Just found out this morning (well...it was morning when I found out) that someone took a bulldozer onto our property, made a road with it, set up a deer feeding station and wait till the deer come up to feed and shoot them. No wonder we don't have any deer around our fields right now. I HATE POACHERS!!! DIE MAMSERS!!!!
They're not doing it for food. They do it to sell parts like heads, feet to buy drugs. I HATE POACHERS!!!!
Anyway, that's my afternoon k'vetch. I'm off to see if mom has called the Game Warden. I want those guys jailed. Actually, I want them executed.
That's terrible. I hope you catch them. Even when Terry use to hunt he would never think of putting up a tree stant without asking permission from the land owner first. Well have a nice weekend. Hugs.
It blows the mind that there are people who are that cruel and heartless.
The Game Warden is checking into it. He can't do anything about them trespassing. So, he'll find out who it is and then we'll bring in the cops.
The cool thing about our GW - he used to be a private investigator and worked undercover for 18 years. :] I think he's going to have fun. Especially, since he hunts on our farm every year. You know he won't take kindly to this.
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