Image via Wikipedia
From there, I started renovating the dog pen where my nephew kept his annoying dog for awhile. I'm turning it into a greenhouse (GH from here out). It was the only solution I could come up with that would keep the cats out of the plants when I put them out to harden.
It's also going to be my herb garden. Yip! The only way to keep the cats from digging up the plants and keep Jeffie from spraying them. Some will go in raised beds and the others in pots. If there's room I'd like to put in a cold frame. BTW, the cold frame pic above isn't mine. I just put it up for those who don't know what a cold frame looks like.
Next, was transfer all the stuff I'll be using in the GH, pots, trays, etc. from the side of the cottage to their new home.
Wish I'd had thought of filming the cat fights over the catnip I planted for them last year. They were wild! LOL
Weather permitting, I'll try to get some pics of my little projects tomorrow. : )
Outa here for the night!