Friday, January 30, 2009

End of the week and what were you talking about???

LOL So I confused you guys with the last post, eh? muuuhahhahahaaaa....

Let me try to undo a bit of the confusion. :] FOW is Fairy Odd World (Lo throws shoe at Yo because she already knows that.).

A podcast is basically a pre-recorded radio show. Some are live, but not mine. Podproducer is a computer program I use to create them. Sadly, stupid new pc won't let me use that software.

Gemara is Talmud which is the oral part of the Law that was given to Moses on Mt. Sinai. So what's the oral part? Welp, the Torah tells us to keep Shabbat, but it doesn't tell how. That's because Hashem explained it to Moses and he simply told everyone else. It didn't need to be written.

The Torah tells us to keep kosher, but doesn't tell us how. One more time, that's because Hashem told it to Moses and he relayed it to everyone else.

So, when did it get written down? After the destruction of the Second Temple, Rabbi Yehudah haNasi (haNasi means "the prince") wrote down the oral part of the law because he was afraid it would be forgotten because of everyone being separated and going into exile.

In the gemara the Rabbi's argue back and forth about various laws and a bunch of other stuff. And I shall leave it at that before I bore you to death. :] Anyway, here's a page of Talmud. It's written in what's called Talmudic aramaic. Have a great weekend! :]

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A happy morning!

I'm happy to announce we still have electric!  B"H!

My aunt and uncle in town don't and neither does one of my AVON customers.  The bad part for her is her husband has the flu and their propane tank is almost on empty.  Not good.

We're not supposed to have any precipitation today. YES!!!  I'm waiting to see if the temp warms up to above freezing.  If it does I'm taking my bike to Jim's.  It's only 1.8 miles away and I need a few groceries.  As long as no one's stupid dog tries to chase me I should be fine.

Tried to get my new podcast up at FOW.  I worked for a several hours on it last night, but podproducer won't pick up the music and sound effects.  It did on my old pc, but not this stupid new one.  I'm trying it again today.  If it doesn't work I'll do a boring one.

At least it was a cool idea. I was re-enacting the Gaza war.  :]  Hey!  Wait!!! I could pull out my army men and do a video version!  Just might do that!

Before I go, let's explain the army men.  I use them sometimes when I'm trying to figure out an argument in gemara.  (long pause)  On second thought, just pretend I never mentioned I play with army men to learn.  LOL!!!!  I need a chavruta.

Off to eat, daven, review Sanhedrin 4b before class at 3:00 and work on my pod or video cast.  :]


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Introducing little Gracie Elisabeth!

Here's a pic of my middle nephew Tim's little girl.  She's a sweetie!  :]  Gracie was born Monday.   


Today has been wild.  I thought for sure we were going to lose our electric.  It was flashing on and off like crazy.  I was glad when it finally settled down.

I feel so bad for the wild animals.  A finch showed up at my window looking for food.  I felt horrible.  I don't have anything or any way to get to Jim's (2 miles away) to get any bird feed.  I put some cat food out.  Hopefully that will help some.

We've been snowed in all week.  It's not looking much better for tomorrow.  It's like an ice rink outside.  hmm...I wonder how the squirrels are doing with the trees iced?  hmm...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New crossword puzzle up! :]

At long last! I've got the online version of the weekly Torah Crossword Puzzle up!

Since a few people mentioned that last weeks was a bit hard, I made y'all a little cheat sheet! At the bottom of the puzzle is a word list to choose your answers from. :] For those who like searching through scripture for the answers that you don't know, ignore list. :] The scripture search reference is under the crossword title. :] Anyway, here's the link to Torah Friday. The links and stuff are in the left column. :]

If you don't get through, weebly might be updating. They should, I hope, be done by 8:00 PM.

On to more news! Kitty chucked up some blackish looking stuff that looked like it had dead black worm looking things in it. We're pretty much snowed in so if it's something serious there's no way to get her to the vet. I'm calling tomorrow to find out what might be happening. She hasn't looked all that great for a couple days. Her eyes look really tired. Poor baby.

The deer are having a time finding water. Everything is frozen over. Tonight I saw them making their way down the hillside to the creek in front. I saw a few open spots in the ice this afternoon. I'm checking again tomorrow and if the holes are closed over I'll have to open them again.

