Thursday, November 6, 2008

Alas, I tried, but thanks to HUSSEIN obama it's time to surrender...

Welp!  I shut down FOW because I was bored with it.  But now that HUSSEIN obama, a.k.a. muzlim bastard is taking an office that doesn't belong to illegal aliens, I feel compelled to re-open my former blog, tweak it and make it fit the battle slogan, "Dissent from Day One!" or I just might create a new blog altogether. 

So!  Yobeeland returns to tracking my uneventful life and the battle returns to the FOW. (tomorrow-ish)

Meanwhile, check out the Sultan's brilliant post for the game plan

Never surrender! Never give up!

PS:  On the lighter side!  Check out the tweaks I made to my Doodling Strokie site and let me know what you think!  Leave a comment on it!  Rate it!  Help me get it's little rankings up.  And!  If you know of someone who has had a stroke or just likes to doodle, pass the link along.  :]

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Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

Left comment on strokie site.
Now leaving one here too! Just because!
It will be nice to see Fairy Odd come back.
"Fairy Odd Dissents against Obama!" film at 11

Daniel Greenfield said...

wow fow making a comeback, that's great news!

i've been missing it

join the resistance

Yochana said...

High-Ho-the-Lemono: thanks for leaving note! :]

hmmm...FODO - Fairy Odd Dissents Against Obama? Nice sub-heading! I like that! I'm stealing it. (happy grin)

Sultan: Well...I kinda knew it wouldn't stay down long. I'll drop it again in 4 years. lol

My Road thru Life said...

I guess it's time for us all to leave the election behind and just get back to plain old bloging. All we can do now is pray for our country's future.