The title should really be irresponsible parents, their irresponsible kids and killing pets for no reason, other than it’s a tradition or trend to have a particular pet. Prepare for my k’vetch.
To my right, across the yard, in a pen is a dying dog named Emmy. Emmy is the by-product of a couple kids saying, “Oh she’s so cute!!! I want her!!!” Of course, in this generation of see, want, buy – the kids get the pet. The parents know full well, unless they’re in some sort of sick denial, that their kids are irresponsible, and will not take care of the pet.
However, the kids will run around telling everyone how wonderful their pet is and how much the love the pet they totally ignore. The irresponsible parent’s try to pass the buck by saying, “If you get the puppy or kitten, you’re responsible to take care of it. We’re not helping you.” So when the moment comes that the pet needs to go to the vet, the parent will say, “I told you, it’s your responsibility. We don’t have the money to take your pet to the vet.” However, there’s always plenty of money to waste it on constantly eating out, rather than actually cooking a respectable meal.
Meanwhile, the pet suffers because no one wants to take responsibility.
It’s shameful. People like that have no business having a pet. It’s cruelty to animals – literally.
So! I’m taking care of the pet and trying to get it put to sleep. Unfortunately, not being able to drive and living 8 miles from the vet I can’t get it there myself. I know very few people and none of them are available to help me get Emmy to the vet. If it wasn’t for me, Emmy would have no water. Emmy would have no food, because she can’t eat unless she’s hand-fed. It’s shameful and right now I’m absolutely furious over the whole thing.
Sadly, same person who has the dog, is about to kill a sweet little cat as well, while all the while claiming (as the dog has been) how much they love the cat and can’t wait to take it home……blah blah blah….so they can kill through neglect. I hate to see this little cat die. It’s precious, and thankfully I’ve gotten to care for it over a month, so at least it’s had a good life, which is something it won’t experience later. I hate this. And right now, I’m hating every irresponsible person in the family for being abusive to animals.
Stupid, idiotic, irresponsible, moronic, immature, redneck trash.
There, I’ve had my k’vetch and I feel a little bit better.
I’m sorry little Lillie, I wish I could protect you from the horrible fate that awaits you. I wish I could stop it. You don’t deserve what they’ll do to you.