Anyway! Still got some stuff on my to-do list left, so I'm outa here. Enjoy the puzzle! :]

IDF gives Hamas a lesson in human shields - Road90

This is excellent! hamas like to use women and children as shields to hide behind when fighting Israelis. The IDF gives hamas a taste of their own medicine.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Hey guys! I know I'm behind in writing. Dystonia brain here has gotten herself overloaded again and is finding it safer to refer to herself in the third person. :]

But seriously though folks! I've been working on my gardening plans and built the first of 3 greenhouses. It's going through it's first torture test tonight when the snows hit.

Then there's the scooter - 2007 Yamaha C 3. It's awesome! I'm trying to work out the details to make sure I can actually get it on the roads since it's a mini-motorbike. Tomorrow I'm calling a friend of mom's who has a scooter to get the low down on it.

Then there's yeshiva! Monday @ 1:00 I have Jewish Thought. Tuesday and Thursday @ 3:00 I have gemara (Talmud) and Wednesday I have Chassidic Masters.

Then there's trying to figure out the direction for my FOW site. I posted a few things earlier just to get it up. Now, I'm working out some of the nitty gritty. There's so much happening between the fraud occupying the White House to the crud going on in Israel with Gaza and the elections that it's hard for me to settle on one thing.

But! I'm am getting a wee further with my podcast. I gathered some more info today that will be helpful. I think I have enough now to make a decent show. :]

Welp, I'm outa here. It's getting late and I can hear a hot cuppa Ovaltine calling me. :] Catch ya later!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009

last minute dash!!!

Running completely behind!  Here's the link to the new Fair Odd World site.  Click on the Torah Friday tab to get access to the new puzzle!

Have a great weekend! --Yo and the gang

Thursday, January 15, 2009

For your evenings pleasure

Welp, I'm officially freezing me bum off. It's 9:30 and 7 degrees. I feel so bad for the outdoor cats. I can't find Kitty, so she's going to suffer it tonight in the sub-zero temps.

Anyway, I'm heading off to bed but wanted to get my pic up. They're not all that great because the lighting in the living room suks. Anyway, Jeff was defying me to take his afghan away from him. He likes it. LOL BTW, the colours didn't come out right in the photo. The real colours are teal, spring green, red, purple. Sounds gross, but in real life they look pretty cool. LOL

I would have spread it out on the bed, but the cats refused to move and I was afraid they'd claw the poor thing to death if I covered them.

I like the size. It covers a twin bed. :]

Anyway! I'm out here. It's super cold.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My toes are cold

and so is the rest of me.   :]

Not one of my best days for getting things done.  I finally got podproducer to work on my pc.  It worked great on my old one...may it rest in peace.  I'm spending tomorrow working on a podcast to put up at the new FOW site and putting together the new Torah crossword puzzle. 

I haven't updated FOW since Monday because I'm still working on it's focus.  If you haven't watched the videos on the vid page yet, check them out.  They're really good.  :]

Anyway, right now I'm mamash sleepy and ready to crash.  Tiger and Spotty are driving me meshugah.  They keep trying to tear their door out to escape and I won't let them because of how cold it's going to get tonight.

There's a new stray cat hanging out in the barn.  He looks just like Kitty.  He's hurt one of his front paws so I'm trying to keep Spotty away from him and putting food out in the barn.  I hope he eats it instead of the mice and rats woofing it down.

He was on the porch when me and mom pulled up the driveway this afternoon.  He was peeking into Morris' cubby looking for food.

Anyway,  I'm outa here.  Heading off to do dishes and hit the sack.  :]  Good nite everyone! 

PS:  I'll post a pic of my afghan tomorrow.  Squeeky refused to get off it this afternoon.  LOL

Monday, January 12, 2009

howdy chilly ho

brrrr....I repeat....brrrr...

I'm 1.5 rows away from being finished with my afghan!  yes!!!  I'm proud!  I'm proud!  I spent all yesterday working on it.  It was worth it.

On to bigger and better things!  Bindi FINALLY used the door twice in a row by himself.  Now if he'd just figure out that he can come in through the little door!

The biggest!  My new Fairy Odd World site is up!  It's a whole new look and with weebly, instead of blogger.

There's a video page, links and soon a book review page!  OH!  And my Torah Friday page will be up tomorrow.  It will have weekly Friday crosswords and word search puzzles! 

