Friday, January 9, 2009

Yes!!!! Time for some fun!

This is a short one! First off! Hey Di! Nice to know you're still alive. Mazel tov on your marriage! :]

Second! Squeeky isn't scared of the kitty door anymore. Now to get her to open it herself. Bindi is still being a baby and wants me to do it for him and if I don't he sits whining. Big sissy.

Spotty's hole in his head is bigger than before. If he'd leave it alone he'd be fine.

I'm freezing to death. (shiver shiver)

Now for the cool stuff! This is my very first crossword puzzle to make with the program I bought awhile back! It's a torah puzzle and covers Adam to Avraham! Good luck. muuuhahahaaaaa

Anyway, here's the online version:

To play: click on the question and where's it's located on the grid will light up.

OR!!!! If you want to down load the pdf so you can print it out:

Anyway! Let me know what you think! :] Have a great weekend!


Unknown said...

Puzzle maker neat. Fun hearing about the kitties and the door. Don't get carried away again and stop blogging or I will have to start nagging again!

Diane said...

How on earth do you get even one cat to entertain the idea of going in and out of a kitty door? They must be circus cats, no cat of mine would ever consider doing such a doggie type activity, lol!!

Diane said...

Ok YO, you should be immensely proud of me, I played the game and got 7 right!!! Yes, a whole 7 answers, that is better than I thought I would do on a Jewish puzzle!!! HA!

Yochana said...

Lo: I'll be blogging more, actually. I've ditched pretty much everything to do my new web site (not blog). I think you're going to really like it. :]

Di: Mazel tov!!! You did good! Now go pick up your bible and start learning those parts so you can get the whole puzzle right. :]

Jeff and Spotty are crazy about their door. You'd think they were jumping through a ring of fire for treats or something. lol

PS: You can use your bible to help answer the puzzle questions. I'll be posting a new torah puzzle next Friday. :]

My Road thru Life said...

Good to see you, I've missed you. I feel sorry for poor Spotty and I think maybe your just going to have to push lil Squeeky and Bindi through the door. lol. I'm freezing too! I hate this too cold of weather. I'll have to try your puzzle. I'm not very good at crosswords so don't expect much. lol

Daniel Greenfield said...

very nicely done and fun too

Anonymous said...

Nice Got 100%!! yay!!
Goes to head of class, stumbles over big head. falls down into basement.

Diane said...

Who is this Lemon of Lime dude that got 100%, HOW RUDE!! Making us lil Catholic girls feel small headed............HA!