P90 has been on hold for the past several weeks. I found I can't workout and work on the cottage at the same time. P90 takes too much out of me. bummer. Anyway, the cottage is looking great. This past week the termite dude came and killed off the termites and carpenter ants. Can't even begin to tell you how great that one is to go in the kitchen and not see an army of ants lined up under the cat food bowl.
A part from that, absolutely nothing is going on except a 2 day old headache. Waiting for it to cool and mom's running me to Jim's to pick up a coke. Coke is about the only thing that works awhile.
Tomorrow is pay day. My entertainment budget is set for a beading loom, cardstock paper and pens. I'm trying to make pop-up cards to mail to a friend every month. She loves my cat toons, so I've spent part of the day coming up with weird and gross ideas. (evil grin)
Welp, that's it. I've got some toons I'd like to post, but I'll do that when my head quits hurting.
Are the cottage pics going to be here?
yeah, sorry I haven't gotten them up yet. To tell ya the truth - I'm trying to forget. LOL kinda let's you know how tough that week was. LOL
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