Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My toes are cold

and so is the rest of me.   :]

Not one of my best days for getting things done.  I finally got podproducer to work on my pc.  It worked great on my old one...may it rest in peace.  I'm spending tomorrow working on a podcast to put up at the new FOW site and putting together the new Torah crossword puzzle. 

I haven't updated FOW since Monday because I'm still working on it's focus.  If you haven't watched the videos on the vid page yet, check them out.  They're really good.  :]

Anyway, right now I'm mamash sleepy and ready to crash.  Tiger and Spotty are driving me meshugah.  They keep trying to tear their door out to escape and I won't let them because of how cold it's going to get tonight.

There's a new stray cat hanging out in the barn.  He looks just like Kitty.  He's hurt one of his front paws so I'm trying to keep Spotty away from him and putting food out in the barn.  I hope he eats it instead of the mice and rats woofing it down.

He was on the porch when me and mom pulled up the driveway this afternoon.  He was peeking into Morris' cubby looking for food.

Anyway,  I'm outa here.  Heading off to do dishes and hit the sack.  :]  Good nite everyone! 

PS:  I'll post a pic of my afghan tomorrow.  Squeeky refused to get off it this afternoon.  LOL


Unknown said...

Just read this..Thursday...It is awful cold here! Looking forward to seeing the afghan it might inspire me to finish one I started years ago LOL

My Road thru Life said...

That's weird, I was just thinking the same thing Lois said. That maybe if I saw a picture of yours it might inspire me to finish the one I've got sitting behind my chair that I started a few years ago. I did move it from the cupboard to behind my chair, so I have been thinking about working on it.

Diane said...

They are hard to finish, that is why I won't start another one!!