Sunday, June 29, 2008

When it rains it pours...

It's off to the vet tomorrow.  Morris has been hanging out under the car a lot.  I thought it was just because it's hot.  Nope.  He has an ear chock-a-block full of infection.  It really smells bad. 

I cleaned it as much as possible and gave him some amoxicillin.  It will take the vet to clean his ear out.  Hopefully, he can do everything for $30, because that's about as much as I can afford.

As for Squeeky, it looks like her abscess has gone down a bit.  *whew* 

Bindi, on the other hand, has a small cyst on his side, so he'll be the next to go in. 

B"H, at least Spotty's ear healed over, so that's one cat well who was sick.  LOL

Back to watching Robin Hood!  :]


Unknown said...

A lot of cat ordeals! I didn't see Sir Jeff mentioned. He must be in good shape...Boots is heaving a sigh.

Yobeeone said...

yeah. It gets really time consuming when it gets like this. It takes me roughly between 30 - 40 minutes to take care of the cats in the morning:

Just call me Dr. Doolittle LOL