Sunday, November 30, 2008

I WON!!!

WOW!!! I can't believe I survived Nanowrimo!!!! I'm so stinking proud of myself! :] I ended with 50,373 words which were broken down to 3 stories: "Attack of the Mini Moose," "Revenge of the Mini Moose" and "Peanut and the Missing Monkeys!" Peanut was a main character in the Mini Moose stories.

I'm taking a week off and then I'll start the editing process.

Anyway, look to the left and see my proud winners badge of courage! :] I'm gloating.

Spending today lubing and cleaning my beloved sewing machine, tweaking a set of curtains, knitting a second pair of socks and celebrating my victory!


Thursday, November 27, 2008

good news...

I love good news.  :]  News like evil nephew will be leaving soon for National Guard training.  Too bad he's not going back in the Air Force...too bad he left it.  Too bad he'll be back after his training.

My middle nephew, Justin, will be going in the army in January.  He hates being in debt with school loans, so army was the way to go after he graduates from Hocking College next month.  Smart move, although I think he should have gone Air Force...they have better uniforms.  lol

Any who, I think every male should have to serve time in the military.  It should be here like it is in Israel - mandatory military service, both male and female. 

I envied all my friends getting to serve in the military after graduation.  I wanted in the Air Force really bad.  But, in '79 the military still had strict standards.  I had seizures and arthritis - that ruled me out.  Now you can practically get in if you're dying of cancer.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing where Justin gets posted.  It'd be great if he ends up at Fort Jackson in SC.  It's a nice place, nice area, I think he'd like it there and FJ is right by Walmart.  LOL

He'd hate the heat though, but you get used to it after awhile.  I also have friends there which would give him some off base connections.

On to another subject.  The cats have enjoyed Turkey Day.  They've gone through 2 cans of Friskies Turkey and Giblet dinner and loved every bite of it.  They ate better than me.  I had veggie soup and homemade biscuits.  :]

Welp, I'm off to see how close I can get to finally finishing my novel.  I'd hoped to be completely done by today, but this has been a mamash tough week and I haven't felt well (dystonia).

Catch ya later!  Hope everyone is having a great day! 

Monday, November 24, 2008

Wasted day?

I feel like today has been totally wasted.  It's dark and dreary out and I've had no energy at all.  I keep falling asleep at the pc.  lol

Anyway, I got a direct update on Chaim (the kid I asked for prayer on) from his mom.  He had a severe reaction to Motrin.  He nearly died.  I did a search on "severe reaction to motrin" earlier and this is what I found:   This describes him perfectly, and is much easier than me typing it all.  It's freaking scary.

They currently have him on morphine to dull the pain.  That's going to be a mess in itself when he comes off it.

Apart from that, it's quiet.  Everyone's spread out about the house asleep.  Bindi finally quit his wanting out every 30 seconds.  He'd run to the door, I'd let him out and 30 seconds or less he'd jump on the window ledge and want in.  I think he was bored.  LOL

I have around 16,000 or something words left till my novel is finished.  I'm excited!

Lastly, I did an AVON product review about pet beds and added a couple tips for getting your pet to actually sleep in one.  :]  Click here.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Emergency call out

A friend of mine's youngest son is in ICU and has been since last Shabbos. 

Docs don't know what's wrong with him and naturally keep predicting the worst.  He hasn't made any signs of improvement. 

So, tehillim for Chaim Shimon ben Chana. 


Monday, November 17, 2008


I'm froze.  Didn't accomplish as much today as I wanted. 

Morris' electric kitty heating pad came today.  Sadly, when the sun went down the evil possum chased him away.  I hate that thing.  I'm leaving the pad on tonight, just in case Morris comes back. 

He loves it.  Stayed on it from the time I put it out until evil possum chased him away. 

Welp, I'm yawning.  Still have a lot of writing to do for nanowrimo, dishes to do and washing to put away. 

PS:  Remember my mini-comic book, "Revenge of the Cat!" Welp, it's posted on my Doodling Strokie site.  :]  I'm putting up part 2 tomorrow. 

Also put a new AVON product review up at the Wrinkle.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Feeling super proud!

Just completed book 1,"Attack of the Mini Moose!" for nanowrimo!  It's 25,000 words long and my eyes feel like it. I've written over 9,000 words since last night to finish it.  I'm beat and excited all at once.

