Elsewhere the roads were flooded over and the Ohio is expected to crest sometime Shabbos. This was a messy one.
I mentioned going to the barn if I got flooded. Mom hates cats, so this was my best option. Besides, I had already put my tent and a chair in their when I was preparing the outside crap for a flood, so all I'd had to do was pop the tent up and make meself at home. LOL
Welp, the sun is trying to come out and I want to get on the hill. So! Catch y'all later.
PS: Jeff is sick of being wet. I bent down to dry his belly earlier and he rolled onto his back so I could do it right. LOL Poor baby.
I mentioned going to the barn if I got flooded. Mom hates cats, so this was my best option. Besides, I had already put my tent and a chair in their when I was preparing the outside crap for a flood, so all I'd had to do was pop the tent up and make meself at home. LOL
Welp, the sun is trying to come out and I want to get on the hill. So! Catch y'all later.
PS: Jeff is sick of being wet. I bent down to dry his belly earlier and he rolled onto his back so I could do it right. LOL Poor baby.
a wet morning to ya!
Welcome to stress day! :] We're under a flood advisory until 10:30A and the watch continues till around 7:00P.
Since I'm the family weather fanatic (i.e. love tracking weather and recording the data), we've had 1.04" of rain since yesterday morning. Not bad, really, but too much more and we'll see the creek by the house come out of the banks.
If things got too bad, instead of going to mom's, I'd take Jeff and Bindi and we'd head for either the barn or to my tarp shelter on the hill. :] Why not make the most of it. :]
Anyway, hope everyone who lives in the tornado zones are still in one piece.
PS: Sadly, Jeff isn't getting fixed until next Monday. The vet couldn't zap him until then. It's a total bummer since yesterday when he was sitting on my shoulders in the shelter, he tried to breed my head. I had a heck of a time getting the horny little mongrel off. Puberty - it's an ugly thing. LOL
Since I'm the family weather fanatic (i.e. love tracking weather and recording the data), we've had 1.04" of rain since yesterday morning. Not bad, really, but too much more and we'll see the creek by the house come out of the banks.
If things got too bad, instead of going to mom's, I'd take Jeff and Bindi and we'd head for either the barn or to my tarp shelter on the hill. :] Why not make the most of it. :]
Anyway, hope everyone who lives in the tornado zones are still in one piece.
PS: Sadly, Jeff isn't getting fixed until next Monday. The vet couldn't zap him until then. It's a total bummer since yesterday when he was sitting on my shoulders in the shelter, he tried to breed my head. I had a heck of a time getting the horny little mongrel off. Puberty - it's an ugly thing. LOL
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
We're under a flood watch. It's going to be impossible not to have one if we get the 1 - 3" predicted. Water is sitting on the ground as it is. I'm going to spend part of today getting the house ready.
Speaking of water! :] Me and the boys got caught in a downpour when we went on our morning adventure. B"H, I had taken a tarp. Unfortunately, the rain hit so fast I ended up putting it up wrong and had to fight to keep the tarp down. LOL Bindi and Jeff were hunkered down fighting to keep dry.
Despite the fact that I got wet and my clothes are in the dryer, it was fun and it inspired me to finish my debris shelter. Actually, it inspired me to make it bigger.
Anyway, I'm off to get my stuff out of harms way. Have a great one! :]
Speaking of water! :] Me and the boys got caught in a downpour when we went on our morning adventure. B"H, I had taken a tarp. Unfortunately, the rain hit so fast I ended up putting it up wrong and had to fight to keep the tarp down. LOL Bindi and Jeff were hunkered down fighting to keep dry.
Despite the fact that I got wet and my clothes are in the dryer, it was fun and it inspired me to finish my debris shelter. Actually, it inspired me to make it bigger.
Anyway, I'm off to get my stuff out of harms way. Have a great one! :]
Blogged with Flock
Monday, February 4, 2008
We went hiking again today. Bindi was asleep so I left him at home. Anyway, I parked myself on the ridge above the pond and Jeff decided he wasn't going to be on the wet ground a minute longer. So, he climbed up and sat on my pack. :] As you can see, he was quite content. :]
This is Jeff looking depressed. He's going to the vet tomorrow to get fixed. See Jeff whimper? Whimper, Jeff. Whimper.
It will be nice to finally get some sleep. In the past month, I've had 2 good nights sleep. Last night, I got 2 hours. The lack of sleep is beginning to affect my muscles. Not good. So I told mom he has to go tomorrow.
Meanwhile, I'm sitting here with my head in a fog. zzzzzzzzzz..... Off to get a nap.
PS: I put a cool story of my big weekend trek up at Wrinkle World. There's also an update at Pelican's Post. Catch ya later! :]
mental fog,
sleep deprivation,
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