Friday, May 30, 2008


Look at this!  I'm getting a post out early! LOL  It's been quite a week.  Tiger came home.  I got my garden planted.  I'm enjoying snitching leaves from my herb garden and making delicious coucous with them. 

The funniest moment was last night I heard this loud noise by my bedroom window.  I looked out and there was Bindi hanging on the screen looking in at me. 
The look on his face was like spiderman had just been caught. Anyway, in a flash he shot up the side of the cottage and onto the roof.   It was hilarious!

When I went outside to see him, he was on the edge of the roof waiting for me.  Smarty pants.  LOL  I hope the baby birds manage to survive his relentless attempts to snatch them. 

Welp, I'm outa here for the weekend!  :]  Make it a great one!  :]
Blogged with the Flock Browser


Unknown said...

We finally get you back and the weekend comes and you are gone again. Have a wonderful weekend.

Yobeeone said...

It's my latest magic act. LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a nice weekend. Sounds like you had a nice week.