I'm off to clean my craft room and start in on some projects.  I have a number of sewing projects I need to do for the cottage. 

Later this evening, I'll start book 2: "Revenge of the Mini Moose."  It's going to be half the length of book 1.  I have to be finished by motzei Shabbos in order for me to stay on target for the 50,000 word challenge.  :] 

Then it's on to book 3: "Mini Moose: A New Hope!"

Welp, my eyes are killing me and my tummy's growling, so I'm outa here.  I'll catch up on everyone's blogs when my eyes stop hurting and burning.  :]


Friday, November 14, 2008

Last minute updates before Shabbos!

Added a super cool video no making minis scrapbooks to my making memories lens. 

Added a couple new articles on soy milk:  tips for cleaning your soy milk maker and tweaking the flavour!

Added a new product review to the Wrinkle!

Have a great weekend.  I'll catch up on blog reading after Shabbos.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's up!!!

Finally got my "How to Make Soy Milk" lens up!  Stop by and check out the polls!  :]

Off to nanowrimo, torah reading and finally to bed.  Good nite!

Kitty sleeping pad update!

Morris' pad is scheduled to arrive Monday!  yea!!!!  He just has to suffer a little longer and he'll be warm again! 

I'm going to put it in the dogs little igloo.  There may be a lot of head room and excess space, but I think the heater will make up for it, plus I'll be a little flap over the doorway.  That should make it nice and toasty inside.  :]

Outa here to get my squid lens up!  later!

sleepy morning

It's 24.4 out. brrrr....hope little Morris is ok.  I felt better last night when Spotty decided to spend the night outside.  Morris wasn't out alone.

Busy day ahead.  I have a new squidoo lens I'm putting up.  If anyone could, please check out my "Making Memories Scrapbooking" lens.  I just made it yesterday.  If you could leave a comment on the lens and give it a rating (rating place is directly under lens name) it would help improve my ranking. 

Ranking's important because the lower the score the better the odds are of people finding it.  :]

Anyway, there's a poll you can vote in, videos that give scrapbooking tips, list of eBay scrapbook stuff, an Inspiration Alley with cool pics from Flickr of some pretty cool scrapbooks, gift ideas, etc.  :]

Also if you could pass the lens along.  It might help improve my rank.  :]

Outa here to get my 5 mile moring bike ride in and a short workout with my Iron Gym. 

Make it a great day!

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Monday, November 10, 2008


I stuck my head outside earlier and the bitter cold cut straight through me.  I looked around for Morris. He'd headed for cover early.  He's not staying in his little home I set up for him.  He got ran out by the possum.  I'm working on a new place for him.

In the meantime!  I just placed an order for him!  Check this out!

It's an outdoor heated kitty pad.  Hopefully, Morris will love it.  If not, there's 7 other cats who love being outside and I'm sure one of them will take to it.  :]

It's late and I'm off to bed.  Big day ahead of me tomorrow. Good nite.

Debris shelters and the cat from hell.

Just got back a short while ago from Good Medicine Camp.  I'm trying to build a temporary shelter before working on the permanent one.  I don't have much hope the permanent (hobbit) shelter will be done before the ground freezes.  Once it does, it won't thaw until late Spring.

Anyway, Bindi met us (me, jeff, squeeky) at camp.  I have a sneaky suspicion that's where he was when I was trying to get him to come with us on the trip up.  Sneaky little boy. 

If you don't know what a debris shelter is check out this link: How To Create A Debris Shleter.  It has a couple pics.

On the way back, the cat from hell, Kitty, attacked Squeeky.  Squeeky was so afraid to come off the hill, I had to carry part way back till she felt safe.

A little further down the hill, the cat from hell attacked Jeffie.  It was a battle getting Jeff to come off the hill.  He was scared stiff.  So, of course, once he did come down Bindi took full advantage of the situation and launched his own attack rolling Jeff across the field in a tight hug.  They were so funny.

So, that was my day.  Back to work. Trying to get my new squidoo lens up within the hour so I can start catching up on my nanowrimo novel.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Alas, I tried, but thanks to HUSSEIN obama it's time to surrender...

Welp!  I shut down FOW because I was bored with it.  But now that HUSSEIN obama, a.k.a. muzlim bastard is taking an office that doesn't belong to illegal aliens, I feel compelled to re-open my former blog, tweak it and make it fit the battle slogan, "Dissent from Day One!" or I just might create a new blog altogether. 

