I have no clue. Morris disappeared after breakfast this morning and hasn't returned. That worries me because he desperately needs his medicine.
I was surprised to see him gone because he's barely moved the past couple days. Yesterday he only got up to eat, drink and that was it. Hopefully, he'll come back before bed time. He's so miserable I'm surprised he hasn't tossed himself under a passing car. Poor baby.
Hope everyone had a great day!
I was surprised to see him gone because he's barely moved the past couple days. Yesterday he only got up to eat, drink and that was it. Hopefully, he'll come back before bed time. He's so miserable I'm surprised he hasn't tossed himself under a passing car. Poor baby.
Hope everyone had a great day!
Hoping for good outcome!
Good night.
I hope Morris comes back..maybe you just "thought" he didn't mind you cleaning his ears. Maybe he got strong enough to get the heck out of there LOL
Morris showed up really late last night, sometime after 11:00, so I was finally able to get his latest dose down him.
Tomorrow he's going to the vet. The infection smell is getting worse and he's too big for me to hold by myself and clean out his ears properly. Let the vet do it. :]
I'm glad to read that Morris showed up. Hope he's OK.
Bike/Training Blog? I thought it was 2008 Bike log? Do you have both? Have a good day.
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