LOL So I confused you guys with the last post, eh? muuuhahhahahaaaa....
Let me try to undo a bit of the confusion. :] FOW is Fairy Odd World (Lo throws shoe at Yo because she already knows that.).
A podcast is basically a pre-recorded radio show. Some are live, but not mine. Podproducer is a computer program I use to create them. Sadly, stupid new pc won't let me use that software.
Gemara is Talmud which is the oral part of the Law that was given to Moses on Mt. Sinai. So what's the oral part? Welp, the Torah tells us to keep Shabbat, but it doesn't tell how. That's because Hashem explained it to Moses and he simply told everyone else. It didn't need to be written.
The Torah tells us to keep kosher, but doesn't tell us how. One more time, that's because Hashem told it to Moses and he relayed it to everyone else.
So, when did it get written down? After the destruction of the Second Temple, Rabbi Yehudah haNasi (haNasi means "the prince") wrote down the oral part of the law because he was afraid it would be forgotten because of everyone being separated and going into exile.
In the gemara the Rabbi's argue back and forth about various laws and a bunch of other stuff. And I shall leave it at that before I bore you to death. :] Anyway, here's a page of Talmud. It's written in what's called Talmudic aramaic. Have a great weekend! :]

Let me try to undo a bit of the confusion. :] FOW is Fairy Odd World (Lo throws shoe at Yo because she already knows that.).
A podcast is basically a pre-recorded radio show. Some are live, but not mine. Podproducer is a computer program I use to create them. Sadly, stupid new pc won't let me use that software.
Gemara is Talmud which is the oral part of the Law that was given to Moses on Mt. Sinai. So what's the oral part? Welp, the Torah tells us to keep Shabbat, but it doesn't tell how. That's because Hashem explained it to Moses and he simply told everyone else. It didn't need to be written.
The Torah tells us to keep kosher, but doesn't tell us how. One more time, that's because Hashem told it to Moses and he relayed it to everyone else.
So, when did it get written down? After the destruction of the Second Temple, Rabbi Yehudah haNasi (haNasi means "the prince") wrote down the oral part of the law because he was afraid it would be forgotten because of everyone being separated and going into exile.
In the gemara the Rabbi's argue back and forth about various laws and a bunch of other stuff. And I shall leave it at that before I bore you to death. :] Anyway, here's a page of Talmud. It's written in what's called Talmudic aramaic. Have a great weekend! :]