Thursday, May 29, 2008

Oy! Crap!

I had no idea that I haven't posted here since Monday!  (yo sits feeling stupid)  well, let's see.  It's been a busy week, as always.  I've been working on the garden, slowly mowing my lawn, trying to keep the house clean with the cats shedding hair everywhere (picture that with 7 cats), and of course working on Avon and some side ventures.  And being angry at Avon for dropping products and insisting certain products can only be delivered by reps in person.  Thanks to that, I've lost nearly $60 in sales this week.

I'm hoping some cool tricks I learned last night about advertising on Craigs list will make up for Avon being a total source of irritation this week.  If I can make up the sales and more before Tuesday I'll be a very happy camper.  :]

My body has been acting up.  Jeff, Bindi, Squeeky and I have been playing soccer.  Jeff loves chasing the ball and doing all kinds of acrobatics over it.   Squeek tries to lure me away from the ball to chase her up her favourite tree and Bindi is just Bindi.  He slithers across the ground like a long-haired snake trying to get me to chase him.  LOL  He's so cute!!!

The other day I bought a reclining lawn chair. I can sit outside at night and stargaze without a stiff neck.  (happy grin)

That's pretty much it!  I'll try to remember to post something tomorrow.  Make it a great day!
Blogged with the Flock Browser


Unknown said...

Thank heaven you are back, I have been getting mouse clickitis checking your blogs everyday to see if you have posted. Is the summer going to be like this? You too busy to type?

Anonymous said...

I hope not. I'm working on a schedule so I'm not spending so much time at the pc.

The toughest part is just remembering to update my blog. I'm remembering wrinkle world, but that's about it.

Anonymous said...

Well I'm glad you finally remembered to check in and write something in your blog. I was begining to think something happened to you. It sounds like you've been having lots of fun with the kids. Have fun stars gazing.

Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

If you stop writing in your blogs there will be a mass protest outside the cottage by all of us with plackards and signs , noisemakers and whistles. We will hire the local high school band to play appropriate songs too that will force you to the computer!!
Now, get with the program and write or be prepared to face the mass marches.

Yobeeone said...

Jeff the cat invites everyone to stop by! He's has a special table ready. Picture little Jeffie outside at his table all alone with a hopeful little look in his eyes that someone will stop by so he can give them a free flea. Just breaks your heart, doesn't it?

So stop on by and protest! You'll be glad you did.

Jeff the Cat