If you have high speed internet, ya gotta check out the first two videos on the video page.  They're the best vids I've seen in a long time.

I really like this new layout.

Anyway, let me know what you think of the new and improved site.  :]

PS:  Glad everyone enjoyed the crossword puzzle.  :]

Friday, January 9, 2009

Yes!!!! Time for some fun!

This is a short one! First off! Hey Di! Nice to know you're still alive. Mazel tov on your marriage! :]

Second! Squeeky isn't scared of the kitty door anymore. Now to get her to open it herself. Bindi is still being a baby and wants me to do it for him and if I don't he sits whining. Big sissy.

Spotty's hole in his head is bigger than before. If he'd leave it alone he'd be fine.

I'm freezing to death. (shiver shiver)

Now for the cool stuff! This is my very first crossword puzzle to make with the program I bought awhile back! It's a torah puzzle and covers Adam to Avraham! Good luck. muuuhahahaaaaa

Anyway, here's the online version:

To play: click on the question and where's it's located on the grid will light up.

OR!!!! If you want to down load the pdf so you can print it out:

Anyway! Let me know what you think! :] Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The unwanted gift...

Why do human's scream when they see a dead mouse on the floor with a big piece missing from it's gut?


Jeff the Might Mouse Killer

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Spotty

Today I showed the human how I can stealthily move in and out of the house now on my own without her knowing it until I'd sneak up and surprise her.  I'm certain there were a few times I made her pee.  The floor was wet anyway and it wasn't me.

Then I showed Jeff how to do it.  He's almost as good as me slipping in and out.  Bindi has finally caught on.  He's not very bright.  I think he's and idiot.  The human says he's just a baby and lazy.  I still say he's and idiot.  Jeff said he was something else, but I'm not allowed to use that kind of language in public.

I also grossed her out today!  I dug some more on my ear and had this big hunk of dead flesh with dried blood sticking up in the air over my now bald, open, and semi-gushing wound.  I thought she'd barf.  Just for the fun of it, I kept trying to rub it against her leg.  She squealed in  horror.

Welp!  That's it for now.  I've got to escape before she locks me in.  Good nite! or Day!  And try really hard not to think of a gaping wound in my head.  Try not to picture my tiny skull at the bottom...or the oozing liquid and crusty blood...and...aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh  GET AWAY FROM ME HUMAN!!! THIS IS MY STORY TIME!!!! HEEEELLLPPPP!!!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A rainy Sunday....

Spotty came home this morning with his wound looking pretty good.  He had ripped the infected spot open so it could bleed and now there's a big gross hole.  Can't wait till it heals up. 

The cats are beginning to rebel against the kitty door.  They're sick of  me trying to teach them to use it themselves. 

Chubby simply refuses to go near it. 

Kitty dares me to show it to her and growls and hisses at me. 

Bindi sits and looks at me with a blank stare. 

Jeff gives me a look that says, "Could you just open the flap for me right now.  I'll do it myself later.  I don't feel well."  And he doesn't, so I open the flap.

Spotty likes it. 

On to other exciting things!  There was a huge dog on my porch last night trying to get into Morris' cubby.  Thankfully, Morris wasn't in it.  I chased the stupid dog with my pistol.  Mom said to start shooting under them.  Problem is - I'm right handed and my right eye is a blurry floggy mess.  I'm going to try it anyway.  The worse that can happen is I kill the dog.  (happy grin)

Welp, I'm gone!  I've nearly finished knitting 3/4 of my afghan.  I'm 18 rows away from changing colours and doing another 108 rows.  :]  Can't wait till it's finished.  I'll take a pic and post it when I am.  :]

Friday, January 2, 2009

I'm an idiot by Spotty

  At least that's what the human said.  I can't help it if I'm always picking fights and getting hurt.  I can't help it if my big ears always get maimed.  I can't help it if I stink really bad right now from my latest fight.  Little boy cats are supposed to stink anyway, I don't know what the big deal is.

Oh, well, now she's shoving these purple pills the size of Jeff's big butt down my throat...I'm escaping!!!   

The human responds:

And he did!  In an act of desperation he quickly figured out how the kitty door worked and he was outa here!  Sissy.

Anyway!  Have a great weekend everyone!  I'm outa here to get ready for Shabbos.  It comes in at 4:59.  I'm cutting it close.