So far this week I've managed the following:
1. Falling full force onto my right knee. It's all messed up.
2. Rehurting that knee on numerous occasions.
3. Maimed my left pinky which kept the whole side of my hand numb for several hours.
4. And today - food poisoned myself. I barfed up my entire meal of beans. I barfed it in the trash can. I barfed it on the floor. I think I barfed it every where except right out the door.
My body still isn't feeling so great, but let this be a lesson to me - don't let beans sit out for hours on end, even if it is just beans and water. Alas poor body...I knew it well.
So back to pondering. As mom was driving me back from picking up 3 cans of 7-up from the machines outside Jim's, I said I never thought I'd see the day that I'd be sitting two days away from an election that would determine whether we become a socialist-communist regime or remain a free democratic country.
Twitter friends have stopped following liberals because their posts are sickening. The blindness. The determination of the liberal to hear only want he wants to hear, despite what he's hearing is in fact, the exact opposite of what he thinks is being said boggles the mind.
"In a world where communication is becoming increasingly important, and where day after day we are required to "get behind the words" to the truth of the statements from our political leaders, our television and radio, our newspapers and magazines, and our business and scientific advisers, it is essential for all of us to develop our capacity for logical analysis. As propaganda and persuasion techniques have become more sophisticated, so has the mental equipment needed for sorting the wheat from the chaff."
Well said. Especially for this time in our history.
Speaking of history! There has never been a time in their existence that liberals have contributed anything positive to society. Nor have extremists, like those behind the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades.
Tuesday will reveal how much the liberals have successfully reared their hideously ugly heads in an attempt to destroy the only truly free country on the planet.
Beliefs will be put to the test. Are you a hypocrite? Or will you stand for what you "claim" to believe?
At this point in the show I've lost every cowardly liberal coming on to read my post. Why? Because they are firm believers that truth suks and is highly over-rated.
For those who are insane enough to stick around I shall continue on with my rants and leave you with a few of my favourite quotes from Dumbledore to Harry Potter:
"Sometimes we have to choose between what is right and what is easy."
And my favourite of all time:
"It is our choices, Harry, that show us who we truly are, far more than our abilities."
Everyone who has voted in advance for the muzlim. Everyone who will vote on Tuesday and votes for the muzlim, have voted for America to become a socialist, communist regime.
Check out my earlier post today of Arnold telling why he left his country to come live in America. He grew up under a socialist regime. He knows what it's like. Try listening to him.
It is by their choices that show us who they truly are.
Think about it.
Technorati Tags: muzlim, communist, socialist, obama, elections 2008, elections, freedom, free country, vote, voting, communist regime, quotes, harry potter quotes, tony buzan quotes, politics, politicians, liberals
1. Falling full force onto my right knee. It's all messed up.
2. Rehurting that knee on numerous occasions.
3. Maimed my left pinky which kept the whole side of my hand numb for several hours.
4. And today - food poisoned myself. I barfed up my entire meal of beans. I barfed it in the trash can. I barfed it on the floor. I think I barfed it every where except right out the door.
My body still isn't feeling so great, but let this be a lesson to me - don't let beans sit out for hours on end, even if it is just beans and water. Alas poor body...I knew it well.
So back to pondering. As mom was driving me back from picking up 3 cans of 7-up from the machines outside Jim's, I said I never thought I'd see the day that I'd be sitting two days away from an election that would determine whether we become a socialist-communist regime or remain a free democratic country.
Twitter friends have stopped following liberals because their posts are sickening. The blindness. The determination of the liberal to hear only want he wants to hear, despite what he's hearing is in fact, the exact opposite of what he thinks is being said boggles the mind.
"In a world where communication is becoming increasingly important, and where day after day we are required to "get behind the words" to the truth of the statements from our political leaders, our television and radio, our newspapers and magazines, and our business and scientific advisers, it is essential for all of us to develop our capacity for logical analysis. As propaganda and persuasion techniques have become more sophisticated, so has the mental equipment needed for sorting the wheat from the chaff."
From: Tony Buzan, Make the Most of Your Mind (New York:Fireside, Simon and Shuster, 1988) 133.
Well said. Especially for this time in our history.
Speaking of history! There has never been a time in their existence that liberals have contributed anything positive to society. Nor have extremists, like those behind the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades.
Tuesday will reveal how much the liberals have successfully reared their hideously ugly heads in an attempt to destroy the only truly free country on the planet.
Beliefs will be put to the test. Are you a hypocrite? Or will you stand for what you "claim" to believe?
At this point in the show I've lost every cowardly liberal coming on to read my post. Why? Because they are firm believers that truth suks and is highly over-rated.
For those who are insane enough to stick around I shall continue on with my rants and leave you with a few of my favourite quotes from Dumbledore to Harry Potter:
"Sometimes we have to choose between what is right and what is easy."
And my favourite of all time:
"It is our choices, Harry, that show us who we truly are, far more than our abilities."
Everyone who has voted in advance for the muzlim. Everyone who will vote on Tuesday and votes for the muzlim, have voted for America to become a socialist, communist regime.
Check out my earlier post today of Arnold telling why he left his country to come live in America. He grew up under a socialist regime. He knows what it's like. Try listening to him.
It is by their choices that show us who they truly are.
Think about it.
Technorati Tags: muzlim, communist, socialist, obama, elections 2008, elections, freedom, free country, vote, voting, communist regime, quotes, harry potter quotes, tony buzan quotes, politics, politicians, liberals
Well if you think over about an American erev rav you will know why they vote as they do and why dismantling the constitution and democracy is no big deal to them.
It is a horrid thing when a man like this, who hates America as Obama does, can even run for office and without any proof of his citizenship whatever.
It is also awful that although Richard Nixon published his *tapes* Obama and some tv stations refuse to release the tape of him at a blatantly anti-semitic dinner hearing and approving of the murderous ravings said that night.
He has a lot to hide.
God help America.
I have never felt this strongly about how wrong a candidate was before.
And stop injuring knees and fingers and tummy. It doesnt pay.
I know you thought it was okay at the time, but now you regret it right? So stop it!
Welcome to America! The land where illegal aliens can run for president. It's sick, but not as sick as the morons voting for him.
I refuse to stop injuring myself! I'm on a freaking roll!!!! And this morning? My tummy is still upset! But has fallen deeply in love with Cream of Wheat. :]'s agenda - a ferocious hangnail!!!!!
I'm so sorry you keep hurting yourself. That's got to hurt,and I should know as I keep doing it too. I think we've lost a couple of your readers. Their loss. Oh well maybe we'll get them back after the election.
I pray we win!!
Judy, I'm sorry too. But it's nice to know I'm in good accident-prone company. LOL
Yip. I figured I'd lose readers. I'm not worried about it. I've irked a lot of people for telling the truth this week. I'm not worried about that either. :]
I don't like people trying to take my freedom away. I like it even less since I'm Jewish and at no time in history has a socialist communist society been a safe place for Jews.
So, I don't like people putting my life in danger.
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