Sunday, August 1, 2010

Power 90: Day 22 - Sculpting

User:Extremepullup performing a standard dead-...Image via Wikipedia
True confession, didn't really want to do my workout early this morning.  I had really enjoyed my day off over Shabbos and wanted to drag the break out another day.  But!  Then I did a measurements check and thought they stunk.  So!  I gave my workout everything I had.  : )

Sometimes all it takes is looking at the stats and deciding if you want to be the one who didn't do well with Power 90.  lol  I examined everything I'd been doing that was holding me back from better progress, and it all came down to my diet and not enough moving around during the day.  So, this week, the menus are planned out and new batteries are in the recumbent exercise bike so I can track my time.

Next Monday, is my next picture taking day.  I want to see some signs of improvement. 
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Unknown said...

As long as you don't look like the guy doing pull ups on the blog...your legs would look awful if they looked that muscular!!! GRIN

Yobeeone said...

ROFL!!!! When I was in high school, I was so bulked up from martial arts & weight training that we joked about me looking like a linebacker. LOL