So!  Yobeeland returns to tracking my uneventful life and the battle returns to the FOW. (tomorrow-ish)

Meanwhile, check out the Sultan's brilliant post for the game plan

Never surrender! Never give up!

PS:  On the lighter side!  Check out the tweaks I made to my Doodling Strokie site and let me know what you think!  Leave a comment on it!  Rate it!  Help me get it's little rankings up.  And!  If you know of someone who has had a stroke or just likes to doodle, pass the link along.  :]

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

This is just too good to be true, but it is true and it's hilarious!

This is what the liberals wanted for a "vice-president".  They wanted a dipsomaniac!  Watch it and laugh!  :]

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3rd post for your amusement. LOL!

This is from Oct 3, 2008 and it cracks me up!  Enjoy the read!  When you don't know your job. 

2nd post of day

The Sultan expresses my sentiments exactly.  Click his name to read the full article.  It's another excellent read.

Sultan Knish
"For my own part I do not recognize Obama as my President, nor will I refer to him as such. He has no legal right to serve in office nor has he won a legal election. Nor do his cronies have any right to serve in any position they are appointed to.

We have a long journey through dark lands ahead of us. Let us hope to soon once again emerge into the light."

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The only good news...

Mike Bartrum, retired tight end for Philly Eagles, won last night and is now our County Commissioner!  GO MIKE!!!!!

Now!  To all you bloody, worthless, anti-semitc, America hating, bastard liberals - every single one of you - I hate your guts.  You've brought nothing but destruction on our country by electing an illegal alien who is a muzlim, a socialist commie and connected with terrorists.

Secondly, as a Jew I hate your guts even more.  Yes, every one of you who voted for that bastard.  Never at any time in history have my people been safe under a socialist communist regime.  We usually die in great numbers. 

As is, in the past 48 years, because I'm a Jew I've had my life threatened on numerous occasions, been attacked, fired, had more anti-semitic crap thrown at me than I care to remember, etc.

My former synagogue was defaced numerous times.  We had to end our yearly holocaust remembrance march because it stopped being safe.  Our JCC was vandalised on more than one occasion. 

If it was like that in a democratic society, what the bloody hell is it going to be like now, you filthy stinking swine?

Years ago FEMA began creating concentration camps.  There's over 600 with the largest being in Alaska.  I hope your bloody selves end up there before I do.  Because you ignoramouses that's what happens in  socialist commie countries.  Camps are set aside for rebels who refuse to submit to evil.

But go ahead.  Live in your blindness. 

Remember the expression, "he who has ears to hear, let him hear?"  Well, guess who's deaf!

The battle lines are drawn and you are the enemy.

Rant over.  I need tea.

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

the #1 response of the day!

This was a classic liberal response from someone after I sent them off to the Sultan's site showing who the muzlim's criminal associates are.  The response back was:

"You don't seem to have a clue about political ideologies, the way you band all of these together! But that's your perogative!"

Let's just say, I haven't stopped laughing!  LOL!!!!

BTW, check out the Sultan's post and you'll know why I'm laughing so hard at her response.   (big grin)

Favourite twitter post of the day!

This is my absolute favourite tweet someone posted earlier today!

"I'm going to vote and go buy another gun."

morning thoughts for D-Day.

Welp, this is it folks.  Will the lazy liberals who want to mooch off the government turn our country into a socialist communist regime or do we remain a FREE country.

Stupid liberals want a socialist/communist country but have no idea what socialism is.  Let's take a look at one very important thing that  happened over the past couple months in "web land." 

A big scream hit twitterville when word broke out there's the possibility of limiting our time on the internet.  Panic was ensuing.  If we are limited to the time we're allowed on the internet, businesses will collapse, some will barely eek by and others will never be allowed to exist.

Like it or not - that's socialism.  Socialism seeks to control the population.  You do it by finding ways to cut people off from one another, as well as their businesses.

Internet marketers are a threat to socialism.  Those who run them are mavericks. Mavericks are independent thinkers.  Socialism despises that and seeks to destroy it at all costs.  You can't control mavericks.  They're only allowed to exist in FREE countries. 

Here's something to think about.  Why do you think people fled their socialist/communist homelands?  Just for the fun of it?  Are you that stupid you can't figure out how horrible it was for those people?  Are you that intellectually inferior to not understand the same will happen here?  Obviously you are and I curse you for your foolishness and your gross stupidity. 

