Shavuot begins tonight, a.k.a cheese cake holiday. :) Anyway, 3,321 years ago, Hashem gave us the Torah at Har (mt) Sinai! So, we celebrate starting tonight till Sunday nite sundown. :)
Have a great weekend!
Mom was on her way to school, got to the end of the driveway and made a quick return. With fear and trembling, she approached my open door and said, "There's a cat lying on the road. What's going on with these cats?"
me: "I don't know. It's that time of year when everyone commits suicide."
Mom: "It's gray."
me: "WHAT???"
Mom: "The cats gray, dead on the road."
me: "BINDI!!!! BINDI!!!! BINDI!!!!"
I'm running all out toward the road, angry that I hadn't kept an eye on Bindi this morning and mad at him for not staying away from the road. He and the road are magnets.
I get to the end of the drive and there's a short haired gray cat. He's been hit in the head, just enough to pretty much knock his eyes backwards.
I turn around and face the bridge. "It's not fair!!! It's just not fair!!!" Bindi was going to be an orphan and not understand why. I turned back to the poor little baby lying on the road.
me: "Please don't have white paws. Please don't have white paws."
I brace myself and look around his body. I'm cursing my lousy vision and lean closer. No white.
I turn back towards the bridge and walk to the cottage, fists clenched and shaking. I call for the boys and eventually they show up before I arrive. Mom looks out and sees the boys.
mom: "Ok. There they are. I'm leaving before I'm late for school."
The boys dodge mom's car as she backs around and I continue lecturing them on staying away from the road.
By the time I got back to bury the unknown cat, some stupid redneck had run over him again. It was a purposeful hit. The cat was clearly out of the way of the car. I hate rednecks.
I scraped what was left off the road and buried the little fellow beside the other little fellow I buried last week.
At this rate - it's going to be a long Spring and I just may have to create a new cemetary. This one is filling up with coons and unknown cats.

Sexy Rex at Strouds Run!
Strouds Run is beautiful! It's got a massive lake and perfect for birdwatching!
The park's not so great when it comes to hiking. I spent 45 minutes (give or take a few seconds) trying to find a trail that actually went somewhere and then trying to find trail heads announced by a sign.
I was really frustrated. By the time I discovered a trail that had potential (of going further than 100 yards or so - there's 15.5 miles of trail), the sky had darkened with thunder in the background. I had to leave...but not before doing something I normally would never do - I pulled out me lil' Swiss army knife and snipped off a couple fern fronds! :)
I ID'ed them when I got back. One was a Silvery Glade fern and the other an x-mas fern. They're drying in a book. :)
Anyway, here's a pic of the first trail I tried out:
Looks impressive, doesn't it? Too bad it didn't go anywhere. Well, it did. It led back to the road, about 200 yards away. LOL
In spite of the frustration, it was still a pretty cool trip. Why? I got to drive about 40 minutes home in a downpour - it was a blast! :)
Not sure if I'm going on any adventures tomorrow. We'll have to wait and see. :)
I was looking for the Buckeye Furnace, and never found it. BUT! I did find this little beauty! Sorry for the not so great shot, but I was wearing my motorbike helmet at the time and couldn't quite see where I was aiming. lol

Hey guys! I just discovered (because I'm lame and totally behind) that I can text what I'm up to on utterly! I can also do voice stuff from my phone and send it there! (look to your left and see Utterly Me)
Bear in mind, most of the time I'm on the road I have no signal. That's because I'm with AT&T and it has more bars in more places....NOT!
Ok! So anyway, keep an eye out starting Monday (if you're online) for my daily mini-blogs. How's that for lazy!
Have a fun Memorial Day! And remember! Don't drink and use your cane!
The big question! Where have I been? Sitting with maps shoved in my face. Plotting. Planning. Taking notes. Reading trail guides. All that just to walk some 40+ miles of the Buckeye Trail by August. lol
Last week I went to Burr Oak and walked part of the BT there. It was mamash hot. The yellow blaze marks the beginning of the Robert & Mary Lou Paton trail, which also leads to the BT trail a short bit down the trail. The pics I took of the blue & yellow blazes on the trees turned out blurry. dang.
Anyway, I got a bit sick and had to fight my way home. The heat is starting to play with my dystonia & Red Bull is about the only thing helping me with fatigue attacks. LOL
Tomorrow is the Coleman Memorial Day reunion. boring. I'm going just because it's at Lake Alma and I want to hike the 1 mile trail. :) IY"H, I'll get to go to Old Man's Cave, Tuesday. There's a good 50 or 60% chance of thunderstorms. I don't mind the rain when it's warm. Feels good.
Anyway! I'm off to the library. Want to look up a bunch of plants and read more on snakes & spiders. I know! I could do it on the net, but I still think it's more fun with actual books. :)
Have a fun Memorial Day! And remember! Don't drink too much! Friends don't let friends drink & use canes or wheelchairs. LOL

The vanishing Yo is checking in to update on me lil' whereabouts!
I've been doing nothing. How's that for excitement! :)
I'm hoping to get out and ride today. Want to go to Old Man's Cave and hike at least part of the Grandma Gatewood trail before it gets too late.
On the entertaining side! While working out to Billy Blanks Bootcamp Cardio, I saw Jeff plowing full steam across the yard - right behind him was one angry robin. ROFL!!! Jeffie was running for his lil' life! He dived under mom's house and hid. ROFL!!!
Jeff's now sleeping on his fave AVON box beside the bookcase. Birds can't see him there. LOL
PS: the story of Jeff was written while looking outside the window typing a play by play, thus! Lots of typos! LOL
Time once more to offer sacrifices to the rain gods. Just kidding. We're under flood watch tomorrow afternoon through nite. I've already started flood proofing the outside and spending all morning tomorrow lpreparing for the worst.
We just had 1/4" yesterday and the water raised behind the cottage enough that I could sit in the living room and hear it. We have 1 - 3" coming tomorrow. That's roughly 3 - 8" in the cottage.
Guess I can't complain. It's been awhile since I got nailed - but I'm going to complain anyway. Yes, I would have died in the desert for k'vetching about the manna. LOL!!!
Anyway! I put a new product review up at the Wrinkle and added a couple magazines.
I'm sleeping out in my bivy (tent) tonight. I need to check how waterproof it is. It might not rain overnite, but I'm hoping it will a little. The nice part? The cats will be inside and I'll be outside. aaahhhh.... (happy grin)
Welp! Off to do some more flood proffing and there goes Jeffie up the flag pole. BLAST YOU JEFF!!! YES!!!! YES!!! YES!!! THE ROBINS JUST SHOVED JEFF OUT OF THE VINES, HE HIT THE GROUND AND THEN ONE OF THEM SMASHED HIM RIGHT IN THE BACK!!! He's hiding under the holly tree. LOL!!!!
The robins are sitting close by waiting for him this time. I hope they get him good.
Anyway, I'm gone!

Poor Bindi. He's having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. He woke up to me stepping on his paw.
Then he barfed 3 times.
Then he got grounded for about an hour because I caught him on the other side of the bridge, playing near the road.
Then he got caught again.
Then he got attacked by a cat.
And all of this happened between 7:00 AM - 11:10 AM!
Now he's sitting on the porch. I think he's trying to stay out of trouble. lol