At least that's what it felt like today.
The temp today was supposed to be in the 50's - and it was!
It might rain and might not - the sky peed for a short bit and quit.
I hopped on my scooter and hit the road to see the neuro.
I was excited! I'd hardly slept all night! Less than a mile down the road, the wind picked up. The roads were wetter than expected. The clouds were shaking their yucky fists over my head - but I refused to surrender. I kept on riding me lil' scooter, Rex.
It was exciting crossing the Ohio River on the new bridge. The crosswinds were interesting. The choppy waters were interesting, even the barge fighting it's way through the choppiness was interesting. Then the fun ended - I landed in West Virginia.
The roads reminded me of Brooklyn sidewalks - tilted, twisted, the hole that swallowed Manhattan, debris, and cars that road me lil' bumper now and then. I HATE YOU REDNECK!
I thought I'd never get to the neuro. Once I did, it was worth it. He was happy that I had a mini-transportation. He said he wasn't worried about me driving it. Then he bragged about his helmet as he looked at my gorgeous $49 dollar liquid silver sweetheart.
His helmet has a button you push when the sun is in your eyes. A tinted lens comes down over his eyes. It cost him over $800. I laughed and was totally impressed. Then I looked over at my lil' silver sweetheart and wanted to cuddle it. It's cute. It's sweet! It's cheap. It's mine.
It rained while I was inside. I forgot to bring a towel to dry off my seat. My butt got wet.
I told West Virginia where it could shove it's roads, and headed for the bridge to Gallipolis and took the Ohio side of the river back home. It was much better. In fact, it would have been perfect, BUT! For some reason, the weather took a major dive and I was freezing my butt off. I could feel my body temp dive.
I pulled off at the cemetary, not expecting to be a resident any time soon, and put on another article of clothing and hit the road again.
By the time I got home - I was an ice cube. I'm sure tomorrow I'll look back at today and think how great it was, but for now - I'm still cold and heading off for a cuppa hot cocoa! :]
PS: It cost a whopping $1.51 to fill my tank up today. (happy gloating grin) I'm also getting OVER 115 mpg! (more smiling, more gloating)

The temp today was supposed to be in the 50's - and it was!
It might rain and might not - the sky peed for a short bit and quit.
I hopped on my scooter and hit the road to see the neuro.
I was excited! I'd hardly slept all night! Less than a mile down the road, the wind picked up. The roads were wetter than expected. The clouds were shaking their yucky fists over my head - but I refused to surrender. I kept on riding me lil' scooter, Rex.
It was exciting crossing the Ohio River on the new bridge. The crosswinds were interesting. The choppy waters were interesting, even the barge fighting it's way through the choppiness was interesting. Then the fun ended - I landed in West Virginia.
The roads reminded me of Brooklyn sidewalks - tilted, twisted, the hole that swallowed Manhattan, debris, and cars that road me lil' bumper now and then. I HATE YOU REDNECK!
I thought I'd never get to the neuro. Once I did, it was worth it. He was happy that I had a mini-transportation. He said he wasn't worried about me driving it. Then he bragged about his helmet as he looked at my gorgeous $49 dollar liquid silver sweetheart.
His helmet has a button you push when the sun is in your eyes. A tinted lens comes down over his eyes. It cost him over $800. I laughed and was totally impressed. Then I looked over at my lil' silver sweetheart and wanted to cuddle it. It's cute. It's sweet! It's cheap. It's mine.
It rained while I was inside. I forgot to bring a towel to dry off my seat. My butt got wet.
I told West Virginia where it could shove it's roads, and headed for the bridge to Gallipolis and took the Ohio side of the river back home. It was much better. In fact, it would have been perfect, BUT! For some reason, the weather took a major dive and I was freezing my butt off. I could feel my body temp dive.
I pulled off at the cemetary, not expecting to be a resident any time soon, and put on another article of clothing and hit the road again.
By the time I got home - I was an ice cube. I'm sure tomorrow I'll look back at today and think how great it was, but for now - I'm still cold and heading off for a cuppa hot cocoa! :]
PS: It cost a whopping $1.51 to fill my tank up today. (happy gloating grin) I'm also getting OVER 115 mpg! (more smiling, more gloating)
I think saddlebags might be in order with rain gear, extra jacket, hat, sunglasses and etc for emergencies.
Glad it was a good ride over all.
Point Pleasant bridge gave me the creeps!
West Virginia can be so beautiful, a bit off the beaten path but oh, the moonshine is divine.
Yes back in the day students at OU made the trek to WV for da moonshine.
It is why OU students always smile.
PS... I learned how to make apple jack at OU.
LOL! I haven't heard the words "apple jack" used in years!
Guess what? The terrifying bridge to at Point doesn't exist anymore. They have a nice one now! shocked and pleasantly surprised! :]
I was mamash glad Rex has a big trunk! I keep my small AVON toolkit in it, bottle of water, nike ball cap,extra pants, arctic turtle, and poncho in it. See? Big trunk! :] I love it!
Big trunk, that's great. We had a cycle once that had a sort of trunk. Anyway it had a place to put stuff. If you got as much rain and wind as we got yesterday I can understand why you were freezing when you got home. It really rained and got windy here. I hated every time I had to get in and out of the car. I hope you don't get sick, but more power to you girl!!
My gosh, I can't believe you took that trip in iffy weather. The only good side is low costs..knowing Rex is a good ride...the doctor has more money than he needs ($800. helmet) and all your friends here applauding you!!!!
Poor doc is going to get a pay cut according to the muzlims new health plan. Lewis needs to enjoy his money while he's got it. I hate to see such a cool dude get cut back like that. He deserves more pay actually. Doctors like him are rare.
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