Just got back a short while ago from Good Medicine Camp. I'm trying to build a temporary shelter before working on the permanent one. I don't have much hope the permanent (hobbit) shelter will be done before the ground freezes. Once it does, it won't thaw until late Spring.
Anyway, Bindi met us (me, jeff, squeeky) at camp. I have a sneaky suspicion that's where he was when I was trying to get him to come with us on the trip up. Sneaky little boy.
If you don't know what a debris shelter is check out this link: How To Create A Debris Shleter. It has a couple pics.
On the way back, the cat from hell, Kitty, attacked Squeeky. Squeeky was so afraid to come off the hill, I had to carry part way back till she felt safe.
A little further down the hill, the cat from hell attacked Jeffie. It was a battle getting Jeff to come off the hill. He was scared stiff. So, of course, once he did come down Bindi took full advantage of the situation and launched his own attack rolling Jeff across the field in a tight hug. They were so funny.
So, that was my day. Back to work. Trying to get my new squidoo lens up within the hour so I can start catching up on my nanowrimo novel.
Anyway, Bindi met us (me, jeff, squeeky) at camp. I have a sneaky suspicion that's where he was when I was trying to get him to come with us on the trip up. Sneaky little boy.
If you don't know what a debris shelter is check out this link: How To Create A Debris Shleter. It has a couple pics.
On the way back, the cat from hell, Kitty, attacked Squeeky. Squeeky was so afraid to come off the hill, I had to carry part way back till she felt safe.
A little further down the hill, the cat from hell attacked Jeffie. It was a battle getting Jeff to come off the hill. He was scared stiff. So, of course, once he did come down Bindi took full advantage of the situation and launched his own attack rolling Jeff across the field in a tight hug. They were so funny.
So, that was my day. Back to work. Trying to get my new squidoo lens up within the hour so I can start catching up on my nanowrimo novel.
Mean Kitty! I feel sorry for the kids having to put up with that. Good luck on the shelter
If it's not her, it's Spotty sneaking along to make attacks and ruin the trip. Naughty beasties.
Shelter looks pretty neat. How far away from you home will this be? You need to carry a pellet gun with you and when that cat from hell comes around give it a shot. A few shots from that and it will get the hint to stay away you and your cats.
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