Friday, May 23, 2008

Good morning!

I have an insanely busy day today. I'm trying to get a new avon article site up, advertise Jeff's eBay streamline page, write some more articles and post them at a few e-zine places, clean my cottage which is a total disaster and prep for Shabbos. :]

Last night I mowed the lawn with my little reel mower. That was fun and one less thing I had to do today. The cats had so much fun being chased by it. Jeff was jumping up in the air doing his funny twisting act and diving into the tall grass (roughly 3' high in the ditch) and waited for me. LOL

Bindi kept trying to get as close to the mower as he could. He's suicidal. LOL

That's pretty much been my week. Work and work some more. Man it's been fun!!! Hope next week is the same! :]

Have a great weekend everyone! :]


Anonymous said...

So glad you've had such a nice week. The weather has finally been nice here too which has made it nice.

Yobeeone said...

Thanks! It's so much easier when the sun actually shines. LOL