Wednesday, December 31, 2008

From Jeff the Cat

Silly human completely forgot she has a blog called Yobeeland.  So I shall update you on our human's small and depraved world.

Today she installed a cat door.  Naturally being human she took us for fools, as though we had no idea how to work one, so she set about to demonstrate.  Sadly, her butt was too big to squeeze through the tiny door and she may be stuck there for life.

Enough about her!  Here's a pic of me enjoying my new door!  Tomorrow I'm putting bars over it and reporting her for cat abuse.

Monday, December 22, 2008

A bum freezing happy chanukah!

yes!  My bum is freezing...along with my nose and my toes!  Even my beloved cabin socks I knit several weeks back can't keep me little tootsies warm. It's 10.9 degrees at the moment and falling.  Last night it got down to 8.  Tonight it's going lower.

I knit a tiny cap for my great niece who will be born roughly Feb. 5.  It's really cute.  Next is a blankey.  Wanted to start it today, but I don't have enough yarn.

Anyway, I'm taking the week off from work.  I'm tired.  I was in bed all weekend sick.  B"H, my brother bought me a big bottle of Vicks NyQuil.  It's a life saver.

So, I'm spending my free week knitting, learning Talmud and goofing off with the cats.  :]

Hope everyone has a great week!  Off to check out everyone's blogs and off to get my daf in for the day. 

Good nite!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Starting life over at 52...

Dang.  Bad news tonight.  My brother just called my mom and said the plant where he works is closing in 2 months.  He's confused as heck.  He  has no idea what he's going to do.  He might go to school, but he doesn't know what he'd take.

Evil nephew also loses his job, but it doesn't matter, he's still young enough to go back in the military.  I'd mentioned earlier that he planned on joining the National Guard.  He was sworn in today.  yea!!!  Can't wait till he leaves for training.  He doesn't have to go for the full boot camp since he was in the Air Force. 

Youngest nephew was talked out of going army and he's going Air Force.  Smart choice - they have better uniforms.  lol  Anyway, he heads for boot camp in January.

I feel for my brother.  I told mom if my mind ever returned, as well as my body, I'd be so far behind the times in my field that it'd be ridiculous.  I'd have to take adult education classes to get caught back up.  He's been a janitor in the plant for most of the past 15 years and doesn't have any training in anything.  He's in for one wild ride.

He's lucky though.  He owns his home, so no payments there.  He has free heating - he has a natural gas well.  His other bills are squat, so he won't hurt too much.  I think he's set for at least a year.

Anyway!  Sorry for not being in touch lately.  I've developed new symptoms and I'm tired.  You can only fight so long and then you have to give yourself a break and that's what I've done lately.   Thankfully, most of you know what that's like.

Once I'm back in command I'll catch everyone up on stuff. 

Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

Tribute to Ellen Rice Brooker

Ellen Rice Brooker
Aug 9, 1953 - Oct 30, 2008

This was the shock of the week. Friday we found out a good friend had passed on Oct. 30. You miss these things when you don't take the local paper. She had been sick for awhile and the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong, by the time they discovered it was autoimmune hepatitis - it was too late. Her liver was too far gone to recover or for a transplant.

I knew Ellen since I was three. She was my hero and my babysitter. She taught me how to tie my shoes, play the piano by ear, taught me how to bowl and how to have a stinking ton of fun!

When I was really little she knew I thought it was cool that she was in the band, so at one home game she came up in the stands so I could see her uniform. It was so cool that when I hit sixth grade I joined the band.

Ellen always had a big smile for everyone. She was one of those rare people whose face literally glowed. She also loved travel and adventure.

She also cared about the young kids around her.

When I was in junior high, she saw that none of us kids had anything to do and she wanted to give us a place where we could hang out, have fun and be away from bad influences.

She went to her pastor and asked to turn the church basement into a youth center. I think Ellen was around 21 or so at the time. He agreed. Next on her list was to find people to volunteer cool stuff for the center. By the end, she had a pool table, ice hockey table, foose ball table and a bunch of board games.

Toss in a really little black and white TV with coat hangers and other wires and roughly a ton of tin foil for a great snowy reception and waa laa! The Methodist Youth Center was born!

Ellen spent most the time in the kitchen making popcorn and and homemade pizza.

There were a number of us who didn't live in walking distance of the center, so she'd stuff us in her car, pick us up and take us home. Sometimes we didn't get home until around midnight.

It wasn't until a lot of years later that I realised what it took for her to pull off all she did for us. She worked full time, was actively involved in her church, then there was us and somewhere in between she had a social life. LOL

One of my favourite memories was hanging out with her and her friends. Thankfully, her friends didn't mind having a kid in junior high tagging along with them every week and I didn't mind people making fun of me because I hung out with my former babysitter. :]

Anyway, we were at my bus drivers house (his daughter and Ellen were good friends) eating popcorn, homemade pizza drinking pop and playing cards. About 2:00 in the morning we got a call from mom asking where the heck I was.

"I'm with Ellen at the Webers playing cards."

Mom ordered me home. I never have figured out what her problem was. I was with Ellen and her friends. The worst that could happen is I might eat too much pizza and throw up. LOL

Anyway! We had a big laugh about it and mom will continue to be made fun of for it till the day she dies.

I could sit here all day and write stories but I'll end it here.

The world lost a gem.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


That describes me. I'm beat.  November caught up with me this week.  It took a lot for me to do NaNoWriMo and this week has showed it.  I'm dead.  I even stink.  Not really.  Shut up, Jeff. I do not.

Anyway, I'll catch up on reading everyone's blogs after Shabbos.  Tomorrow's going to be wild trying to get ready for Shabbos.  The cottage is a mess, thanks to me and muddy feet cats. 

If you want to download today's word search puzzle, a.k.a. "A Frosty Search!" , OH! and want to read a ridiculous review I did on an Avon product (you're guaranteed to laugh) go here: Wrinkle World.  The link to the word search is at the end of the article.  :]

Catch y'all later!  I'm off to bed. zzzzz...............

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Having a heck of a time waking up today. Basically, I've accomplished nothing but fight with AVON because their site crashed and I couldn't place my order online.

The problem with the site being down meant if anyone tried to place an order at my online store they wouldn't be able to. That's frustrating.

But on to good news! Bindi is cleaning his wienie. Squeeky, Spotty, Kitty and Chubs are crashed on my bed. Morris is snug as a bug in his heated hide-away and Jeff is somewhere under mom's house. I'm sitting here trying to stay awake. :]

I've posted some new product reviews at Wrinkle World. I'll have another review up later - when I get off my lazy duff.

There's some cool new posts at Stroke Facts.

Tomorrow I hope to put some new stuff up on my squidoo lenses.

OH OH OH!!! Do you guys like word search puzzles? If so, I have a word search puzzle maker now! It's really cool! I posted my first puzzle on today's Wrinkle post. Look for the PS at the end of the post!

Off to figure out supper. I'm not really hungry so cream of wheat! Here I come! :]

Catch ya later!