If evil should win today, may the biggest blunt of it fall on your heads and you suffer worse than those who stood for what's right.  You have no idea how much I mean that.

You see, the difference between you and me is this - I love my freedom.  I love being able to try and build a business from scratch.  To create something that never existed in this or that form before, in only the way that I can create it.

I love trying to fight my way off government support.  Government support, by the way, is socialism.  They keep you in control that way.  You're forced to rely on them.   I hate being on it and I WILL find my way off.

Some people are happy and content to be on government support.  They're lazy.  They think it's grand and never want it any other way.  They have no self respect.  They have no pride.  They're sick and the refuse of society.  To them, socialism is heaven, but only because they're ignorant and have no clue what socialism really is.  Then again, if they did I doubt they'd care.

People, if you think the subject of politics ends today, I guarantee you it won't - not if the socialist, communist muzlim wins.  The battle has only just begun.

How do I know?  Because, there's people in Crown Heights who are bracing for another possible pogrom tonight and all because of today's elections.  Need I say more?

If you don't know what a pogrom is - look it up.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Maybe you'll listen to this guy....

This guy is absolutely brilliant. However, it does come with a warning. The first half of this video is for everyone. The second half, you'll know where it's at, is for my christian visitors only, to challenge them one more time - are you a hypocrite or do you really stand for what you "claim" you believe.

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Sunday, November 2, 2008


So far this week I've managed the following:

1. Falling full force onto my right knee. It's all messed up.
2. Rehurting that knee on numerous occasions.
3. Maimed my left pinky which kept the whole side of my hand numb for several hours.
4. And today - food poisoned myself. I barfed up my entire meal of beans. I barfed it in the trash can. I barfed it on the floor. I think I barfed it every where except right out the door.


My body still isn't feeling so great, but let this be a lesson to me - don't let beans sit out for hours on end, even if it is just beans and water. Alas poor body...I knew it well.

So back to pondering. As mom was driving me back from picking up 3 cans of 7-up from the machines outside Jim's, I said I never thought I'd see the day that I'd be sitting two days away from an election that would determine whether we become a socialist-communist regime or remain a free democratic country.

Twitter friends have stopped following liberals because their posts are sickening. The blindness. The determination of the liberal to hear only want he wants to hear, despite what he's hearing is in fact, the exact opposite of what he thinks is being said boggles the mind.

"In a world where communication is becoming increasingly important, and where day after day we are required to "get behind the words" to the truth of the statements from our political leaders, our television and radio, our newspapers and magazines, and our business and scientific advisers, it is essential for all of us to develop our capacity for logical analysis. As propaganda and persuasion techniques have become more sophisticated, so has the mental equipment needed for sorting the wheat from the chaff."

From: Tony Buzan, Make the Most of Your Mind (New York:Fireside, Simon and Shuster, 1988) 133.

Well said. Especially for this time in our history.

Speaking of history! There has never been a time in their existence that liberals have contributed anything positive to society. Nor have extremists, like those behind the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades.

Tuesday will reveal how much the liberals have successfully reared their hideously ugly heads in an attempt to destroy the only truly free country on the planet.

Beliefs will be put to the test. Are you a hypocrite? Or will you stand for what you "claim" to believe?

At this point in the show I've lost every cowardly liberal coming on to read my post. Why? Because they are firm believers that truth suks and is highly over-rated.

For those who are insane enough to stick around I shall continue on with my rants and leave you with a few of my favourite quotes from Dumbledore to Harry Potter:

"Sometimes we have to choose between what is right and what is easy."

And my favourite of all time:

"It is our choices, Harry, that show us who we truly are, far more than our abilities."

Everyone who has voted in advance for the muzlim. Everyone who will vote on Tuesday and votes for the muzlim, have voted for America to become a socialist, communist regime.

Check out my earlier post today of Arnold telling why he left his country to come live in America. He grew up under a socialist regime. He knows what it's like. Try listening to him.

It is by their choices that show us who they truly are.

Think about it.

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For those who are voting to be a socialist regime.

Like it or not. Those of you voting for the muzlim are voting for socialism. Arnold grew up in a socialist regime. Here's his excellent opinion on the subject. Listen to his exposure on your muzim messiah.

This next video where the muzlim talks about Civilian security isn't the pleasant thing you might think it is. It's part of his socialist game plan that will eventually be similar to the KGB/Gestapo.